Tea Party: Source: Think Progress Tucson Tea Party Founder Blames Giffords For Getting Shot: The Real Case Is That She Had No Security In March 2010, Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) warned that the Rhetoric from the tea parties and Sarah Palin was potentially dangerous. I can say that in the years that some of my colleagues have served 20, 30 years theyve never seen it like this when people do that, theyve gotta realize theres consequences to that action, she said on MSNBC.
PHOTOS: Gabrielle Giffords in pictures
Tuscon Tea Party co-fo...
VIDEOS: Gabrielle Giffords in videos
Tucson Tea Party Founder Blames Giffords For Getting Shot: The Real Case Is That She Had No Security
In March 2010, Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) warned that the Rhetoric from the tea parties and Sarah Palin was potentially dangerous. “I can say that in the years that some of my colleagues have served — 20, 30 years — they’ve never seen it like this…when people do that, they’ve gotta realize there’s consequences to that action,” she said on MSNBC. Tuscon Tea Party co-founder Trent Humphries called Giffords’ previous concerns about violent...
Tucson Tea Party Co-Founder Says Tea Party Is Victim Too
Sarah Palin and the Tea Party have received a lot of criticism in the wake of last weekend's tragic shooting in Tucson, Arizona, prompting Palin to defend herself in a video yesterday, using the antiquated claim of "blood Libel." Now, Tucson Tea Party co-founder Trent Humphries has gone one step further, calling the Tea Party Victims of the shooting, and arguing that Rep. Gabrielle Giffords is partially responsible for having a lack of security. Regarding Palin's Controversial gun-target ma...
Tucson tea party founder says Giffords to blame for getting shot
One tea Party Leader says that Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) has herself to blame for getting shot in the head Saturday. The Arizona congresswoman shouldn't have attended an event "in full view of the public" if she had security concerns, according to Tucson Tea Party co-founder Trent Humphries. Giffords warned MSNBC's Chuck Todd last year that there would be "consequences" to violent Rhetoric and imagery after Fox News' Sarah Palin released a graphic which placed crosshairs over the congresswo...
Analysis: Blood libel claim polarises the US
THE ARGUMENT about whether America's polarised politics incited the gunman who brought carnage to Arizona has, guess what, polarised American politics.
In the aftermath of the shootings and the very different reactions of President Barack Obama and his chief Republican challenger, Sarah Palin, Americans are equally divided over whether hysterical language was a factor in the shootings.
A USA Toda
y poll found Americans were evenly split when asked if Ms Palin's harsh language and...
Sarah Palin To Be Interviewed on Fox News Monday
Sarah Palin will appear Monday on Fox News in her first interview since accusing critics of committing "blood Libel" for insinuating her Rhetoric may have been somehow connected to last week's shooting rampage in Arizona. A Fox executive told The New York Times that the former Alaska Governor would sit down with host Sean Hannity for an extended segment. Palin, the 2008 GOP vice Presidential Candidate, is on the Fox Payroll, often appearing as a commentator and contributor. On Wednesday, Palin ...
Tucson tea party founder says Giffords to blame for getting shot
Stumble This! One tea Party Leader says that Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) has herself to blame for getting shot in the head Saturday. The Arizona congresswoman shouldn't have attended an event "in full view of the public" if she had security concerns, according to Tucson Tea Party co-founder Trent Humphries. Giffords warned MSNBC's Chuck Todd last year that there would be "consequences" to violent Rhetoric and imagery after Fox News' Sarah Palin released a graphic which placed crosshairs over...
Your Opinions
Kudos to the developers, architects and to the firm of Godfrey & Kahn for having the courage and foresight to develop Milwaukee's next downtown Skyscraper called Washington Square. The parcel slated for construction has been vacant for decades and deserves far better.
As reported, the new 22-plus-story building will be a real economic and aesthetic boost for downtown, and if it is truly touted as a mixed-use development, perhaps a hotel could be included to add much needed height to what c...
Mrs. Obama talks tolerance in open letter to parents (AFP)
WASHINGTON (AFP) – First Lady Michelle Obama on Thursday urged parents to teach their Children tolerance in response to the deadly Tucson Shooting Spree that touched off debate about political Rhetoric.
Mrs. Obama, who joined her husband at a memorial service for the Victims Wednesday, issued an Open Letter to parents. Children are struggling, she said, to make sense of Saturday's shooting that killed six and left 14 injured, including Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords.
