Young People: What would YWCA's founders think of today's equality dogma? (Photo: The Women's Library) The YWCA, formerly the Young Women’s Christian Association, has dropped its title after 156 years because “it no longer stands for who we are”.
PHOTOS: Condom in pictures
Instead the organisation will be known as “Platform 51”, a rather enigmatic-sounding name that could be a Wesley Snipes film, a band or the route to Hogwarts.
VIDEOS: Condom in videos
In a sense the name doesn’t matter; what’s significant is how the charity has c...
From super-predators to ACORN & public employee unions--the evolution of conservative demons today
The conservative panic over super-predators and an out-of-control underclass crime-wavetrunami turned out to be a False Alarm. Instead, it was super-rich criminals on Wall Street who brought America down. But the underlying conservative narrative did not die, which is why the "recovery" is doing more to destroy America than even the horrendous crash did.
Just after Christmas, I wrote a diary spinning off from a piece by Mike Konczal, "The Conservative World View and Prison Populations, ...
NYC's 41% Abortion Rate Riles Religious Leaders
Like this Story? Share it: (CBS/AP) In a noticeable departure from strict Catholic dogma decrying Abortion no matter what, New York's Archbishop Timothy Dolan called together Religious Leaders Thursday and asked everyone to work with each other to make Abortion "rare." Dolan's called for the gathering in light of a New York City Department of Health report (PDF) stating that induced terminations ended about 41 percent of the 214,454 reported pregnancies in the city last year. Nationally, the n...
Babies in Trash Cans
Posted by JM Ashby
Joining us tonight in the WTF File is -again- Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) who seems to have some sort of fanatical fetish for the subject of unwanted pregnancies and Abortion. The man just can't stop himself from blurting out the most ridiculous things that come to mind in his efforts to fearmonger over abortion, unwanted pregnancies, and non-traditional families.
Here was Steve King just this past week on the subject of abortion:
I often go into a High School auditorium or mee...
Study on Youth Abstinence and STDs: The Bigger Picture
A recent study hit the news waves earlier this week proclaiming that a statistically significant portion of young adults who say they are sexually abstinent are diagnosed with a sexually transmitted disease (STD). According to the study, conducted at Emory University, 10 percent of youth that reported no Sexual Intercourse in the last 12 months tested positive for an STD, with 60 percent of that 10 percent saying they had never had sex in their lives.
The proposed solution: require that all yo...
The new Babylon: 41% Of NYC Pregnancies End In Abortion
35 They built high places for Baal in the Valley of Ben Hinnom to sacrifice their sons and daughters to Molek, though I never commanded—nor did it enter my mind—that they should do such a detestable thing and so make Judah sin. - Jeremiah 32 (NIV)
Moleck was an Old Testament Ammonite god to which many, including Israelites, sacrificed their first born Children in return for a promise of prosperity. Today, many have been convinced in this...
New Census Report on Poverty Stuns, Galbraith Answers Austerity Fools
We got a Poverty problem hitting levels unseen since before LBJ’s War on Poverty. A Census report, using other factors to deem Poverty numbers, shows 47 million Americans poor. The report is a potent argument against slashing the safety net. If the net is cut the Poverty rate will go way higher. And in the next 2 years it’s likely this is what will happen, I fear. Of special note, the elderly and disabled faces rising Poverty rates due to Social Security not being enough to live on, ...
Clergy Slam NYC's 40% Abortion Rate
Archbishop Timothy Dolan at a Chiaroscuro Foundation Press Conference
Yesterday, a group of clergy members gathered to denounce the 40% Abortion rate in New York City. The Health Department had previously revealed that of 87,273 pregnancies were "induced terminations," compared to nearly 127,000 live births (there were also over 11,000 miscarriages), which means NYC's Abortion rate is about double the national rate. Archbishop Timothy Dolan said, "I’m frankly embarrassed to be a member ...
