Right Wing: Patricia Maisch, 61, was the brave woman who kept alleged shooter Jared Loughner from unloading a second clip into a Tuscon crowd on Saturday.
PHOTOS: Sarah Palin in pictures
Wounded herself from a bullet, she saw him attempting to equip his gun with another magazine, grabbed him and knelt on his ankle, delaying the reload and potentially saving many more lives. So when Fox News interviewed her on Sunday, they clearly wanted to know if her strength could translate to psychic healing as Americans grappled with the tragedy...
VIDEOS: Sarah Palin in videos
The Arizona shooting and the context of right-wing extremism
By Michael J.W. Stickings
Offering some of the best commentary yet on the Arizona shooting, Slate's Jacob Weisberg makes the crucual distinction between what may have been going on inside Jared Lee Loughner's troubled head, "politically tinged schizophrenia," and outside:
To call his crime an attempted Assassination is to acknowledge that it appears to have had a political and not merely a personal context. That context...
Palin: Were above the mindless finger-pointing (Daily Caller)
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Face of evil: Mug Shots of famous assassins [SLIDESHOW]
Poll of Conservatives shows support for broad cuts to spending, including Military Spending
Washington's top five most ridiculous reactions to the Arizona shooting
Jared Loughner and the ins and outs of the insanity defense
Mark Sanford exits the stage
Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin released a video Wednesday of her first long-form statement on Saturday’s Tucson, Ariz. shooting that left six ...
Sharron Angle: I condemn all acts of violence (Daily Caller)
Read more stories from The Daily Caller
Heavy metal band responds to allegations that their music had any influence on AZ shooter
Chris Christie to Rudy Giuliani: Butt out
Police visited Loughner's home before shooting
Face of evil: Mug Shots of famous assassins [SLIDESHOW]
Poll of Conservatives shows support for broad cuts to spending, including Military Spending
Former Republican Senate Candidate Sharron Angle condemned Tucson shooter Jared Loughner and expressed concern about the politicize...
Blaming Tucson on the right wing is easy, but inaccurate
A quick dose of reality over all the jawboning about whether people like Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck and Fox News are really causing the things that led to a 22-year-old shooting a Congresswoman in the head and Murder six people in cold blood, including a 9-year-old child. I'm not absolving Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity or Mark Levine or any of these people (since that's who the left is --um-- targeting) from their daily spewings. But here's the facts: The average age of a FOX News...
Sarah Palin Speaks from Some Undisclosed Facebook Location
Sarah Palin: “America’s Enduring Strength” from Sarah Palin on Vimeo. Sarah Palin chose to forget today that Rep. Gabrielle Giffords brought up Palin’s “targeting” of her when lamenting the vitriolic political Rhetoric in this country before Jared Lee Loughner tried to assassinate her in Arizona. In a weirdly disembodied and out of touch statement from the abyss of her self-imposed political exile, Palin picks today, the day Pres. Obama will address the nation...
Does Sarah Palin's Handling of This Week's Events in Tucson Tell Us Anything about her Presidential Ambitions?
Sarah Palin today release a video on Facebook expressing her grief and outrage over Saturday's shootings in Tucson. She also explained her Rhetoric and hit back at those who have suggested that the level of political discourse in the country is, in part, to blame for Jared Lee Loughner's unhinged rampage. “We know violence isn't the answer. When we ‘take up our arms', we're talking about our vote,” Palin says in the seven-and-a-half minute video. “Yes, our debates are ful...
Bill Maher: The Rhetoric Of The Right Is Wouldnt It Be Fun To Kill The People We Disagree With
The folks in the audience for Jay Leno’s safe-for-all-audiences Tonight Show clearly would’ve rather had a visit from some cuddly zoo animals than what they got: an extended and at times awkwardly tense visit from HBO’s Bill Maher.
Talking about the shootings in Arizona and Fox News chief Roger Ailes‘ reported instructions to his staff to tone down language after Tucson, Maher argued it would never happen, as “that’s the Rhetoric they love. The Right Wing love...
Sarah Palin calls out liberal hate merchants for creating "Blood Libel"
Sarah Palin came out swinging Wednesday by calling out the liberal media and pundits for creating "a blood Libel" for last weekend's Arizona shooting. Palin said; "acts of monstrous brutality ... begin and end with the criminals who commit them, not collectively" with Americans exercising their constitutional freedoms. "If you don't like a person's vision for the country, you're free to debate that vision. If you don't like their ideas, you're free to propose better ideas. But, especi...