"We can t...
Radio Host Mark Levin Challenges Chris Matthews, Threatens To Sue Any MSNBC Host
Conservative radio host Mark Levin is tired of baseless accusations being hurled at himself and at Sarah Palin, and is now putting some money up in a challenge specifically to MSNBC host Chris Matthews.
Levin said on his Radio Show, “I challenge Chris Matthews, I’ll put $100,000 on the table, to find any example where Sarah Palin has promoted the Murder of anybody.” And the same offer exists if Matthews can find an example where Levin himself advocated for the Murder of a poli...
Did Pima County Sheriff Dupnik ignore Jared Loughner's warning signs before Gabrielle Giffords shooting?
Almost immediately after the shooting of Gabrielle Giffords and several others by Jared Lee Loughner, Pima County, Arizona Sheriff Clarence Dupnik began politicizing the tragedy [1]. Part of that politicization was justified, part was not. Specifically, considering the role that an overly hostile political environment might have played in the tragedy and urging calm is acceptable, but naming specific persons (Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh) as possible contributing factors is not.
In any case, ...
Republicans' health repeal would cut off expansion of mental health services
Amanda Terkel has a very good reminder about the Affordable Care Act--with their Repeal of the "job-killing" health reform law, they would kill an expansion of Mental Health services.
"The shooter was a very disturbed individual and it appears there were so many warning signs that he was going to do something horrible," Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.) wrote on his Facebook page. "We should be focusing on the Mental Health crisis in our country, not politics."
As Igor Volsky of ThinkProgress points ou...
Bloomberg: Palin Didn't Kill People, Guns Killed People
(via nycmayorsoffice's flickr).
Mayor Bloomberg, who has already used the Assassination attempt in Arizona to push his gun agenda, was
Tucson Tragedy: The Case for Doing Nothing
From The Economist blog ‘Democracy in America’:
Still, freakish death is profoundly unnerving and facing its immunity to reason tends to aggravate rather than soothe our cellular fear of disorder and death. Far from leading us to Resignation, the inscrutability of a sui generis disaster sets our minds in mad motion. We desperately and pathetically grope for some blameworthy failure of foresight, some forward-looking lesson, some food for prudence. It doesn’t matter if ther...
Mrs. Obama talks tolerance in open letter to parents
First Lady Michelle Obama on Thursday urged parents to teach their Children tolerance in response to the deadly Tucson Shooting Spree that touched off debate about political Rhetoric. Mrs. Obama, who joined her husband at a memorial service for the Victims Wednesday, issued an Open Letter to parents. Children are struggling, she said, to make sense of Saturday's shooting that killed six and left 14 injured, including Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. "We can teach them the value of tolerance -...
Is Arizona the epicenter of divisiveness?
TUCSON, Ariz. — The woman was a native Arizonan, her family going back six generations. Hours after her congresswoman was gunned down at a neighborhood Supermarket, she stood at a candlelight vigil on a street corner and clutched a sign that read "Peace." Margaret Robles lamented the shooting in the town where she'd lived all her 64 years. She praised Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, agonized for all the Victims. But her sadness was mixed with shame. "I'm embarrassed to say I'm from Arizona,...
Hes just a shot away, hes just a shot away
The winger fixation with the idea of an attack on Sarah Palin is starting to creep me out. Erick Erickson (via Southern Beale):
Out there somewhere is someone who would love to kill Governor Palin. God forbid they do it. But you and I both know there is some crazy MSNBC watcher and Media Matters reader who even now is dreaming of doing so.
And should they try, we can be equally sure of something else. The left will be divided into two camps: (1) bitch deserved it and (2) not my fault.
It is un...
Why won't anyone sign Glenn Beck's self-serving violence pledge?
Glenn Beck's entire show yesterday was about how people are "afraid" to sign the harmless little "pledge against violence" he introduced earlier this week. I can't imagine why anyone would reject or ignore a weird document from an irresponsible Bircher clown, can you?
You can watch Beck's show here and here (until Fox removes the clips from YouTube, anyway) and if you only know Beck through liberal blog posts or short Media Matters clips, I encourage you to try an entire Beck show, to get a sens...
