Planned Parenthood: Congressman Mike Pence dropped a bill in the hopper today in the House of Representatives that would revoke federal Taxpayer funding for the Planned Parenthood Abortion business.
PHOTOS: Mike Pence in pictures
The Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act ensures that Taxpayer money authorized by the Federal Government for family planning efforts supposedly to reduce abortions don’t go to the nation’s biggest Abortion business.
VIDEOS: Mike Pence in videos
Last year alone, according to Planned Parenthood’s own annual report, it received...
Mike Pence to defund Planned Parenthood and other taxpayer funded abortion providers
Mike Pence to defund Planned Parenthood and other Taxpayer funded Abortion providers
Good! And it’s about time. You want to get an Abortion and kill an innocent life? Don’t expect me to pay for it! According to CNSNEWS, Rep. Mike Pence has introduced a bill in the House that would prohibit Abortion providers from receiving federal funds through Title X of the Public Health Service Act. This includes Planned Parenthood, which got over $360 MIILLION in tax payer money via government ...
Mike Pence Introduces Bill to Stop Tax Dollars from Going to Nation's Top Abortion Provider--Planned Parenthood
Thank you Mike Pence..
Rep. Mike Pence (R-Ind.) has introduced a bill in the House of Representatives that would prohibit Abortion providers from receiving federal funds through Title X of the Public Health Service Act, including Planned Parenthood, which received more than $360 million in government Grants and contracts in Fiscal Year 2008-2009 .
“The largest Abortion provider in America should not also be the largest recipient of Federal Funding under Title X,” Pence sai...
Mike Pence Introduces Bill to Defund Planned Parenthood (Video)
Rep. Mike Pence (R-IN) introduced Legislation yesterday to defund Planned Parenthood. Today, Congressman Mike Pence introduced our 2nd bill, the Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act , which would cut off Title X funding to organizations that commit abortion. It is morally wrong to end an unborn human life by abortion. It is also morally wrong to take the Taxpayer Dollars of millions of pro-life Americans and use them to promote abortion at home or abroad. Last year, Planned Parenthoo...
Rep. Mike Pence Introduces Anti-abortion Bill
Pence introduces anti-abortion bill ahead of conservative gathering
Rep. Mike Pence, the Indiana congressman who is considering a presidential bid, introduced an anti-abortion bill Friday that is certain to be greeted fondly by many Republicans ahead of his attendance at a conservative gathering in South Carolina this weekend.
The measure, which has 122 cosponsors and is called the Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act, seeks to ban Federal Funding to organizations that perform aborti...
Pence Introduces Bill to Ban Federal Funding to Abortion Providers
(CNN) - Rep. Mike Pence, the Indiana congressman who is considering a presidential bid, introduced an anti-abortion bill Friday that is certain to be greeted fondly by many Republicans ahead of his attendance at a conservative gathering in South Carolina this weekend. The measure, which has 122 cosponsors and is called the Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act, seeks to ban Federal Funding to organizations that perform abortions. A version of the measure was first introduced two years ...
Pence introduces Planned Parenthood defunding bill
I wrote yesterday that in the coming days and weeks, House pro-lifers would be introducing 4 important bills. The 1st, a bill to Repeal ObamaCare , is already in motion, starting yesterday. And today, Congressman Mike Pence introduced our 2nd bill, the Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act , which would cut off Title X funding to organizations that commit abortion. The most obvious target is Planned Parenthood , which Congressman Pence spotlighted in his statement: It is morally wrong to end...
Republican Mike Pence Introduces Bill to Defund Planned Parenthood and Other Abortion Providers That Receive Taxpayer Dollars
Friday, January 07, 2011
By Penny Starr
Rep. Mike Pence (R-Ind.) (AP Photo)
( - Rep. Mike Pence (R-Ind.) has introduced a bill in the House of Representatives that would prohibit Abortion providers from receiving federal funds through Title X of the Public Health Service Act, including Planned Parenthood, which received more than $360 million in government Grants and contracts in Fiscal Year 2008-2009.
“The largest Abortion provider in America should not also be the largest ...
Pence introduces anti-abortion bill ahead of conservative gathering
(CNN) - Rep. Mike Pence, the Indiana congressman who is considering a presidential bid, introduced an anti-abortion bill Friday that is certain to be greeted fondly by many Republicans ahead of his attendance at a conservative gathering in South Carolina this weekend. The measure, which has 122 cosponsors and is called the Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act, seeks to ban Federal Funding to organizations that perform abortions. A version of the measure was first introduced two years ago. "...
