Gabrielle Giffords: Gabrielle Giffords was shot because she is Jewish? From Carl: Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords (D-Az) wasn't shot because she was pro or anti-immigration.
PHOTOS: Gabrielle Giffords in pictures
She wasn't shot because she voted against Nancy Pelosi for Speaker of the House.
VIDEOS: Gabrielle Giffords in videos
She wasn't shot because Sarah Palin targeted her seat in last fall's Elections. And she wasn't shot because she voted for ObamaCare. Gabrielle Giffords was shot because of a much more baseless hatred. Gabrielle Giffords was shot because she is a Jew!
Did Fox News Blow It? DHS Source Says NO Loughner Tie With "American Renaissance" Hate Group
Yesterday I began to see blog posts spring up declaring that Jarrod Laughner may have attacked Gabrielle Giffords because she was Jewish. Those posts were based on a Fox News report saying that they had seen a DHS memo saying that Laughner was associated with an Antisemitic, anti-Black group called the American Renaissance. Besides the hatred this Renaissance group has similar positions to Laughtner in terms of currency and gold.
According to a Law Enforcement memo based on information provid...
Climate of Hate?: Murdered Judge Was w/ Giffords About Illegal Alien Prob
The most notable thing about Saturday’s Safeway massacre, aside from the lives tragically lost, is the plethora of hypocrites and blame-gamer attention whores who’ve predictably crawled out from under their rocks. As I noted Saturday evening, ABC News and the other Mainstream Media outlets wasted no time blaming Saturday’s Safeway massacre by Jared Lee Loughner on supporters of Arizona’s Immigration law and secure borders . And you’ve seen the rest of the left...
Howard Kurtz and Debra Saunders Carry Water for Sarah Palin and Her Crosshairs Map
CNN's Howard Kurtz and the San Francisco Chronicle's Debra Saunders did their best to give cover to Sarah Palin for her crosshairs map targeting Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. It's pretty bad when even Politico hack Roger Simon has had enough of your nonsense. As he rightfully pointed out, Palin doesn't have to be directly responsible for what happened with this shooting to have a conversation about the violent political Rhetoric coming from her and the rest of the Right Wing noise machine in America ...
Giffords shooting leads nation to introspection and political finger wagging
In the wake of the shooting in Arizona this weekend that critically injured Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and that killed and injured more than 20 people, many pundits and politicians are pointing fingers. Others are hoping the incident will serve to ratchet down rancor. Yet emerging details make it clear the shooter wasn’t primarily motivated by politics, right or left. Jared Lee Loughner seems mainly to have been struggling with Mental Illness and was angry at being thrown out of Pima Communi...
The Radical Right Responds to the Tucson Shootings
Leave it to Fred Phelps and his rabidly anti-gay Westboro Baptist Church (WBC) to provide the most heinous response to this weekend’s shooting in Tucson that left six people dead and 14 others wounded, most notably U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords.
In a flier posted to the WBC website, the group, whose members plan to picket the funerals of those murdered, writes, “God appointed this rod for your sins! God sent the shooter!” The flier continues, “Your Federal Judge is dead and your (fa
Republican Jewish Coalition Mocks Concerns About Overheated Rhetoric
Many Conservatives are unhappy with Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik, who lamented the hostile political climate following the tragedy in Arizona this weekend. "I think it's time as a country that we do a little soul-searching," Dupnik said, commenting on the "vitriolic Rhetoric that we hear day in and day out." This morning on Twitter, the Republican Jewish Coalition — whose board of directors includes former Sen. Norm Coleman and Bush officials Ari Fleischer and David Frum — den...
There Is Yet No Loughner / Far-Right Connection
It is worth stating again that there is at present no — zero — evidence that purported Tucson shooter Jared Loughner was affiliated with any Tea Party group or other mainstream conservative cause. But nor is there any reason to think that Loughner was aligned with even far-right or radical political causes. Some people who study right-wing Militia groups and those who align themselves with the so-called Patriot movement said Mr. Loughner’s comments on subjects like the Am...
Shooting opens divide on inflamed rhetoric
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - In a town where politics never rests, the shooting of U.S. congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords quickly opened a sharp divide on the role of inflamed Rhetoric in the assault and on the proper response to its growth.
The Arizona attack ignited a flood of finger-pointing and pontificating on the sometimes overheated state of U.S. political discourse, even as politicians largely vowed at least a temporary halt to the battle of words in Washington.
