Unemployment news


Wisconsin governor: If the fugitive Dems dont come back, I might have to cut funding for their staffs

Hot Air - 2hrs 28mins ago

Let’s play hardball. “The Protesters have every right to have their voices heard, but I’m not going to be intimidated into thinking I should ignore the voices of the five-and-a-half million Taxpayers,” said Republican Gov…


A Tax Dust-Up

National Review Online - 7hrs 55mins ago

After yesterday’s Wall Street Journal reported on work toward a Bipartisan deal on the Budget, Grover Norquist of Americans for Tax Reform sent three Republican senators a letter noting that the deal, as outlined in the Journal article, woul…


CBO: Obamacare Repeal Would Save $1.4 Trillion

National Review Online - 5hrs 15mins ago

The enacted Legislation contained a set of provisions designed to expand health Insurance Coverage that was estimated to increase federal Deficits. The costs of those coverage expansions—which include the cost of the subsidies to be provided…


Johnson Rules Out Senate Bid

National Review Online - 7hrs 12mins ago

Former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson, a potential 2012 presidential contender, tells National Review Online that he will not run for the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by Sen. Jeff Bingaman (D., N.M.). “I’d be terrible at the job,&#…


Presidents' Day Gets Started Early Around Here

National Review Online - 4hrs 35mins ago

Over on the homepage, Washington is leading Lincoln in our favorite-president poll for now-but just wait till the Polkites get the word out. Also, don’t miss the slideshow of the presidents featuring comments by Brookhiser, Beran, Spal…


ICE silent raids target illegals

Examiner.com - 4hrs 51mins ago

In accordance with the Obama Administration’s apparent preference, the Federal Government through the U.S. Immigration & Customs Enforcement is targeting illegal hires. The Wall Street Journal reported February 17 that ICE is expanding g…


Michelle Chen: From Wisconsin to Washington, Budget Cuts Draw Battle Lines

The Huffington Post - 5hrs 28mins ago

It's remarkable how little the demonstrations in Wisconsin have to do with the Budget battle that initially sparked it. The Protesters today aren't talking about program cuts, but reinvigorating a sense of economic Citizenship in an age when wor…



National Review Online - 5hrs 53mins ago

Lila Rose will be on Beck’s Fox show tonight. Abby Johnson will be on O’Reilly’s.  Djibouti Too?   Is there anywhere these Protests won't spread? Thousands of people have taken to the streets of Djibouti to call for…