Chris Matthews: MATTHEWS: The guy’s a psychotic.
PHOTOS: Chris Matthews in pictures
But at some point, you decide between right and wrong.
VIDEOS: Chris Matthews in videos
And, at some point, you need that moral license. And you go, OK, everybody says she’s bad. I’m OK here. You know what I’m saying? Everybody says she’s bad. It happened in the environment, all these kind of environments. Once you get that final moral, OK, oh, they’re bad, so my psychosis fits in with appropriate targeting here. It’s refreshing to see Matthews openly at...
The Left's History Of Violence
The surest way to become a folk hero on the Hard Left is to kill a human being.
As Mumia Abu-Jamal, Joe Hill and Huey Newton could have attested, Murder trumps even Treason for establishing radical credentials. You certainly don’t get invitations to deliver commencement addresses, become the subject of folk songs, or hang with the likes of Marlon Brando and Jane Fonda by protesting a traffic ticket. Taking the life of another person elevates a radical to cause celebre status like nothing ...
Arizona: Lets start thinking about locking up lunatics
If any blame attaches to others, it is to authorities who had notice of his madness and did not do enough to confine him or prevent him from buying a gun. The Pima County Sheriff, who was quick to suggest the attack was among the "consequences" of Republican Rhetoric, also reported that the shooter's bizarre behavior was brought to the attention of authorities. Arizona reportedly gives authorities more leeway than most states to put such an individual under restraint or at least prevent him from...
How Many Children Will It Take?
Christina Taylor Green is a message spirit. She arrived on Earth on September 11, 2001, a day when Terrorists armed with no more than boxcutters turned jet airliners into guided missiles and slaughtered almost 3,000 people, mostly civilians. Indeed, she was one of the babies featured in a book, Faces of Hope, that looked at one baby from each of the United States born on that day. The third-grader had been elected to her Mesa Verde Elementary School Student council and was at the meet-up for con...
My Take: Sarah Palin's bogus persecution parallels
Editor's Note : Stephen Prothero, a Boston University religion scholar and author of "God is Not One: The Eight Rival Religions that Run the World," is a regular CNN Belief Blog contributor.
By Stephen Prothero , Special to CNN
Just when you thought American political Rhetoric couldn't get any more toxic, former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin is taking us to a new low, casting herself on her Facebook page not just as a Victim of the liberal media elite but as a Victim of "...
What's the Problem With Sarah Palin Using the Term Blood Libel?
Man some people are just looking for something to pick at. As reported earlier today, Sarah Palin released a heartfelt video this morning expressing her grief over the tragedy, relaying her prayers for the wounded and families of all the Victims, and throwing The Progressive nonsense suggesting that Palin, the Tea Party, and/or right leaning media had anything to do with inciting the violence. Her Speech spoke just the right tone and was delivered with dignity as opposed to bravado. But as the...
Putting a Bullseye on the Constitution
[ By Daniel Greenfield , crossposted from Sultan Knish.]
There is hardly a better way to degrade the entire idea of Political Speech than by classing everyone who is in any way critical of the government as "anti-government". Such a label creates two camps, the camp of government and the camp of everyone unhappy with government, and defines the latter camp by the actions of a psychotic killer, who was unhappy with government, grammar and higher mathematics, among a seemingly inexhaustible supp...
A Tale of Two Matthews: How Chris Matthews handled the Ft. Hood and Tuscon Shootings
Tags: Chris Matthews, How did Chris Matthews respond to both the Ft. Hood and Tucson shootings? Chris Matthews is one of the most horrible people on the air. Just look at his hypocrisy in this video above. Look at how loathe he is to talk about Muslims committing acts of Terrorism and how apologetic he is for the Islamist who shouted “Admiral Akbar!” at the top of his lungs before committing mass Murder…compared to how eager he was to blame the Tea Party for something one men...
What Kind of Memorial Service?
Get alerts when there is a new article that might interest you. Jennifer Rubin wonders whether the planned memorial service tonight in Tucson is appropriate. As the Washington Post reported yesterday, "The service is set for 8 p.m. Eastern time at the University of Arizona's Basketball arena, the school said. It will include a Native American blessing, a moment of silence, a poetry reading and the presentation of a chain featuring messages from members of the public, the school announced." "Fran...
Rep. Poe: No Room for Politics in Giffords Aftermath
ABC News’ Rick Klein reports:
On a somber day on Capitol Hill, the political discussion turned to the role of politics in the aftermath of Rep. Gabriel Giffords’ shooting.