The motives of suspect Jared Le...
Stop Blaming the Tea Party for the Arizona Tragedy
After the attempted car bombing in Times Square last year, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg publicly speculated that the attack had been carried out by "somebody with a political agenda that doesn't like the health-care bill or something." At the Nation, columnist Robert Dreyfuss wrote that "a member of some squirrely branch of the Tea Party, anti-government Far Right" was probably behind the bombing. Countless others in the left-wing blogosphere joined the "blame the Tea Party" chorus-unt...
Shooting opens divide on inflamed rhetoric
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - In a town where politics never rests, the shooting of U.S. congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords quickly opened a sharp divide on the role of inflamed Rhetoric in the assault and on the proper response to its growth.
The Arizona attack ignited a flood of finger-pointing and pontificating on the sometimes overheated state of U.S. political discourse, even as politicians largely vowed at least a temporary halt to the battle of words in Washington.
The motives of suspect Jared Lee...
Sheriff Dupnik Attacked Universally by Right Wing
Following the mass Murder in Tucson, Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik bravely stood up and called for an end to violent political Rhetoric — and for this statement he is now being viciously attacked by the Right Wing, and calls for his Resignation are being heard.
Again we see that the right wing blogs and media act as if they’re controlled by a central hive mind, falling into a lockstep recital of talking points and deflections. There’s absolutely no self-reflection, ...
The World is Full of Scary Freaks
Jared Loughner lived with his parents. Where were they through his disturbed teen and young adult years? Where were they while he stalked Rep. Gabrielle Giffords for three years? What did they do to get him help when teachers, Students, counselors and administrators expressed their concern about his mental status? Fellow College Students were afraid of him and kept diaries about him. Friends say, and documents confirm, he stalked Giffords for three yea...
Despite violence, Rep. Shelley Berkley plans 'Congress on the Corner' event
Rep. Shelley Berkley will host a "Congress on the Corner" event Friday in Las Vegas to honor Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, who was critically shot last weekend at a similar event.
"I'm not going to let any wing nut keep me from doing my job," Berkley said.
Berkley invited constituents to meet with her from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Friday in her district office at 2340 Paseo del Prado, Suite D106.
"To do less than that, to hide behind the walls of this office, is a huge mistake," Berkley said.
Our "Mediocre" Military
Adam Weinstein throws down the gauntlet in Mother Jones to us Military Bloggers with a Controversial commentary on the many excellent officers leaving the military. Don't their departures go against the conservative myth of the silent, stoic warriors who all believe in America and apple pie and are unthinkingly patriotic? Of course, political Conservatives have a vested interest in keeping this myth going. If the Military is perceived as no place for dissent, for entrepreneurship, for innovativ...
Massacre in Tucson A Sad Day for America: Salzburger Nachrichten, Austria
How responsible is right-wing Rhetoric for the Assassination attempt against Democratic Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords? According to columnist Thomas Spang of Austria’s Salzburger Nachrichten, where to pin the blame couldn’t be clearer.
For the Salzburger Nachrichten, Thomas Spang writes in part:
For months, the political right has been turning up the heat in the United States. In this poisoned atmosphere, a young man reaches for his gun.
In the political discourse of the United ...
Andrew Reinbach: A Crossroads in Tucson
America has wandered into a broken wilderness and we find ourselves at the lip of a precipice. If we hew to the path we're on, we will certainly tumble into it.
The shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in Tucson was a terrible thing for our nation, and not just because of the grotesque body count. We have been meandering towards something like this for years, lost in a masquerade that we've come to regard as political debate. And we've ignored, or denied, that the winds we've been sowing could ...
If He Had Been a Muslim.
Peter Beinart observes that the national conversation would be much different if Jared Lee Loughner were a Muslim:
Had the shooters’ name been Abdul Mohammed, you’d be hearing the familiar drumbeat about the need for profiling and the pathologies of Islam. But since his name was Jared Lee Loughner, he gets called “mentally unstable”; the word “Terrorist” rarely comes up. When are we going to acknowledge that good old-fashioned white Americans are every bit as capable of
Sheriff Who Suggested Talk Shows May Have Incited Attack Was Asked by Fellow Democrats to Apologize for 'Inflammatory' Remarks o
Monday, January 10, 2011
By Terence P. Jeffrey
Arizona's Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik (AP Photo)
( - Arizona’s Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik, who on Saturday suggested radio and television Talk Shows were somehow responsible for inciting a man who may be mentally disturbed to kill six people and wound 13 others, including Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.), once blamed policymakers for violence in his county because they had stopped institutionali
Did Dupnik dismiss Loughner threat?