Palins Persecution Complex Culminates with Blood Libel Accusation
This gaffe -- demonstrating both an ignorance of religious history and language -- tops a disastrous week: her crosshairs map has been Exhibit A in the discussion of the use of gun-related imagery in political Rhetoric. But her PR has been woefully inadequate in explaining the map away as "surveyors symbols." Her TLC show will not be renewed by TLC, her chances for a successful run at the presidency have been downgraded, and even Barbara Walters expressed "feeling a bit sorry for her." Palin, ho...
If you really believed political rhetoric caused Jared Loughner's killing spree, you wouldn't dare to say it.
Some people displayed a crazed Hunger for a vicious murderer who was inspired by the criticism of the government that has been so powerful over the last 2 years. Jared Loughner was not that guy, and, of course, they looked ridiculous and despicable jumping to say that he was.
Now, what if it were really true that incendiary political Rhetoric pushed mentally unstable individuals over the edge and caused them to act out murderously? Picture such a mentally unstable person reading and listening t...
The Right Word: Fox and inflammatory rhetoric | Sadhbh Walshe
Rightwing talkshow hosts were horrified by the Arizona massacre - and by the allegations that their fiery Rhetoric may have somehow influenced the shooter. O'Reilly is convinced that the attack was simply the work of an out-of-control "nut job" and was furious with others in the media for suggesting that anyone on the right was in any way responsible for fostering a hostile political environment (View clip here). "The killer Jared Loughner is a psychopath. Civilisation has always had them ...
No More Mister Nice Blog
I've always thought of Instapundit as tendentious but incredibly superficial -- looking back a decade, it seems to have been a Twitter feed before there was Twitter, and, in the '10s, Glenn Reynolds seemed like yesterday's man.
Now, though, he's suddenly hot. The New York Times reports on Sarah Palin's new fireside chat about the Tucson shootings and tells us:
Sarah Palin, who had been silent for days, on Wednesday issued a forceful den...
A Kindler, Gentler Push for Repeal?
House Republicans have postponed their vote on repealing the Affordable Care Act until next week, because of the Arizona shooting. And even when that debate resumes, Jennifer Haberkorn and Carrie Budoff Brown report in Politico today, the House Republicans will likely adopt a more measured tone. They won’t change their position on the issue itself. They remain committed to total Repeal. But the Republican insiders that Haberkorn and Brown interviewed seem to think Republicans would talk i...
This Was Not the Cancer Upon Our Society That Our Revolutionary Founders Had in Mind
Submitted by mark karlin on Wed, 01/12/2011 - 9:13am. While the mainstream Corporate Media, for the most part, continues its exercise in false equivalencies about violence coming from the right and the left, anybody with an ounce of common sense knows that this is nonsense. First of all, as just one of thousands of examples, if a High School Student running for Student council circulated a map of opponents who he or she was targeting with a rifle sight, that Student would be summarily suspended...
Loughner's ramblings appear rooted in far right
Source: LA Times
The ramblings of accused Arizona killer Jared Lee Loughner are difficult to tie to a coherent political philosophy, yet in them can be discerned a number of themes drawn from the right-wing patriot and Militia movements, experts said.
* * *
Most wind up concluding that Loughner suffered from mental problems. But experts said that several oft-repeated phrases and concepts his fixation on grammar conspiracies, currency and the "second United States Constitution" seem derived f..
Not A Video Game: Grand Theft - The Constituion
The disturbing level came last week when the Republicans in the House kicked off the new session of Congress with a public reading of the Constitution"a muck-reeking exercise unmitigated by bi-partisan participation.
While supposedly showing their f ealty to the " original meaning " of the Constitution they used a prop. Putting con into Constitution, they read from a censored version of the document that selectively excluded salient passages like those pertaining to Slavery.
But more debilit...
Hero Woman Who Grabbed Magazine From Shooter Agrees With Dupnik: "The Extreme Right Have Added to This Problem"
The interview was going so good, then at the very end Fox's Shep asks her "if there's anything you can leave us with?" She responds "The extreme right reporters, radio and tv have added to this problem and I'm hoping that it'll change...If the Republicans will stop naming bills and very hateful things...I think they've gone over the top, I think the extreme right has gone too far" (end). I've moved the video up. It started out great, then you end up shaking your head...
Fox News Shep Smith inte...
