Sheriff Who Suggested Talk Shows May Have Incited Attack Was Asked by Fellow Democrats to Apologize for 'Inflammatory' Remarks o

County Sheriff: Monday, January 10, 2011 By Terence P.

PHOTOS: Gabrielle Giffords in pictures

Jeffrey Arizona's Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik (AP Photo) ( - Arizona’s Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik, who on Saturday suggested radio and television Talk Shows were somehow responsible for inciting a man who may be mentally disturbed to kill six people and wound 13 others, including Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.), once blamed policymakers for violence in his county because they had stopped institutionalizing men...

VIDEOS: Gabrielle Giffords in videos

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John C. Pechette posted 5 days ago (via twitter)

Pima County Sheriff Dupnik is blaming Giffords shooting on atmosphere of hate created by Republicans to distract from his own incompetence.

Martha Reece posted 5 days ago (via twitter)

I do admire Sheriff Clarence Dupnik of Pima County AZ. However it's time for CO to put AZ into "time out" by suspending their water supply.

Gabi BelleFille posted 5 days ago (via twitter)

I'm shocked the Sheriff of Pima county is bein so real

Sabrina Garba posted 5 days ago (via twitter)

"political fornickaboobery" - Pima County Sheriff Clarence W. Dupnik

William J Brown posted 5 days ago (via twitter)

Clarence W. Dupnik, Sheriff of Pima County , in news conference after the shooting called his state "the mecca for prejudice and bigotry."

Ruben Villaescusa posted 5 days ago (via twitter)

Now Pima County Sheriff is saying photo all over the net is not suspect's booking photo but was taken by Pima County Sheriff Forensic Unit.

eddy hooks posted 5 days ago (via twitter)

Pima County sheriff --no I do not have any facts it is just my opinion that is that what law officers do, No --then you are under arrest

Informed American posted 5 days ago (via twitter)

Pima County Sheriff should resign/He is so far to the left that he is completely bias & unable to have a clear perception of what happened!

PJ Mateo Seki posted 5 days ago (via twitter)

Loughner has invoked his right to remain silent for the last 48 hours, saying "not a word," Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik said

karenb posted 5 days ago (via twitter)

Maybe msnbc could hire that pima county sheriff . Imagine the nightly lineup of shows. Lol

Marvin Forte posted 5 days ago (via twitter)

"Maybe they can pass a law that every child have an oozie in their crib" -- Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik

tom cady posted 5 days ago (via twitter)

Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik is a cool guy.

Andrew Plotkin posted 5 days ago (via twitter)

I feel bad for the Sheriff of Pima County , poor guy lost colleagues/friends and has to work this case. Must be so tough for him.

Right Winger posted 5 days ago (via twitter)

Pima County Sheriff Dupnik is the anti-Joe Arpaio. I say Sheriff Dipstick Dupnik & BHO resign now!

f396 posted 5 days ago (via twitter)


Matt posted 5 days ago (via twitter)

The Pima County Sheriff is a total idiot. The citizens of that county should do a recall. What a moron!

Pobept posted 5 days ago (via twitter)

Pima County Sheriff Clarence W. Dupnik try's to cover up his Incompetence as sheriff by blaming TV and Talk Radio for shooting spree.

Tom Gibson posted 5 days ago (via twitter)

Family and friends of Pima county Sheriff Clarence must be ashamed for the association.

Dan Curry posted 5 days ago (via twitter)

Sheriff Dupnik is asking Pima County for emergency appropriation to buy more TV makeup.

North Bay Patriot posted 5 days ago (via twitter)

Sheriff Clarence Dupnik blames Rush for Tucson shooting. Since Pima County allowed him to buy a gun I guess he needed a scapegoat!

DDH posted 5 days ago (via twitter)

If I was Rush Limbaugh and Sheriff Dupnik blamed me for the AZ shootings I would sue the life out of Dupnik and the Pima County .

Wendy posted 5 days ago (via twitter)

Arizona suspect could face death penalty: Jared Loughner, seen in this picture taken by Pima County sheriff 's investigators, made his...

Lew posted 5 days ago (via twitter)

Sheriff clarence dupnik of Pima County , Az has been renamed clarence schmucknik after his remarks about the AZ shootings

Anna Teresa Arnold posted 5 days ago (via twitter)

After listening to Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik mumble jumble it might be best he not carry a gun.

Joel M. Wood posted 5 days ago (via twitter)

If Pima County Sheriff Dupnik's such a keen observer of the human condition, shouldn't he have seen the signs everyone else around L. did?

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