John Boehner: John Boehner thinks President Barack Obama is engaging, smart and brilliant but also remains smarted by the president accusing him of taking Taxpayers hostage to secure a Tax Break for the rich.
PHOTOS: John Boehner in pictures
In an interview with Leslie Stahl of “60 Minutes” for broadcast Sunday night on CBS, Boehner said Obama showed him “disrespect” by calling him a hostage-taker.
VIDEOS: John Boehner in videos
Continue Reading Text Size - + reset Politico 44 “Excuse me, Mr. President I thought the election was over,&rd...;
Germany: Greens See Red Over Nuclear Power Extension
© Jens Meyer / AP
'Nuclear Power harms Germany' is the Greenpeace message projected on the cooling systems of the Nuclear Power Plant in Grafenrheinfeld near Schweinfurt, southern Germany, on Tuesday, Sept. 28, 2010.
Going against massive public opposition, the German cabinet on Tuesday gave the Green light to extend the nation's use of Nuclear Power. Hailing the move earlier as a "revolution," Chancellor Angela Merkel claimed that Nuclear Power will serve as a "bridge technology," in...
GE And Hitachi Use Nuclear Waste As Fuel
Nuclear Energy is the Energy which is released by the Nuclear reactions . It comes from splitting the of Uranium and in a process which is called fission. Making use of Nuclear waste is also a good idea which recently has introduced by the GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy . This is a joint type ofcommitteewhich now makes use of Nuclear waste to use it as fuel. They think that it is better to make use of the Nuclear waste in creating fuel rather then wasting it. This will also help people as a...
Recarbonization of the UK Economy
If you want to focus on a single metric that tells you how fast an Economy is decarbonizing (that is, reducing its ratio of Carbon Dioxide emissions to GDP) then you should focus on changes in the proportion of Energy Consumption from Carbon neutral sources. For any nation to hit emissions reductions targets, and the world to hit low stabilization targets the simple mathematics indicate that annual decarbonization rates will have to exceed 5% in most national economies .
By the metric...
20 years on, Germans reflect on reunification
Berlin -
Angela Merkel, the leader of Europe's richest country, still hoards food.
That's how much power Cold War-era habits still hold over Germans like Merkel who grew up in the Communist East, a full two decades after reunification.
The chancellor still does her laundry with an East German liquid detergent, prepares East Germans' favorite Soljanka soup (made with sausages and pickle juice) — and can't fight the urge to stockpile goods she sees at the...
Stuttgart 21 Protests: Merkel's Water Cannon Politics
The battle over the rebuilding of the central train station in Stuttgart, Germany, has escalated massively. Angela Merkel has pushed strongly for the project this week, and the harsh response by police to Protesters could come back to haunt both the chancellor and her party.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel recently announced that this will be an
"autumn of decisions."
Merkel's policies will be clear, and her government will be getting down to business after a year of regional Elections and...
No, nuclear power does not belong in the RES
Accepting a complement Now, lots of Economists look with disfavor on industrial policy, what they sniffily refer to as "picking winners." Such interventions in Free Trade are considered gauche in our neoliberal age. (This aversion to Trade-distorting policies tends to be somewhat selective, but put that aside for the moment.) Economists tend to argue that reducing carbon Pollution is the only credible goal and technology-agnostic, "market-based" policy the only credible means. That ideological...
No Corporate Welfare for Nuclear Power
With Federal Government Spending through the roof and projected Deficits setting new records every day, it is perhaps surprising that the Bush Administration and Congress want to use Billions of Taxpayer Dollars to single-handedly resurrect the moribund Nuclear industry. Old habits, however, die hard. The Federal Government has always maintained a unique public-private partnership with the Nuclear industry, wherein the costs of Nuclear Power are shared by the public but the profits are enjoyed...
Not surprisingly, the Israelis are not saying whether Stuxnet has any connection to the secretive cyberwar unit it has built inside Israels Intelligence service. Nor is the Obama Administration, which while talking about cyberdefenses has also rapidly ramped up a broad covert program, inherited from the Bush Administration, to undermine Irans Nuclear program. In interviews in several countries, experts in both cyberwar and Nuclear enrichment technology say the Stuxnet mystery may never be...
