Last time we talked about CEO’s and employees receiving Tax Cuts because “they will create jobs with that money.” Well, we discovered that this is not entirely true. So, lets dig a little deeper. The liber…
Read more >>Traditionally, if kids were naughty, Santa Claus would place coal in their stockings instead of nice things. But now, because of Global Warming, the coal stigma has advanced to the next level. This being Christmas, I am trying to stay positive. B…
Read more >>Joy Behar commemorated her walk-off from "The View" during Bill O'Reilly's appearance in her 2010 Christmas Card. The front of the card features a Photoshop of the two with the phrase "Peace on Earth." Inside, a special message from Joy appears …
Read more >>Comedian Kathy Griffin appeared on The Late Late Show to tell host Craig Ferguson that there’s a very good reason why she makes jokes about the Palin family — including calling Dancing with the Stars “star” Bristol Palin …
Read more >>Cable news Ratings, December 22, 2010: •On Fox News, rising star-and quiet ratings power player-Bret Baier had a strong night Wednesday, coming within 136,000 viewers of Fox’s top dog Bill O’Reilly, who had 1,924,000 …
Read more >>Stop! Factor Time! In a discussion over Al Sharpton ’s attempts to have the FCC regulate “standards in regard to race and gender on publicly regulated TV and radio,” Fox News Channel host Bill O’Reilly told Megyn Kelly how…
Read more >>Lawrence O'Donnell on Tuesday made a federal case out of Ann Coulter's quite accurate claim that liberals give less to Charity than Conservatives. LAWRENCE O’DONNELL, HOST: Time for tonight’s Rewrite. It all started with a colu…
Read more >>Rep. Keith Ellison attacked Rep. Peter King for announcing that the GOP would hold hearings on Radical Islam. Ellison and CAIR believe this is Islamophobic. Bill O’Reilly slammed Ellison on his outrageous canard. [Until so-called Muslim lead…