Space on the social right
Social Conservatism certainly isn't the flavor of the moment, and there's some question of how it'll fare in the next generation of the right.
But right now it's a clear, well-organized space for figures seeking a national profile, and Mike Pence is as good as anyone at holding it:
Rep. Mike Pence, the Indiana congressman who is considering a presidential bid, introduced an anti-abortion bill...
Three Fifths of a Whole Person, Left Out By GOP in Reading Constitution?
The new Republican controlled House of Representatives decided for the first time in history the U.S. Constitution, the law of the land and the foundation of our system of governance, would be read in its entirety on the House floor. Well, according to a number of liberals, almost in its entirety. There are sections of the Constitution that are no longer in force due to amendments that supersede the previous clauses. The GOP chose not to read those obsolete portions of the Constitution. The libe...
Washington Week
The Senate and the House convened the 112th Congress, passing and adopting mostly routine housekeeping measures and conducting leadership Elections. The Senate opened to a bit of acrimony when the two leaders differed on whether the Senate rules should be changed and how to go about these rules changes without trashing 200-plus years of Senate history. Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., made an impassioned Speech about how the Senate Democrats have abused their power by how they have legislated over t...
Giffords's Office Was Vandalized by Followers of Former Militia Leader
Mike Vanderboegh, a former 1990s Militia leader from Alabama, enouraged readers of his blog to throw bricks through the doors of members of Congress who had supported President Obama's Health Care bill last spring. One of the doors broken was that of Democratic Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, who was shot at a rally in a Tuscon Supermarket earlier today. Police have said the unidentified gunman, who shot Giffords at point blank range in the head along with several other members of her staff, i...
Not yet released, Abby Johnsons book is shooting up the charts!
I received an advanced copy yesterday and have had a hard time putting it down. It’s excellent - compelling, intriguing, full of insight, and giving me a lot to think about. Here’s a description: Abby Johnson quit her job in October 2009. That simple act became a national news story because Abby was director of a Planned Parenthood clinic in Texas who, not long after assisting in an actual Abortion procedure for the first time, cross the line to join the Coalition for Life . Wh...
Clergy Slam NYC's 40% Abortion Rate
Archbishop Timothy Dolan at a Chiaroscuro Foundation Press Conference
Yesterday, a group of clergy members gathered to denounce the 40% Abortion rate in New York City. The Health Department had previously revealed that of 87,273 pregnancies were "induced terminations," compared to nearly 127,000 live births (there were also over 11,000 miscarriages), which means NYC's Abortion rate is about double the national rate. Archbishop Timothy Dolan said, "I’m frankly embarrassed to be a member ...
VIDEO Q&A;: Michele Bachmann Discusses the Welfare State, the Debt, Defunding Obamacare and Planned Parenthood, and Building a Wa
Wednesday, January 05, 2011
By Terence P. Jeffrey
In this Nov. 2, 2010 file photo, Minnesota GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann is seen before a television interview in Bloomington, Minn. (AP Photo/Andy King, File)
( - When asked Rep. Michele Bachmann (R.-Minn.) last month what she would do about the current fiscal situation if she were president of the United States, Bachmann said she would start by explaining to the American People that we were “standing on a precarious p...
Newly empowered House pro-life leader calls for investigations of Obama/Clinton for exporting abortions worldwide
On December 21 the “worst nightmare” of Abortion proponents was realized when pro-life leader Congressman Chris Smith (R-NJ) was named chairman of a House subcommittee that is very important to pro-lifers. I’ll let pro-abort Jane Roberts explain their fears, who wrote at RH Reality Check right after the November election: And if Chris Smith (R-NJ), an arch enemy of reproductive health and family planning, chairs one of the subcommittees - the Africa and Global Healt...
Kentucky legislature weighs ultrasound abortion requirement
Louisville, Kentucky | Fri Jan 7, 2011 3:56pm EST
Louisville, Kentucky (Reuters) - A bill requiring any woman seeking an Abortion to be shown an Ultrasound image of her fetus is expected to go to Kentucky's House of Representatives next month, a legislative spokesman said on Friday.
The bill, which cleared the state Senate on Thursday, also requires that information about Abortion be given to the woman at a face-to-face meeting the day before the procedure. A similar measure failed in a commi...