Is German Chancellor Angela Merkel Pro-Israel and Pro-American?
German chancellor Angela Merkel's Speech last week to the Leo Baeck Institute (LBI) in Manhattan, when compared with her administrations Iran policies, shows the gap between pro-Israel action and flowery pro-Israel Rhetoric. The LBI, which researches German-Jewish history, honored Merkel with the institutes prize for promoting German Jewish Reconciliation and for supporting Israel. In her Acceptance Speech, Merkel said, Our expectations from Iran include that...
France, Germany, Russia to discuss joint security
Paris — The leaders of France, Germany and Russia will meet next month at a luxury French beach resort to discuss joint security concerns.
French President Nicolas Sarkozy's office says the summit will take place on Oct. 18-19 in Deauville, on the Atlantic shore .
Sarkozy's office says in a statement Monday it has invited German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev to talk about joint security challenges.
The meeting will look ahead to the Group of 20 summit of...
Read-out of President Obama's Call with German Chancellor Merkel
President Obama and German Chancellor Angela Merkel spoke today as a part of their ongoing consultations and close partnership. The Chancellor provided an update on her engagement in support of the President’s efforts to advance peace in the Middle East. The two leaders emphasized their support for the direct talks between Israel and the Palestinians and agreed that all sides should make every possible effort to sustain the talks. The President and the Chancellor agreed...
Habits and tastes of the old life are hard to shake, says Merkel
Angela Merkel . . . still hankers for eastern foods. Photo: Getty Images
Berlin: Twenty years after German unification, Angela Merkel says she has found some habits of her Communist East German upbringing hard to break, such as stockpiling consumer goods.
The 56-year-old German Chancellor told SUPERillu magazine she tended to overstock her cupboards ''because you used to just get what you could in an Economy where things were scarce''.
''Sometimes I just buy things because I see them even...
Can Coal Be Made Cleaner?: German States To Oppose CO2 Storage Law
The German Government is set to approve new rules this week that would require states to allow the construction of test facilities for underground Carbon storage and capture. But two regional states plan to oppose the draft law in the Bundesrat upper house of parliament.
Leaders in two German states have expressed their opposition to Legislation planned by the Federal Government to require states to permit Utility companies to create test facilities for the capture and storage of Carbon...
The World from Berlin: 'Poverty Is Inherited in Germany'
Chancellor Angela Merkel's government has been heavily criticized for inaction on a number of issues. But now that Berlin has undertaken a welfare reform, the criticism has become even more intense. German commentators on Tuesday say that some of that condemnation is unwarranted.
It has been a long first year of Angela Merkel's Second Term in the Chancellery. Her government, which pairs her Conservatives with the business-friendly Free Democrats, spent most of the year bickering among...
Nuclear Weapons: 20 Facts They Don't Want You to Think About
Politicians and Their Armageddon Machines
Nuclear Arsenals: who wants them? - A coterie of politicians.
Why do they want them? - For the illusion of Power and to feed their egos.
How do they keep them? - By fostering a culture of fear.
How do they do that? - By positing a Threatening and Unknown Future.
There are 5 primary Nuclear Weapons states (and four others from proliferation). The politicians of these 5 Nuclear states put the future of the citizens of all the other 187 states of...
Destructive behavior to our planet must stop
It is unlikely, though, to slow the "drill, baby, Drill" need for more Offshore wells because this country and the world thirst for oil. The Obama Administration was right to curtail Deepwater Drilling and should back away from endorsing Nuclear Power plants. Nuclear waste remains a huge problem. The safety of Nuclear Power plants is far from assured. Doesn't President Obama remember Three Mile Island and Chernobyl? Each presented end-game scenarios for Mother Earth. Global Warming cries also...
Metro Detroit news: After an audit, City Airport director resigns
The action followed a combative hearing before a City Council committee over an audit by the City auditor general showing mismanagement and questionable contracts at the east-side airport, long known as City Airport.
Coalition balks at plan to ship Nuclear waste
The chorus against a plan to ship 1,600 tons of Nuclear waste on the Great Lakes is growing.
