New York City : HORRIFYING. ...
New York abortion rate review shows 39% of pregnancies terminated
ABC and CBS News set off an Internet firestorm with reports that 49% of Pregnancy outcomes in New York City terminate by Abortion. The Big Apple’s Health Department reported on over 210,000 pregnancies in 2010. Over 87,000 of those pregnancies ended in terminations. At least no one can accuse the pro-choice community of not doing its part to end overcrowding in Manhattan. Asian and white pregnancies ending in abortion: about 20% for each group. It’s not a measure of pregnancies, but...
39% of New York Pregnancies End in Abortion
You can’t say something witty about the cold-blooded Murder of babies: you can only look at the statistics, then quickly close your eyes and start praying. NEW YORK (CBSNewYork/AP) - Archbishop Timothy Dolan is calling for efforts to make Abortions in New York City “rare.” Dolan gathered with other Religious Leaders on Thursday to draw attention to the city’s high abortion rate. The city Health Department last month released statistics that showed 39 percent o...
Stanek weekend question: Where are obvious places religious leaders can help lower NYCs soaring abortion rates?
Pro-choice and pro-life groups alike are shuddering at the news that 4 out of every 10 pregnancies in NYC ends in Abortion. Data released Friday by the city’s Health Dept. reveals that in 2009, there were 87,273 abortions and 126,774 live births. The abortion rate broke down along demographic and geographic lines: 60% for black women, 41% for Hispanics, 22% for Asians and 20% for white women…. Overall, the Big Apple’s abortion rate is more than twice the national average of 19%...
Rush Limbaugh on New York Citys Staggering Abortion Numbers Audio 1/7/11
Here is audio of Rush Limbaugh yesterday dropping truly shocking Abortion statistics being reported by ABC New York (their article actually says 39%). In New York City, 41% of all pregnancies end in Abortion - and the rate among Minorities is even higher (60% among Blacks, 41% among Hispanics, 23% among Asians). The rate among “Non-Hispanic Whites” in 2009 was 20%.
Rush takes issue with the leftist takeaway from those numbers - That there is something wrong with “...
Light of Christ Can Overcome Abortions Culture of Death
Herod was motivated by intense fear and desperation, which lead him to destroy others to preserve his position and protect his throne. So often today fear motivates terrible decisions, adding to the culture of death in which we find ourselves. Our culture tends to disregard hope while overemphasizing every fear to the extent that death is seen as the answer to many difficult human struggles. Death is promoted as the answer to a difficult Pregnancy. Death is often th...
Babies in Trash Cans
Posted by JM Ashby
Joining us tonight in the WTF File is -again- Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) who seems to have some sort of fanatical fetish for the subject of unwanted pregnancies and Abortion. The man just can't stop himself from blurting out the most ridiculous things that come to mind in his efforts to fearmonger over abortion, unwanted pregnancies, and non-traditional families.
Here was Steve King just this past week on the subject of abortion:
I often go into a High School auditorium or mee...
Abortion Carnage in NYC
These numbers from NYC on the Abortion rate are shocking in a world where shocking has ceased to have much meaning. As summarized by CBC News:
"The city Health Department last month released statistics that showed 39 percent of pregnancies ended with induced termination in 2009."This equates to 90,000 abortions in NYC annually.
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The Rape Victim as Criminal
This news story from The Saudi Gazette (hat tip: Vlad Tepes) is so fundamentally disturbing that I’ve put the entire text of the article below the jump. If you are sensitive to issues related to Rape and sexual violence, you may want to skip it: JEDDAH - A 23-year-old unmarried woman was awarded one-year Prison term and 100 lashes for committing Adultery and trying to abort the resultant fetus. The District Court in Jeddah pronounced the verdict on Saturday after the girl confessed t...
Jivin Js Life Links 1-7-11
Dr. Drew Pinsky has indicated that MTV’s No Easy Decision Abortion special made him uncomfortable: “The topic makes me uncomfortable,” Pinsky admitted Thursday at the Television Critics Association press tour in Pasadena . “But the paradigm there is I felt the conversation was worth having. You have to let the conversation occur.” Archbishop Dolan said Abortion statistics in NY indicated that it was unlikely that the practice would soon end. But, he added: “W...