Video: Olbermann Attacks Palin on Blood Libel Reference
Well that didn't take long. It's ironic that this sanctimonious blowhard that himself hurls political Rhetoric bombs on a daily basis lecture anyone about Civil Discourse:
Visit MSNBC.com for breaking news, world news, and news about The Economy
More Palin Derangement Syndrome over at MSNBC: Schultz Charges Palin Used ‘Blood Libel’ to Appeal to To Appeal To Extremist Christian Conservative Base
Obama praised for leadership after U.S. shooting
Sheldon Alberts, Washington Correspondent, Postmedia News · Thursday, Jan. 13, 2011 TUCSON, Arizona — John Jewell did not vote for Barack Obama — and he never voted for Gabrielle Giffords either, for that matter. But as the 59-year-old Tucsonan paid silent tribute to Ms. Giffords on Thursday outside the Hospital where the Arizona congresswoman is recovering from her gunshot wound, he had a message for his president: Well done. On the day after Mr. Obama rallied Americans to beg...
Sarah Palin doing interview on 'Hannity' Monday
After a week in which she was criticized by both liberals and Conservatives, Sarah Palin is planning to appear on Fox News' "Hannity" Monday night. It will be her first extended interview since the shootings in Tucson last Saturday. Palin does not sit down for interviews often; however, in recent months she has opened herself up more often to the Mainstream Media. She waited for days after the tragic event to respond, even as her name was raised repeatedly in connection to the shootings due to ...
Happy Hour Roundup
* The "tale of two speeches" narrative continues with a nice piece by Dan Balz, with this blunt headline: "As Obama urged unity, Palin brought division."
* Nice catch by Jonathan Capehart on what one of Obama's off-script moments last night tells us.
* John Dickerson reports that Obama stayed up all night writing the Speech, and that it embodied the hopes and fears of a husband and father.
* DADT dead-ender watch! T-Paw wants the rubes to believe he would reinstate don't ask don't tell.
* Whi...
Crime of homosexual conduct still on the books in Texas
There wasn’t a great deal of fanfare last week when U.S. Sen. Chuck Grassley released a three-year-long committee staff review of the financial activities of several media-based ministries and churches, but that is likely because the paper offers no concrete steps forward. In the wake of the shooting in Arizona this weekend that critically injured Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and that killed and injured more than 20 people, many pundits and politicians are pointing fingers. Others are hoping th...
Obama and Palin Speeches Compared
Daily Kos blogger Jed Lewison plugged the president and Sarah Palin’s respective speeches about the tragedy in Tucson, Ariz., into a word cloud generator to create a visual representation of the Rhetoric. Lewison says “the clear emphasis of President Obama’s word choice was on focusing on the Victims and that which unites us as a nation, whereas Palin focused on her grievances and what drives our country apart.” The word clouds show the contrast between their two approach...
Glenn Reynolds Explains the Lamestream Medias Palin Obsession
Glenn Reynolds attempted to explain the lamestream media’s Palin obsession today. Nick Gillespie: Palin’s Not Complicit in Loughner Shooting, but She Sure Ain’t Presidential, Either. Has any other public figure ever had to try to act “Presidential,” though, while being accused of complicity in mass Murder? On the other hand, if (as isn’t clear to me) she actually wants to be President, she’ll have to learn to be Presidential. Barack Obama has had his pr...
Sarah Palin vs Barack Obama: Their differing reactions to the Arizona shooting according to Politico
Earlier today I read this article on Politico about the differing reactions between Barack Obama and Sarah Palin on the shooting in Arizona. I found the article quite interesting, here is the main crux of the article: In the span of a single news cycle, Republicans got a jarring reminder of two forces that could prevent them from retaking the presidency in next year. At sunrise in the East on Wednesday, Sarah Palin demonstrated that she has little interest — or capacity —...
Dear Democrats: Pray The Tuesday Group Is Heard
Kensington Strangler Suspect Arrested In Philadelphia
Tunisia Revolt And Coup Has Lessons For West
Jared Lee Loughner Unlikely To Be Tried In Arizona
On MLK Birthday, Some Think Obama Helped Race Relations
Kinder Rhetoric Won't Stop GOP Healthcare Repeal
Women On Front Lines? Only A Matter Of Time
Wisconsin's Reince Priebus Already Shaking Up RNC
Suspect Who Outgunned N.J. Police Officer In Custody
U.S. Rep Giffords Can Move Both Sides Of Body