Bill would require Neb. schools to provide sex ed
The soaring rate of sexually transmitted diseases in Douglas County has led one Omaha lawmaker to introduce a measure that would require Nebraska schools to offer Sex Education classes. State Sen. Brenda Council, of Omaha, introduced the bill (LB192) on Friday. She says Douglas County, which includes Omaha, has among the highest rates of sexually transmitted diseases in the country, and that is "unacceptable." The bill would require all School Districts to provide age-appropriate and medically a...
Shocking: 41% Of Pregnancies In New York End In Abortion
Appalling, though not exactly a new development. This figure is actually down from 46% in 1998. New and eye-opening statistics about the rate of Abortions in New York City have been released by the Health Department. It raises questions about the effectiveness of current Birth Control education. 41% of all New York City pregnancies end in abortion. There may be some reason to believe that these numbers are a little inflated. Abortion clinics tend to be centered in major urban areas, and these st...
41 Percent Of NYC Pregnancies Result In Abortion
Dolan gathered with other Religious Leaders on Thursday to draw attention to the city’s high Abortion rate. The city Health Department last month released statistics that showed 41 percent of pregnancies were terminated in 2009. While the numbers have declined in the last decade, the Religious Leaders said they are still too high. The Wall Street Journal reports that the Religious Leaders also criticized public schools Sex Education programs that include Condom distribution....
The Culture of the Occupation
I was not sure how to title this post, for it is a fairly complex subject that needs to take into account several factors. I will start easy and simple and see where that will take me...
Echoes I hear from Baghdad and I will refer mainly to Baghdad as the center - the eye of the storm, so to speak, and from my observation of Iraqi Refugee youth outside of Iraq, either those whose have already emigrated - been placed in another country or are still caught in a limbo, in some psychological no ma...
Testing problem
In this week's Scrubbing Up, Dr Stephen Taylor, consultant physician in sexual health and HIV medicine, argues that lives are being unnecessarily lost because clinicians are reluctant to test for HIV.
I have been fortunate enough in my medical career to see real improvements in the treatment options we can offer our HIV positive patients. In the early 1980s we did not even have a name for HIV; now we have a wide range of anti-retroviral drugs.
We have made huge, rapid steps in our underst...
No frills schools?
Could cuts lead to no-frills schools? Stage combat fighting, drum workshops and performance poetry may not seem like central drivers of school achievement. And many may consider them to be frilly, additional extras that do little more than brighten up the school day. But teachers at the Beaconsfield School, in Buckinghamshire, say bespoke sessions with professional artists, through the Creative Partnerships scheme, help engage pupils and stop them dropping out of school. However, the programme,...
The New Jim Crow
The first time I encountered the idea that our criminal-justice system functions much like a racial Caste System, I dismissed the notion. It was more than 10 years ago in Oakland when I was rushing to catch the bus and spotted a bright orange sign stapled to a telephone pole. It screamed in large, bold print: "The Drug War is the New Jim Crow." I scanned the text of the flyer and then muttered something like, "Yeah, the criminal-justice system is Racist in many ways, but making s...
Teens and blacks face highest unemployment
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- The employment situation has improved overall over the last year, but large swaths of the U.S. population are lagging behind, including blacks, Hispanics and teenagers.
"Workers are on a jobs ladder. Where you are on that ladder depends on your education, your race, your gender," said William Rodgers, Professor of Public Policy and chief Economist at the Heldrich Center for Workforce Development at Rutgers University.
The overall unemploymen...
Southern Sudan makes 'Final Walk to Freedom'
JUBA, Sudan — The south calls it "The Final Walk to Freedom." For southern men who fought in decades of war. For villagers who suffered aerial bombardments. For young boys orphaned by conflict who ended up in U.S. communities as the Lost Boys of Sudan. The "walk" is a weeklong independence Referendum that starts Sunday for the southern third of Africa's biggest country, potentially drawing a border between the mostly Arab and Muslim north and the south, populated mostly by blacks who...
Catholic Church Abortion-Shames New Yorkers, But of Course They're Missing the Point
Abortion. Saying the word in the midst of a cocktail party will hush even the most intrepid of irreverent souls. Because even if you're pro-choice, you can't actually be pro-abortion, at least not in any public Fashion. Baby killing is always, always, always bad. Right? Which is perhaps why the much-maligned Pedophile-priest-troubled generally rather sexist and without-a-clue Catholic Church has glommed on to abortion as one of the things it can censure in New York City without fear of ...
