Pence introduces Planned Parenthood defunding bill

Planned Parenthood: I wrote yesterday that in the coming days and weeks, House pro-lifers would be introducing 4 important bills.

PHOTOS: Mike Pence in pictures

The 1st, a bill to Repeal ObamaCare , is already in motion, starting yesterday.

VIDEOS: Mike Pence in videos

And today, Congressman Mike Pence introduced our 2nd bill, the Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act , which would cut off Title X funding to organizations that commit abortion. The most obvious target is Planned Parenthood , which Congressman Pence spotlighted in his statement: It is morally wrong to end...

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Derek Wallbank posted 8 days ago (via twitter)

Bill to block govt grants to Planned Parenthood has 3 MN co-sponsors: Bachmann, Cravaack & Kline.

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