I have a rule of thumb: if I write a post on a topic, and I get either Hate Mail or hate posts about it, then I’m onto something. Well, yesterday I wrote a post on Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik’s rather strange tactical decision to imply that the Chinese were behind Jared Loughner’s attempted Assassination of Giffords*, and I got both. Apparently, the Left was not too happy at my suggestion that Sheriff Dupnik’s re-election chances have taken a fatal hit; which was perh
Hillary Clinton: Loughner Is "An Extremist;" Blames Shootings on "Crazy Voices" That "Get On TV"
Chicken status: Thoroughly fucked.
Allah collected up some particularly good quotes of the day on free Speech, incitement, and desperate, blood-libeling Democrats.
Particularly hard-hitting and pointed is this WSJ essay from Glenn Reynolds. This is a serious read-the-whole-thing piece, as I really cannot quote all the cutting parts. It's all cutting.
American Journalists know how to be exquisitely sensitive when they want to be. As the Washington Examiner's Byron York pointed out on Sunday, af...
Steve King Bitter Over Immigration Subcommittee Snub
Steve King Bitter Over Immigration Subcommittee Snub
Last Friday, Judiciary Committee Chairman Lamar Smith (R-TX) announced that Rep. Elton Gallegly (R-CA) would head the Immigration Subcommittee — a position expected to go to Rep. Steve King (R-IA), the lead ranking Republican of the subcommittee last year.
Apparently, King isn’t taking the news too well. Just a few hours after finding out, King told Fox News’ Greta Van Susteren that not assigning him as head of the subcom...
John Boehner Shows Restraint After Shooting
As a footnote to the attempted Assassination of Gabrielle Giffords, it's worth noting that House Speaker John Boehner has denied a spot on the Immigration subcommittee to Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa), the hard-right anti-immigrant firebrand. King is none too happy about it, telling National Journal, "John Boehner isn't very aggressive on immigration." King was sure to cause Headaches for his leadership, so this was probably a deft move on many levels. But it would be nice to think it's also an exam...
Gabrielle Giffords was shot because she is Jewish
Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords (D-Az) wasn't shot because she was pro or anti-immigration. She wasn't shot because she voted against Nancy Pelosi for Speaker of the House. She wasn't shot because Sarah Palin targeted her seat in last fall's Elections. And she wasn't shot because she voted for ObamaCare. Gabrielle Giffords was shot because of a much more baseless hatred. Gabrielle Giffords was shot because she is a Jew. This is an internal memo obtained by Fox News put out by DHS compiling fa...
A Far Right Connection?
Caution is warranted, but DHS put out an internal memo - published by Fox - that says the following:
[S]trong suspicion is being directed at AmRen / American Renaissance. Suspect is possibly linked to this group. (through videos posted on his MySpace and YouTube account.). The group’s ideology is anti government, anti Immigration, anti ZOG (Zionist Occupational Government), anti Semitic. Gabrielle Gifford is the first Jewish female elected to such a high position in the US government. She wa...
DHS Memo Linking Loughner to Racist Group, American Renaissance, Leaked. American Renaissance Denies.
How convenient for someone at DHS to leak this information. (FNC) — According to a memo obtained by Fox News with information compiled by the Department of Homeland Security and released to state Law Enforcement officials, Jared Loughner, the alleged shooter of Congressman Gabrielle Giffords, may have been influenced by a pro-white Racist organization that publishes an anti-immigration newsletter. No direct connection , but strong suspicion is being direceted at American Renaissance, an or...
Richard Holbrooke Remembered For China, Bosnia, Afghanistan
Top Priority For Republicans: Cutting Federal Spending
Sarah Palin Follows Own Advice In Media Dealings
Tracheotomy Lets Surgeons Remove Giffords' Feeding Tube
Reince Priebus Gets To Find $22 Million For RNC
Governor Pat Quinn Signs Off On Massive Tax Hike
Want A Republican President? How About Herman Cain
Kay Bailey Hutchison Promises To Call It Quits
Christina Green, Youngest Tucson Victim, Laid To Rest
Glenn Beck Supports Barack Obama. Seriously.