OReillys Audaciously Hypocritical Stand On Sheriff Dupniks Politicization Of Arizona Shooting
Fox News is on a witch hunt against Tucson Sheriff Clarence Dupnik for having the gall to speak out against right-wing Rhetoric and suggest that it played a role in the Arizona shooting massacre. The righties on Fox pretend that their pique is over Dupnik’s “politicization” of the massacre. I suspect that in reality they couldn’t be happier. Pointing the finger at Dupnik allows them to avoid looking at that same right-wing Rhetoric and - as what I’m sure can b...
Palin and Clyburn add fuel to raging fire with blood libel and intellectual deficits
I’m just going to summarize what I said in the comments because I’m still on an iPad App and it’s not designed for mini novels.
Regarding Sarah Palin’s video this morning, she was defiant. I found it decidedly unhelpful.
I was waiting for her to acknowledge that Conservatives may have gone too far. I didn’t hear it. I didn’t hear her acknowledge that the atmosphere in Arizona and other states had made liberals afraid for their safety even before Giffords’ shooti
Poisonous Political Atmosphere Is Unhealthy
This is really, really hard to write. Gabby Giffords (D-Ariz.) is my friend. I spent time with her, and her husband, Mark Kelly, less than two weeks ago. We talked about the debased state of discourse in the country, the awful and degrading nature of campaigns, including the really despicable one run against her last year, the threats she received after she voted for the Health Care Reform Bill--and the wonderful satisfaction of public service and the need to encourage more of our best and bri...
Bill O'Reilly's 'Bloody Shirt' Factor: How to turn perpetrators into victims
Bill O'Reilly was in rare form last night as he was simply outraged from all the criticism that was heaped on the RWNM after the Giffords shootings. And the extreme Right Wing Rhetoric that Paul Krugman talked about in his piece was directed at poor l'il BillO. So Paul, be afraid -- you'll never be forgiven for writing this: And there’s a huge contrast in the media. Listen to Rachel Maddow or Keith Olbermann, and you’ll hear a lot of caustic remarks and mockery aimed at Republicans....
Woman Who Grabbed Loughner's Gun Clip: 'Extreme Right' Added To Problem (VIDEO)
Patricia Maisch, the 61-year-old woman who grabbed a magazine away from the alleged shooter on Saturday, suggested in an interview with Fox News on Sunday night that hateful Rhetoric was in part to blame for the attempted Assassination of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) and the Mass Shooting which killed six others and left more than a dozen injured.
"The extreme right reporters and radio and TV have added to this problem, and I'm just hoping that will change," Maisch told Shepard Smith in her ...
Jewish Republicans muted on Palin's 'blood libel' comment
Jewish Republicans had a muted reaction Wednesday to Sarah Palin's accusation that the media manufactured a "blood Libel" while covering the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.)
The term "blood Libel" refers to historical, false accusations that Jews used the blood of non-Jewish Children for religious purposes. Persecutors of the Jews employed a "blood Libel" mentality to justify acts of violence against them.
Former Bush White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer, a member of the Re...
Sarah Palin, blood libel, and the Inigo Montoya problem
I have been planning on writing on this subject for a while, and the statement issued by Sarah Palin regarding the tempest swirling around the Terrorist Act in Tucson, Arizona, provides the last bit of incentive.
Former Governor Palin used the phrase “blood Libel” in her statement, making me wonder why, in something that was supposedly responding to the condemnation of the violent imagery and phrases used in right-wing language, the word “blood” was invoked so soon after the sheddin
Blood Libel? Dangerous Critics? Palin, Angle Doth Protest Too Much
Sigh. So I guess I have to comment on Sarah Palin’s statement on the Tucson shooting, which was actually a statement about Sarah Palin, of course. First of all, the faux sincerity achieved by shaking her head a little bit from side-to-side is grating. But enough of the theater criticism.
Second, you have to love the statement, cribbed from Reagan, that “we have to restore the American precept that each person is accountable for his actions” from the woman who sent out her spo...
Dear Democrats: Pray The Tuesday Group Is Heard
Kensington Strangler Suspect Arrested In Philadelphia
Tunisia Revolt And Coup Has Lessons For West
Jared Lee Loughner Unlikely To Be Tried In Arizona
On MLK Birthday, Some Think Obama Helped Race Relations
Kinder Rhetoric Won't Stop GOP Healthcare Repeal
Women On Front Lines? Only A Matter Of Time
Wisconsin's Reince Priebus Already Shaking Up RNC
Suspect Who Outgunned N.J. Police Officer In Custody
U.S. Rep Giffords Can Move Both Sides Of Body