On Tuesday, the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative, a coalition of more than 70 mayors from Quebec, Ontario and eight Great Lakes...
A pro-market, not pro-business, energy strategy
Here is my Reuters Breakingviews piece from last week:
General Electric boss Jeffrey Immelt last Thursday castigated Washington for neglecting the U.S. Energy industry, calling current policy stupid. Sure, Immelt was talking his own book — a third of GEs profit last year came from its Power unit. But the lack of a comprehensive Energy strategy is still an economic drag.
Immelt was a big fan of President Barack Obamas Energy plan, which proposed a cap-and-trade system for...
'Go green or we'll kill your kids' says Richard Curtis eco-propaganda shocker
Gillian Anderson, Peter Crouch [a tall footballer], Radiohead, David Ginola [a French footballer] and - above all - Richard Curtis, I salute you! You have just released a video which has entered history as the most emetic, ugly, counterproductive eco-propaganda movie ever made. Believe me this thing is going to go viral beyond your wildest dreams. But unfortunately that virus is Ebola. (Hat tips: Barry Woods/Tom Dalton/Pete Hayes/Old Goat/half the civilised...
France, Germany clash over austerity measures
Brussels: As European workers prepared a continent-wide mobilisation against Austerity measures, France and Germany clashed over proposals to slap automatic fines on European Union states that repeatedly break the bloc's Debt and Deficit rules.
Germany and the European Central Bank have thrown their weight behind proposals to be presented by the European Commission to toughen up Budget rules with ''quasi-automatic'' fines for states with high public Deficits and Debts.
But the French Finance...
Ninety years on, First World War is finally over for Germany
Germany marks the end of an era this Sunday when, 92 years after the end of hostilities, it will make the last of its First World War Reparations payments that once provoked a wave of resentment strong enough to sweep Adolf Hitler to power. The payment date, which coincides with the 20th anniversary of Germany's peaceful reunification, will quietly close the last chapter of a conflict that arguably did more than any other to shape the nation's future. Germany's Debt derives from the massively...
Claim Check Needs to Do Fact Checks
Claim Check, which supposedly fact checks public statements, employs the different-must-be-wrong-theory in
dismissing a Heritage analysis because it is an outlier.
It seems that many forecasters in Washington are more afraid of being alone than they are of being wrong. That is, they would rather be wrong with everybody else than right by themselves. One such case is the set of assumptions underlying estimates of economic impacts of the WaxmanMarkey cap-and-trade Legislation.
Most of...
McCain Has Become A Climate Conspiracy Theorist
McCain Has Become A Climate Conspiracy Theorist
Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), once a champion of strong action to fight Global Warming Pollution, has joined the rest of the Republican Senate Caucus in questioning the overwhelming Science. From 2003 to 2007, McCain pressed for Congress to pass comprehensive cap-and-trade Legislation to ratchet down Greenhouse gas Pollution, because, he said, Global Warming is “ such a threat to our planet and our future and our Children.” Now, like ...
McCain drinks the Kool-Aid [iced tea?] and becomes a climate conspiracy theorist
The main (though not only) reason the Climate and Clean Energy Jobs Bill died this year was that anti-science, pro-pollution ideologues killed it . Until Senate rules Change, any such Bill would have required at least three Senate Republican votes and probably five.
In a semi-rational world, heck, even a semi-hemi-demi-rational world, that was imaginable, but not on on planet Eaarth . Who could have imagined that just 18 months after campaigning for President on a platform of Climate...
Brendan Smith: The Rise of the New Power Co-Op Movement
[Drafted with Jeremy Brecher]
Breakdown at Copenhagen. Climate Legislation stalled. EPA Regulation of Greenhouse gasses threatened. Is Climate protection dead?
Maybe not. Climate protection has gone local. Political leaders may fiddle while the world burns, but Grassroots groups around the country are organizing to cut Greenhouse gas emissions and build a greener future for their communities. Block by block and using every tool at their disposal, groups are fighting to green schools and...
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Just saw a shot of dark legs tee-ing off on a golf course and thought it was Obama. Nope, John Boehner -claims he's never been tanning. Ha!