Happy Hour Links
Get alerts when there is a new article that might interest you. Package explodes at a postal facility, intended for Homeland secretary Janet Napolitano. 39 percent of pregnancies in New York City end with an Abortion. According to Dave Barry, it's mostly lows. The Military Obama wants us to have. Insist universities explain their opposition to ROTC. Robert Gates was wrong on the F-22, and much more. ...
Republican Mike Pence Introduces Bill to Defund Planned Parenthood and Other Abortion Providers That Receive Taxpayer Dollars
Friday, January 07, 2011
By Penny Starr
Rep. Mike Pence (R-Ind.) (AP Photo)
( - Rep. Mike Pence (R-Ind.) has introduced a bill in the House of Representatives that would prohibit Abortion providers from receiving federal funds through Title X of the Public Health Service Act, including Planned Parenthood, which received more than $360 million in government Grants and contracts in Fiscal Year 2008-2009.
“The largest Abortion provider in America should not also be the largest ...
Not yet released, Abby Johnsons book is shooting up the charts!
I received an advanced copy yesterday and have had a hard time putting it down. It’s excellent - compelling, intriguing, full of insight, and giving me a lot to think about. Here’s a description: Abby Johnson quit her job in October 2009. That simple act became a national news story because Abby was director of a Planned Parenthood clinic in Texas who, not long after assisting in an actual Abortion procedure for the first time, cross the line to join the Coalition for Life . Wh...
Clergy Slam NYC's 40% Abortion Rate
Archbishop Timothy Dolan at a Chiaroscuro Foundation Press Conference
Yesterday, a group of clergy members gathered to denounce the 40% Abortion rate in New York City. The Health Department had previously revealed that of 87,273 pregnancies were "induced terminations," compared to nearly 127,000 live births (there were also over 11,000 miscarriages), which means NYC's Abortion rate is about double the national rate. Archbishop Timothy Dolan said, "I’m frankly embarrassed to be a member ...
Shock: 41% of New York City Pregnancies End in Abortion
A new statistic released by the New York City health department is shocking pro-life advocates across the country today as it shows 41 percent of pregnancies end in Abortion. That compares with the figure of about 20 percent of pregnancies nationwide ending in abortions, as the abortion rate has been reduced over the last two decades from one in three to one in five pregnancies resulting in an abortion and the destruction of human life. The new city numbers, from 2009, show 87,273 abortions in N...
The new Babylon: 41% Of NYC Pregnancies End In Abortion
35 They built high places for Baal in the Valley of Ben Hinnom to sacrifice their sons and daughters to Molek, though I never commanded—nor did it enter my mind—that they should do such a detestable thing and so make Judah sin. - Jeremiah 32 (NIV)
Moleck was an Old Testament Ammonite god to which many, including Israelites, sacrificed their first born Children in return for a promise of prosperity. Today, many have been convinced in this...
Mom 1925-2011
Looks like I’ll be taking a little more time off than I thought, Mudflatters. I got the news last night that my mom passed away, so I’ll be tending to family matters until next week. Others will pop on and leave you things to read and discuss.
I debated whether to post what I’d written today. It has nothing to do with politics, although my mom was a dyed-in-the-wool Democrat and progressive. There was no rebelling on my part. The Apple didn’t fall far from the tree. Ult...
Ezra Levant and the image makeover of the oil sands
Last updated Thursday, Jan. 06, 2011 9:14PM EST Conservative columnist and provocateur Ezra Levant is working to rebrand Canada’s oil-sands industry in the face of criticism from U.S. politicians and Environmental Activists who want Americans to Boycott the petroleum extracted from gooey tar. Oil-sands critics point to the hefty greenhouse-gas emissions generated in the process and blame the Alberta-based industry for a host of environmental ills. Mr. Levant’s 2010 book Ethical Oil t...
Fighting friends
Two people trying to knock each other out is not the first thing you might associate with tolerance. But there is something special about the bomb shelter-turned-boxing club in West Jerusalem. In a country which some argue is becoming increasingly segregated, it attracts Young People from a wide range of religious and cultural backgrounds. Ethiopian, Russian and Orthodox Jews all come here, as do Palestinians from East Jerusalem. Hidden underground, the walls are lined with black-and-white phot...
