Jon Stewart

Born: November 28,1962
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Jon Stewart news


McCollum blasts GOP plan to defund womens health services

Minnesota Independent - 19hrs 54mins ago

The Daily Show’s Jon Stewart took on Republicans who are attempting to defund Planned Parenthood, and as an example he used Rep. Michele Bachmann. Bachmann condemned Planned Parenthood’s “express centers” in Minnesota sayin…


Decline of Deviousness: Rumsfeld to Walker

Connecting.the.Dots - 1day 2hrs ago

The Daily Show offers an inadvertent seminar on the falling quality of public liars by juxtaposing a prank phone call to Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker with Jon Stewart's interview of master obfuscator Donald Rumsfeld. Granted that Walker is only a …


Jon Stewart Finally Talks to Rumsfeld (The Atlantic Wire)

Yahoo! News - 1day 2hrs ago

WASHINGTON, DC – It was a long time coming, but when Donald Rumsfeld--the butt of endless Daily Show segments--sat down with Jon Stewart, the result was a mostly cordial interview. After, of course, the host introduced his guest with this …


Jon Stewart Takes On Donald Rumsfeld: Certainty With Power Is Dangerous

Mediaite - 1day 12hrs ago

Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld is on a major league publicity tour promoting his new memoir Known And Unknown, affording the so-called architect of the Iraq War the opportunity to frame his own history. While his field from which he&#…


Jon Stewart and 'Both Sides'

Bob Cesca's Awesome Blog! - 2 days ago

I'm so thrilled that Digby has been sticking it to Jon Stewart on his "both sides" meme. Again, I dig Stewart, but this bullshit about how both the left and the right are somehow analogous has to stop. Stewart's too smart and savvy to be climbin…


Jon Stewart Ridicules All The Republicans Who Ridiculed Obama At CPAC

Mediaite - 9 days ago

Last weekend’s Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) was a veritable font of interesting news stories and entertaining video clips from conservative thought leaders and prospective Republican Presidential Candidates. While those wh…


Jon Stewart reviews the Egyptian revolution (Video) - 15th Feb 2011

Last night Jon Stewart admitted that one of things that separates him from a “real Journalist” like Walter Kroncite is his ability to take a week off during a historic story like the Protests in Egypt.  While other reporters showe…


Jon Stewart Reviews Media Coverage Absurdities Of The Egyptian Revolution

Mediaite - 15th Feb 2011

The latest chapter of of the revolution in Egypt occurred last week with the Resignation of Hosni Mubarak . Coincidentally, Jon Stewart and his team of minions at The Daily Show had the week off, so there was lots of news, media coverage and gener…