Tax Break news


Immoral budget? Here's an alternative... - 5hrs 10mins ago

Doing the “unthinkable” to avoid the “unbearable” and submitting a proposed Budget that is “immoral”? That’s how the Governor characterized her proposed Budget amid what were clear signs of emotional turmo…


Two senators promise 2011 deficit-cutting bill

Breitbart - 11hrs 20mins ago

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two senators pledged on Monday to offer Bipartisan Legislation next year that reflected proposals to slash the federal Budget Deficit submitted this month by a presidential commission. "Taking the commission's report ... we…


Biden: Ending tax breaks for the wealthy a 2012 goal (Reuters)

Yahoo! News - 1day 15hrs ago

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The Obama Administration will be better positioned to fight the extension of Tax Cuts for the wealthiest Americans when they are set to expire in two years, Vice President Joe Biden said on Sunday. Appearing on NBC&#…


Van Hollen vows battle over priorities with GOP on spending

The Hill - 1day 15hrs ago

A senior House Democrat is previewing his party’s arguments against planned GOP attempts to slash federal spending and kill programs when Republicans take control of the chamber next year. Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) - a top ally o…


Ending tax breaks for the wealthy a 2012 goal: Biden

Reuters - 1day 17hrs ago

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Obama Administration will be better positioned to fight the extension of Tax Cuts for the wealthiest Americans when they are set to expire in two years, Vice President Joe Biden said on Sunday. Appearing on NBC's "Meet t…


Obama reassures U.S. labor leaders

UPI - 2 days ago

Published: Dec. 18, 2010 at 10:53 AM President Barack Obama speaks before signing the Middle Class Tax Cut bill in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building on December 17, 2010 in Washington DC. The measure would extend tax cuts for families at ev…


Positive move

Watertown Daily Times - 3 days ago

By passing a Bipartisan tax package late Thursday, Congress has taken the better course for Working Families, The Economy and business. The Compromise deal negotiated by President Obama and Senate Republicans will extend for two years Tax Cuts e…


Lame-duck sessions supposed to be a thing of the past, historians say

Washington Post - 3 days ago

Here's the funny thing about this month's lame-duck session of Congress, in which frantic lawmakers have pinballed from Tax Cuts to "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" to a Nuclear Weapons treaty: It's not supposed to exist. In 1933, historians …