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John Boehner
November 17,1949
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John Boehner videos
Huffington Post: Tucson Shooting: HuffPost Bloggers React
SNL Spoofs John Boehner's Crying Jags
Sheriff: Giffords Gunman May Not Have Acted Alone
5 Instant Classic Moments From The 112th Congress (VIDEO)
Boehner Makes Lying an Art in Dismissing CBO Opinion on He..
Terry O'Neill: Put Women in the Constitution
Early Morning Swim: Matt Taibbi Discusses Ultimate Beltway..
The Liberal Media Has Bought The Line That Repealing Obama..
Every Day Moore Award
House Budget Chairman Admits Failure To Raise Debt Ceiling..
At last, (some of) the Constitution is read
Video: Boehner says GOP will keep its $100 billion pledge
Another House GOP Member Opts Out Of Congressional Health ..
Exclusive: Polluter Billionaire David Koch Says Tea Party ..
Boehner Dismisses CBO Despite Previously Touting It, Wont ..
House Speaker John Boehner Cries (Video)
God Bless You Speaker Boehner
Boehner's first speech as Speaker of the House
Late Night: How Sharper Than a Minnows Gums
A Humble Beginning for the 112th Congress
John Boehner Takes Gavel as GOP Takes Over Majority in Hou..
Video: John Boehner Assumes Speaker's Gavel
In Mocking John Boehner, David Letterman Derails a Valuabl..
Video: Speaker John Boehner's Opening remarks to the US Ho..
In Case You Missed It...
Watch: John Boehners First Speech As Speaker of the House ..
Classless Nancy Pelosi finally gives John Boehner the gave..
Nancy Pelosi Uses Transfer of Power Remarks to Defend Her ..
No Surprise, Republicans to Break Promise on Spending Cuts
Nancy Pelosi Hands Over the Gavel to John Boehner Video
John Boehner's the New Speaker, and We're All Choked Up!
Transfer of Power: New Congress, Familiar Fights
GOP in House to Require those Submitting Bills to Cite whe..
A.M. Roundup: 82 slides in Cuomo speech
Reason TV: Get ready for disappointment
Despite Demanding Bipartisan Discussions On Health Reform,..
ABC This Week Panel: Were in Crisis. Time for Tea-GOPers t..
Media Parrot Obama's Claim of 'Most Productive' Congress i..
Pence: Congress Should Defund Planned Parenthood Because o..
Sunday Late Night: No Fear
Sarah Palin's Double Standard on Double Standards
President Barack Obama Signs Tax Cut Extension into Law at..
Mitch McConnell Fights Back Tears On Senate Floor (VIDEO)
With Omnibus Dead, How Will The Government Fund Health Ref..
"Government Takeover" Is PolitiFact's "Lie ..
Video: Sen. Kerry complains about having to read the Omnib..
On Boehners Boo-Hooing, Look to the Grape
Tears of a Clown
Maddow On John Boehner's Crying Jags
Mitch McConnell Chokes Up
The Cold Hearted Partisan Bitches Of The View
Ladies of The View Openly Ridicule John Boehner
Cackling hags on The View Joy Behar and Barbara Walters mo..
Putin Does Bill Clinton One Better, Crooning 'Blueberry Hi..
Boehner: I Reject The Word Compromise
Orange Julius And A Side Of Ham
Video: Goolsbee defends tax deal, blames 'Republican intra..
Obama Says Youre a Terrorist! (And for Once, Thats Bad)
President Lashes Out at the Left: This Country Was Founded..
Pres. Obamas Tantrum
Tax Deal Proves Republican Concern About Business Uncertai..
So much for bipartisanship: Obama calls GOP hostage-takers
The Video John Boehner Doesn't Want You to See
BeRNie THe GRiNCH (a PoNZi HoLiDaY WaRMuP)
House, Senate Democrats: No Tax Cut Extension Over $250,00..
"Crap"-gate: Democrats used procedural trick to ..
John Boehner: Middle class tax cuts bill chicken crap
Boehner Blasts Dems' 'Chickencrap' Tax Cut Vote Gambit (VI..
Rand Paul Pushes Federal Employee Pay Cuts, But Would Leav..
Incoming Taliban Speaker John Boehner to Create Women's Re..
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