An intense debate on Federal Funding for Abortions is expected to begin shortly as Congress resumes debate on repealing the healthcare law. The House is scheduled to vote on a Repeal bill next week, after a one-week hiatus following last weekend…
Read more >>Hate Speech is not only harmful at a basic level of degradation, humiliation, isolation, the undermining of a certain social group or at an attempt to devalue someone alone. Hate Speech can also vulcanize marginal groups and radical people within …
Read more >>Grim news from the City of Death: 41% of all NYC pregnancies end in Abortion. Read Ed Morrissey for some qualifications on the numbers and watch the brief embedded video, in which we learn that Planned Parenthood is “not happy” about…
Read more >>I wrote yesterday that in the coming days and weeks, House pro-lifers would be introducing 4 important bills. The 1st, a bill to Repeal ObamaCare , is already in motion, starting yesterday. And today, Congressman Mike Pence introduced our 2nd bill…
Read more >>Friday, January 07, 2011 By Penny Starr Rep. Mike Pence (R-Ind.) (AP Photo) ( - Rep. Mike Pence (R-Ind.) has introduced a bill in the House of Representatives that would prohibit Abortion providers from receiving federal fun…
Read more >>People of Texas, I put this post as the first post of the day at RedState and at the top of my Morning Briefing because I cannot emphasize just how important it is. The long term future of Conservatism and federalism is in your hands today. You …
Read more >>A Florida lawmaker has filed a bill to exclude Abortion coverage from policies obtained through Health Insurance exchanges. States are required to set up the exchanges to provide coverage under the federal health care overhaul beginning in 2014. L…
Read more >>The new Speaker of the House John Boehner comes to the 112th Congress with a clear agenda for America's women. He is pro-life, and he plans to attack a woman's right to choose. In June 2010, Representative Boehner spoke at the National Right…