Reid Responds To Kyl: 'I Don't Need To Hear Sanctimonious Lectures' About Meaning Of X-Mas (VIDEO)

Harry Reid: After Sen. Jon Kyl (R-AZ) accused Majority Leader Harry Reid of grinchery for suggesting that the Senate work the week after Christmas, Reid blamed Kyl's party for the delay that may push votes past the holiday. "As a Christian, no one has to remind me of the importance of Christmas for all of the Christian faith, for all their families, all across America," he said. "I don't need to hear the sanctimonious lectures of Sen.

PHOTOS: Harry Reid in pictures

Kyl and [Sen.

VIDEOS: Harry Reid in videos

Jim] DeMint to remind me of what Christmas means." "Whe...

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JaredHalpern posted 2 days ago (via twitter)

A vote on START is delayed until tomorrow. Majority leader Harry Reid (D-NV) is giving R's more time to talk about the treaty .

Lisa Desjardins posted 2 days ago (via twitter)

START TREATY NOW: Harry Reid has just moved to put the START Treaty on the Senate floor.

Rhonda Koenig posted 2 days ago (via twitter)

Harry Reid Shut Up! Getting ready 2 START Treaty & repubs are holding up the Senate on their biz, he's threating them on working thru xmas

John Hendren posted 2 days ago (via twitter)

Sen. Demint insists on oral reading of START Treaty - 12-15 hours worth. Time-management tip 4 Harry Reid : Hire the fast-talking Fedex guy.

Instafeed Test User posted 3 days ago (via twitter)

Washington (CNN) - Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has decided to begin debate on ratification of the START treaty as...

Lambda Devel posted 3 days ago (via twitter)

[instafeed] Washington (CNN) - Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has decided to begin debate on ratification of the START treaty as... posted 3 days ago (via twitter)

Washington (CNN) - Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has decided to begin debate on ratification of the START treaty as...

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