North Sudan faces its likely truncated future
Sudan will lose a third of its land, nearly a quarter of its population and much of its main money-maker, oil, if south Sudanese vote for independence in a Referendum Sunday as seems all but certain. Khartoum's government wants to make sure it doesn't lose its grip on power as well. President Omar al-Bashir has spent most of his 21 years in power vowing to his supporters that he will hold Sudan together. But he appears to have accepted the reality that southerners are determined to break away, a...
Warmist Insanity Today: Standing Up To “Polluters” Same As Standing Up To Nazis
And by Polluters, they mean "companies that release CO2, a gas necessary for most life on planet Earth": Why we need a law on ecocideSophie Scholl, a Munich University Student, was executed for revealing the truth about the activities of the Nazi authorities; today 20 brave Ratcliffe Whistleblowers have been sentenced at Nottingham crown court for plotting to draw attention to the truth of the activities of another German entity. This time, replace the tyranny of the Nazis with the tyranny of th...
North Sudan faces its likely truncated future
KHARTOUM, Sudan (AP) — Sudan will lose a third of its land, nearly a quarter of its population and much of its main money-maker, oil, if south Sudanese vote for independence in a Referendum Sunday as seems all but certain. Khartoum’s government wants to make sure it doesn’t lose its grip on power as well. President Omar al-Bashir has spent most of his 21 years in power vowing to his supporters that he will hold Sudan together. But he appears to have accepted the reality that so...
The Maltheists
Most people, including many who call themselves Christians, Muslims, and so on, are actually atheists in practice. Think about it. If you really, truly, believed that God is real and exists, then you would weigh your decisions and choose your actions with some serious interest in aligning things with His will, either out of love and evotion, or from fear of punishment or retribution. That does not match up well with the way people really act, including a disappointingly large number of mullahs...
Sarkozy: Christians in Middle East are victims of 'religious cleansing'
Mr Sarkozy made the statement while giving his annual address to Religious Leaders as Coptic Christians were due to celebrate Christmas yesterday, according to the eastern Orthodox church calendar. "We cannot accept and thereby facilitate what looks more and more like a particularly perverse programme of cleansing in the Middle East, religious cleansing," said the French president. An attack on a Coptic church in the Egyptian city of Alexandria on January 1 killed 21 people. While noon has clai...
Turks view U.S., Israel as biggest threats
Of the 1,504 Turks who participated in the December poll, 43 percent said the United States is biggest threat, 24 percent said Israel and 3 percent said Iran, with Greece, Iraq, Russia and Armenia scoring 2.3 percent to 1 percent, the Hurriyet Daily News reported Wednesday. "The U.S. foreign politics since the Iraqi invasion, the (U.S. detention of Turkish Soldiers in the Iraq War), the War in Afghanistan, repeated Armenian (Genocide) bills in the U.S. Congress and the negative statements that ...
Stopping a Genocide Before it Starts.
Mark Goldberg says the international anti-genocide movement that began in the wake of Darfur could prevent the next crisis in Sudan.
On Jan. 9, South Sudanese citizens will head to the polls to vote on a Referendum to determine if South Sudan will become a country independent from the rest of Sudan. That the southerners will overwhelmingly vote for independence is not in doubt -- the south fought a 20-year Civil War against the Sudanese central government that ended in 2005. Popular sentiment i...
Richard Holbrooke Remembered For China, Bosnia, Afghanistan
Top Priority For Republicans: Cutting Federal Spending
Sarah Palin Follows Own Advice In Media Dealings
Tracheotomy Lets Surgeons Remove Giffords' Feeding Tube
Reince Priebus Gets To Find $22 Million For RNC
Governor Pat Quinn Signs Off On Massive Tax Hike
Want A Republican President? How About Herman Cain
Kay Bailey Hutchison Promises To Call It Quits
Christina Green, Youngest Tucson Victim, Laid To Rest
Glenn Beck Supports Barack Obama. Seriously.