Immigration news


Saturday Night Card Game (Obama Bitterly Clings to Bitter Clinger Stereotypes)

Le-gal In-sur-rec-tion - 1day 4hrs ago

This is the latest in a series on the use of the Race Card for political gain: If you have followed this series, you have seen the absurd depths to which liberal pundits and political operatives will go to inject race into non-racial situations, …


Religious leaders rally for American Muslims

Breitbart - 5hrs 17mins ago

New York Religious Leaders and a legendary hip hop figure led a rally Sunday to defend American Muslims from what they described as Islamophobia in upcoming congressional hearings. Several hundred people turned out under Heavy Rain in New York's …


Former national security adviser: Bush was right on Libya

CNN Political Ticker - 5hrs 23mins ago

Washington (CNN) -A former National Security adviser to George W. Bush, Stephen Hadley, and a former Libyan minister agree that leader Moammar Gadhafi is willing to do anything to stay in power, including killing his own people. But when pressed …


US under pressure to arm Libya rebels

Breitbart - 5hrs 59mins ago

The United States came under mounting pressure Sunday to help arm rebels facing Moamer Kadhafi's emboldened and regrouping Military, amid charges Washington missed recent chances to oust Libya's strongman. President Barack Obama has insisted that…


A modest proposal - 11hrs 55mins ago

Republicans are apparently about to impose their will on the country.  Relying on our collective naiveté, using their usual combination of lies, thuggery and more lies, the GOP seems on the verge of achieving it’s goals of breaking…


Bush adviser defends 'difficult' but 'good' deal on Libya relations

The Hill - 12hrs 34mins ago

A former National Security adviser to President George W. Bush on Sunday defended that administration’s decision to normalize relations with Libya during Bush’s Second Term. Stephen Hadley called the move “a very difficult deci…


The Anti-Anti-Arizonan - 1day 4hrs ago

The birdcage liner formerly known as the New York Times has yet another pro-illegal alien, pro-open borders, anti-citizen, anti-American, anti-law enforcement editorial;  The Anti-Arizonans. To most of us the New York Times lost credibility y…


James Zogby: Peter King Note: Islamophobia Can Create Radicalization

The Huffington Post - 1day 12hrs ago

Let me state quite directly: Islamophobia and those who promote it are a greater threat to the United States of America than Anwar al Awlaqi and his rag-tag team of Terrorists. On one level, al Awlaqi, from his cave hide-out in Yemen, can only …