On today’s “ Top Line ,” we asked Rep. Ted Poe, R-Texas - a friend of Giffords - about Sen. Bernie Sanders’, I-Vt., Fundraising appeal based on the shooting, and Sarah Palin’s video released to respond to criticism of her Rhetoric.
“I don't think anyone should use this as
Kanjorski: 'Only fruitcakes' would take my call to shoot a governor literally
Yesterday, Ex-Rep. Paul Kanjorski, D-Pa., published a New York Times op-ed saying "it is Incumbent on all Americans to create an atmosphere of civility and respect in which political discourse can flow freely, without fear of violent confrontation." I helpfully pointed out that the Congressman, who lost his seat this past November, would do well to heed his own advice given what he had said about Florida Governor Rick Scott: "Instead of running for governor of Florida, they ought to have him and...
Partisan Finger-Pointing Is Hypocrisy
The drumbeat continues blaming Conservatives exclusively (or at least disproportionately) for overheated, violent Rhetoric. But it is not that simple. In fact, some of the exact same people now posturing about a need for “civility” have themselves been guilty of the exact same overheated, violent rhetoric that they now (with no evidence) think is responsible for the Tucson attacks.
The fact is that we have a general problem with abusive, dehumanizing political Rhetoric. It didn
The Newspaper Just Went Off
Now is the time at Ed when we juxtapose!
As spotted by David Foster of the Chicago Boyz blog, here’s E.J. Dionne warning us that “abstractions are the enemy of responsible government”
E J Dionne, an establishment liberal who writes for the Washington Post, complains that many House Republicans “behave as Professors in thrall to a few thrilling ideas”-ideas, that is, about limitations on the power of government-and says:
Their Rhetoric is nearly devoid
The Four Most Dangerous Words To Your Portfolio
As we head into the New Year, media outlets ranging from CNBC to The Washington Post are full of financial commentary addressing this question. On the surface it seems like a logical query. But if you were getting ready to go out, would you ask “What Should I Wear?”… without describing where you are heading? Of course not. The clothes you’d wear to shovel snow in will be very different from the clothes you’d wear to a Wedding. That’s why “How Shoul...
Video: Maybe Loughner watched Chris Matthews
Could this have been Jared Lee Loughner’s call? Probably not, but if Chris Matthews continues to go down this blood Libel road, he and his guest should be held accountable as well for even discussing the notion of another massacre of Americans for President Obama to use to regain a connectedness to the American People. An easier way, with no bloodshed, would be for Obama to govern from the center and according to the will of the consent of the governed, ins...
Anti-Gun Nut Chris Matthews Blames Palin and Bachmann for Arizona Massacre
“Sarah Palin using gun play language. What is she talking about crosshairs and reloading…and Bachmann out there with her kind of talk. I mean it seems like the way people talk now has, has gotten more ballistic…Why are guns talked about so much, especially on the right? Why?”...
Chris Matthews Asks: What Is the Cause-Effect Relationship Between Derangement and "Right-Wing Crazy Talk"?
Despite the fact that we now know quite a bit about Jared Loughner's twisted background, the nincompoops over at MSNBC continue to feign ignorance, holding out hope it would seem for some shred of evidence showing that the Tea Party, Sarah Palin "target" maps, and conservative Talk Radio made Loughner go on a murderous rampage, or something. It is reprehensible beyond words. And yet, not surprising at all given what we know about the Left and their shamelessly dishonest cohorts in the media. So ...
Video: Chris Matthews Sarah Palin is Going to be Erased
Video: Chris Matthews ‘Sarah Palin is Going to be Erased’
More violent Rhetoric from tingles Chris Matthews and encouraging violence from MSNBC. Tingles had his libtard pals Cynthia Tucker and Richard Wolffe on “Hardball” tonight and said:
“If she doesn’t get off of this and stop trying to have somebody else skate her off of it like Glenn Beck or this person Mansour, she is going to be erased”
“as a potential Candidate”
How Chris Matthews Handled Tucson Shooting vs. Ft. Hood Shooting
You must login to comment. The Fox Nation is for those opposed to intolerance, excessive government control of our lives, and attempts to monopolize opinion or suppress freedom of thought, expression, and worship. Read more... We invite all Americans who share these values to join us here at Fox Nation. Investigators today released this Mug Shot of Jared Lee Loughner, the guman accused of killing six individuals and gravely wounding Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in Saturday's bloody spree outside a .....
