The Lame Duck Congress succeeded at passing significant Legislation despite speculation that nothing would get done between the 2010 Midterm Elections and the end of the year. What factors led to the major achievements of the Lame Duck sess…
Read more >>SAN FRANCISCO, CA --- The overriding goal of every First Term president is be a two-term president. There’s no more exhilarating thrill than to win a grueling campaign for president -- and no more humiliating experience than to …
Read more >>In yesterday’s column, No RINO left behind it became very clear that those the American electorate send to Washington on both sides of the aisle don’t have the Constitution or the American People in mind as they play their political ga…
Read more >>The Democratic National Committee (DNC) is urging its supporters to register to receive a "thank you card" from President Obama following the lame-duck session he hailed as the most productive in decades. "We had a dedicated group of lawmakers …
Read more >>Jamie Radtke, head of the Virginia Federation of Tea Party Patriots, has filed to run for the 2012 Virginia Senate race against Incumbent Democrat Jim Webb (pictured at right), the Wall Street Journal reports. Radtke told the Journal that s…
Read more >>Before the holidays, the Lame Duck Congress passed a flurry of far-reaching Legislation, including real Compromises (the tax package) and long-cherished progressive goals (the Repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”). This is al…
Read more >>As the year comes to close, the Democrats are working extra hard to ram through a gaggle of bills before they lose their majority in the House come January. Despite the fact that Lame Duck sessions are usually,well, lame, the Democrats have had qu…
Read more >>Looking back on what was destined to be a lackluster Lame Duck session, with the help of misguided RINOs (Republicans In Name Only) the Democrats accomplished arguably more in the three-week period than they accomplished in the prior two years. T…