Democrats in Arizona are already taking full advantage of rumors that former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin could use the state as a base for a 2012 Presidential Campaign, but how about a run for the seat of retiring GOP Sen. Jon Kyl? The Arizona…
Read more >>Ford O'Connell and Steve Pearson are the co-founders of ProjectVirginia and CivicForumPAC. Earlier this year, we were critical of Sarah Palin’s 2012 presidential aspirations. Still, we think there is certainly a place for her on the ticket n…
Read more >>The vice chairman of the House Democratic Caucus on Wednesday blasted a Kansas State Representative for comparing Illegal Immigrants to “feral hogs” and advocating their killing, saying such Rhetoric is dangerous. Rep. Xavier Becerr…
Read more >>WASHINGTON – Dozens of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords' colleagues showed their support Tuesday by making sure she has enough Money if she seeks political office again. The Democratic lawmakers attended a campaign Fundraiser on Giffords' behalf an…
Read more >>WASHINGTON -- Leading House Democrats held a Fundraiser on Tuesday for Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, who is recovering from brain injuries she sustained during Assassination attempt in January. Giffords, a Democrat from Arizona, has made steady impr…
Read more >>Americans don’t like what they see coming from Washington, with barely a quarter of adults surveyed for a new poll saying they are optimistic about the U.S. system of government and how it works. In an ABC News/Washington Post poll release…
Read more >>Sarah Palin: Trouble in Right Wing paradise? A new Bloomberg poll shows Sarah Palin‘s 15 minutes of fame and glory is coming to an end. Nationally, 60 percent of voters now have a an unfavorable view of Palin while moe than half — 38 p…
Read more >>Time Magazine incites violence against Scott Walker, brands him “Dead Man Walker.” America in the post-Gabrielle Giffords shooting era is supposed to be a place where violent Rhetoric is toned down. It’s supposed to be a place wh…