Jealous Liberal Radio Hosts Join Chris Matthews in Blaming Conservative Talk Radio for Giffords Shooting
Chris Matthews, joined by two liberal Talk Radio hosts on Tuesday's Hardball, essentially blamed the likes of conservative hosts like Mark Levin for creating the climate of hate that led to the shooting of Gabrielle Giffords as the envious MSNBC host proclaimed: "People like Mark Levin, Michael Savage...every time you listen to them are furious, furious at the left with anger that's just builds and builds in their voice and by the time they go to commercial, they're just in some...
Chris Matthews: Mark Levine, Michael Savage Are To Blame For Tucson Shooting
“Every time you listen to them, they are furious. Furious at the left. With anger that just builds and builds in their voice and by the time they go to commercial they are just in some rage every night with some ugly talk. Ugly sounding talk and it never changes,” says Matthews. Which makes me wonder…has he ever actually watched MSNBC’s evening lineup? I actually think that Michael Savage is a bit of an idiot, but I like Levine and I hardly think that either of them had a...
Video: How MSNBCs Chris Matthews Handled Tucson Shooting vs. Ft. Hood Shooting
Nidal Hassan, who yelled Allah Akbar as he murdered 13 servicemen at Fort Hood - ironically in a no gun zone - was taped murdering 13 people, plus a 14th Victim - an unborn child. A deranged "left-wing pothead" ;lunatic shoots a Congresswoman and a few others over the weekend. Chris Matthews handled both... quite a bit differently:
After the Ft. Hood shooting, Chris Matthews went out of his way to find reasons other than Radical Islam for the shooting. And he had a representative of CAIR on his...
Compare and contrast Tingle leg Chris Matthews on Tucson shooting vs Muslim terrorist Malik Nidal Hassan shooting
Compare and contrast - Tingle leg Chris Matthews on Tucson shooting vs Muslim Terrorist Malik Nidal Hassan shooting
Hypocrisy, thy name is the progressive liberal biased media. Tingle leg Chris Matthews towed the Left Wing line today on his “Hardball” show blaming Sarah Palin, Sharron Angle, and gun owners for the Tucson shooting over the weekend. Compare this with tingle leg’s first reaction to the Muslim Terrorist who shot up Ft. Hood Army Base Nidal Malik Hassan.
Oh. No. He. Didn't. Chris Matthews blames the Tucson shootings on... the strident tone of Mark Levin's voice
Not that you needed more proof that Chris Matthews has lost all command of his faculties, but tonight's diatribe should confirm what we all knew. The Tingle-Master -- which is the term he prefers, I hear -- assailed constitutional attorney and radio host Mark Levin this evening in what must be an all-time record for IQ mismatch. I liken it to a toy poodle attempting to mount Marmaduke. Chris Matthews, joined by two liberal Talk Radio hosts on Tuesday's Hardball, essentially blamed...Mark Levin f...
Tim Pawlenty On CNNs Parker Spitzer: Blaming Rhetoric For Tucson Unfair, Irresponsible
Asked on CNN’s Parker Spitzer about the shootings in Tucson, presumed Presidential Candidate Tim Pawlenty dismissed suggestions political Rhetoric played a role, saying “there’s no evidence to support that, it’s unfair and it’s irresponsible.”
Pressed by co-host Eliot Spitzer on whether the Rhetoric should be toned down post-Tucson, Pawlenty was divided:
All of us could benefit from a more thoughtful discussion, but we don’t want to chill or deter peopl...
Tea Party Plans Will Foster Intolerance in NC Schools
Tea Party Plans Will Foster Intolerance in NC Schools
Wednesday, 01/12/2011 - 4:16 pm by Lynn Parramore | Post a Comment
Why the quality of education and diversity are inextricably mixed.
Wake County, North Carolina, is a place people like to live. People with ideas and energy. Folks from vastly different backgrounds. One of the most educated regions of the country, it boasts an excellent Public School system where you can find superb schools in poor neighborhoods, and suburban schools where...
Dear Democrats: Pray The Tuesday Group Is Heard
Kensington Strangler Suspect Arrested In Philadelphia
Tunisia Revolt And Coup Has Lessons For West
Jared Lee Loughner Unlikely To Be Tried In Arizona
On MLK Birthday, Some Think Obama Helped Race Relations
Kinder Rhetoric Won't Stop GOP Healthcare Repeal
Women On Front Lines? Only A Matter Of Time
Wisconsin's Reince Priebus Already Shaking Up RNC
Suspect Who Outgunned N.J. Police Officer In Custody
U.S. Rep Giffords Can Move Both Sides Of Body
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