Let’s break out the chainsaws - 5 programs the GOP can cut today
I want to give Speaker John Boehner the benefit of the doubt. Really, I do. But it's hard when he fumbles the gimmes like he did in an interview with Brian Williams of NBC News. WILLIAMS: Name a program right now that we could do without. BOEHNER: I don't think I have one off the top of my head. Dude. You're on national television and you can't name one useless government program? Tell me again why we elected you Speaker? I'm no career politician but I can come up with 5 things to cut without br...
Taxpayer Funded Union Jobs
From BigGovernment
New York Cityâs No-Show SEIU Snow Jobs
by Don Loos
Big Labor and politicians across the United States have transferred union costs to Taxpayers. For example, SEIU Local 444 (The Sanitation Officers Association) has six full-time union officials who are paid full-time city benefits and Salary, yet work 0.00% of the time for New York City. These Sanitation Officers are working on everything but New York City business â including po
Focus on four federal pro-life bills
In coming days and weeks pro-lifers will be asked to contact their congresspersons to support four pro-life bills. I’m going to list them now, because getting piecemeal calls to action down the road may become confusing and overwhelming. But boiling it down, we’re being called to focus on these four: 1. HR 2, Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act : Repeal of ObamaCare. You can call on this one now; it’s moving fast. Plan is to vote on it January 12. Go here to see list ...
The Last Interview Of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords
Email Sent! You have successfully emailed the post. The last TV interview of Gabrielle Giffords, the Arizona Representative who has been assassinated, was on Fox News yesterday where she championed a 5% across-the-board paycut for Congressmen. To embed this post, copy the code below and paste into your website or blog. US Rep. Shot In Arizona, An... Receive email updates on new comments! Maybe this is why she was shot. These guys will kill anyone: "U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords’ provision...
Time Reporter Betrays Constitutional Ignorance in Bemoaning GOP 'Cult of the Constitution'
As the House of Representatives read the Constitution aloud on the chamber floor Wednesday, the uproar from the left came as a bit of a surprise. Less surprising, perhaps, was that a number of the whiners don't actually understand the document they claim the GOP sullied with political stunts. No, I'm not talking about Ezra "the text is confusing" Klein. The latest lefty to demonstrate his constitutional ignorance, Time Magazine's Washington correspondent Alex Altman, decrie...
Making environmental history
"This government has taken more concrete measures for the environment than any other Federal Government in history," he said.Talk about setting the bar high! Surely this isn't the Conservatives environmental position these days, is it? Or did he just get carried away in the moment there? Emily Dee noted a few days ago that a similar statement appeared in Julian Fantino's electoral campaign material: Canada now has tough new regulations against Toxic Chemicals and one of the most aggressive plan...
A.M. Vitals: FDA Cancer Division Head Defends Avastin Decision
Yahoo! Buzz Defending Decision: The head of the FDA’s Cancer-drug division defended the agency’s proposal to strip Genentech’s Avastin of its marketing approval for Breast Cancer, the WSJ reports. Richard Pazdur tells the paper that there were longtime issues with the trial Genentech says shows Avastin can delay tumor growth in advanced breast cancer patients, and that the cost of the drug wasn’t an issue. Studies have not shown that the drug prolongs actual survival in b...
Dear House Republicans: This Will Be Unacceptable
I am receiving extremely credible information that Friday morning House Republicans may put Rep. Leonard Lance (R-NJ) on the House Energy and Commerce Committee.
Let me be clear here: this would be an affront to Conservatives of all stripes.
It is bad enough the House GOP chose to ignore Conservatives when it came time to choose chairmen of the Energy & Commerce Committee and of the Appropriations Committee.
It is a slap in the face to add Leonard Lance to the Energy & Commerce Commit...
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Richard Holbrooke Remembered For China, Bosnia, Afghanistan
Top Priority For Republicans: Cutting Federal Spending
Sarah Palin Follows Own Advice In Media Dealings
Tracheotomy Lets Surgeons Remove Giffords' Feeding Tube
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Want A Republican President? How About Herman Cain
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Christina Green, Youngest Tucson Victim, Laid To Rest
Glenn Beck Supports Barack Obama. Seriously.
Planned Parenthood received 363 million dollars in 2009 alone.- Mike pence
Rep. Mike Pence : "I propose stopping funding to Planned Parenthood ." So ppl who want to plan their parenthoods can't decide to stop it.