Fullbore Friday
A quick FbF today taking a lot from my bud Stephen over at AcePilots.... young Greg had a rough childhood - divorced parents, alcoholic step-father (who Greg believed to be his natural father until he entered the Marine Corps), and lots of moves. He grew up in St. Maries, Idaho, a small logging town. Greg got his first ride in an airplane when he was only six years old.
In High School, he took up a sport that he would practice for many years - wrestling. Especially when he had had a few too...
Forbidden Love: Taboo and Fear Among Muslim Girls
Young Muslim women are often forced to lead double lives in Europe. They have sex in public restrooms and stuff Mobile Phones in their bras to hide their secret existences from strict families. They are often forbidden from visiting gynecologists or receiving sex ed. In the worst cases, they undergo hymen reconstruction surgery, have late-term Abortions or even commit Suicide.
Gülay has heard it from her mother so many times: An unmarried woman who has lost her virginity might as well be a
Suspended Grant Has Strange Bedfellows
A state-administered grant to provide Abstinence education services to the S.C. Department of Social Services (DSS) has been awarded to a group that features an Internet Porn writer on its Advisory Board. That’s some pretty delicious irony, isn’t it? The six-month grant - totaling $546,942 - was awarded last month to S.C. Parents Involved in Education (SC PIE), a group that features former S.C. Board of Education Chairwoman Kristin Maguire as one of its Advisory Board mem...
Georgy Satarov: Russia fuels rise of the right
In Russia, 2010 ended with an unprecedented upsurge of ultra-nationalist violence. Images of Rioting, fascist-minded thugs dominated television broadcasts.
The violence began following an everyday clash between two small groups of Young People at a taxi rank. One group consisted of Young People from the Northern Caucasus, the other of fans of a Moscow football club. One of the leaders of the Moscow fans
, Yegor Sviridov, was murdered.
Rumours raced around the city the next day t...
Kids Are Citizens. Let Them Vote.
by Jamelle Bouie
Should kids have the right to vote? Politico's Michael Kinsley says yes, sort of:
Or rather, extend the franchise to Children, but let parents vote on their Underage children's behalf. In effect, parents would get an extra vote for every child. How would this solve the entitlement problem? It wouldn't, directly. But it would revise the allocation of political power to more closely reflect who has the most at stake. It would reward long-term thinking rather than short-term thin...
The Retirement Age Is Too Damn High!
This post originally appeared at Campaign for America's Future (CAF) at their Blog for OurFuture. I am a Fellow with CAF.
The D.C. elite insist that the Retirement Age should be raised even more than the current 67. They have jobs where they sit in nice chairs behind nice desks in nice offices in affluent areas. They don't even know anyone who waits tables or cleans or lifts boxes all day. They don't even know anyone without a fat 401(k)K or who is in their 50s who can't find work. That's not thei...
MTV's Highest Rated Series Telecast Ever, Season Three of 'Jersey Shore,' Delivers 8.45 Million Total Viewers for Premiere
* Season covers September 2010-Present and excludes sporting events. MTV is the world's premier youth entertainment brand. With a global reach of more than a half-billion households, MTV is the cultural home of the millennial generation, music fans and artists, and a pioneer in creating innovative programming for Young People. MTV reflects and creates Pop Culture with its Emmy®, Grammy® and Peabody® award-winning content built around compelling storytelling, musi...
Young Adults Obsessed With Self-Esteem Boosts
Psych Central:
Researchers have discovered Young People may be focusing on self-esteem a bit too much.
Ohio State University scientists found that College Students valued boosts to their self-esteem more than any other pleasant activity they were asked about, including sex, favorite foods, drinking Alcohol, seeing a best friend or receiving a paycheck.
Read the whole story: Psych Central
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Christina Green, Youngest Tucson Victim, Laid To Rest
Glenn Beck Supports Barack Obama. Seriously.