Mike Pence

Born: June 07,1959
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Mike Pence news


New Year, New Resolutions

Examiner.com - 11hrs 28mins ago

With the start of the new year comes the new year's resolutions.   We all have goals to lose weight, quit Smoking, be better people, or in my case finish that novel that's been sitting in my Laptop for three years.   I'm not su…


Top 10 of 2010

Examiner.com - 2 days ago

As tradition dictates,  it's time for my top 10 state and local stories of 2010.  My criteria were pretty simple; magnitude and impact.  So with that said, here we go. 10.  Hoosiers overwhelmingly pass Property Tax caps.  …


W.H. & pundits still trying to sell Obamas intellect-Americans arent buying it

Examiner.com - 4 days ago

“It’s telling to me, again, you’re talking about Mike Pence from Indiana, you talk about a charisma gap, y’know, charisma-challenged people. There’s nobody out there except for Sarah Palin who could absolutely dominat…


Pakistani intel officials say third suspected US missile strike in tribal area kills 9

The Daily Caller - 5 days ago

Click here to cancel reply. You must be logged in to post a comment. Farmers shouldn't own animals, but Michael Vick can? Mike Pence 2012? Farmers shouldn't own animals, but Michael Vick can?...…


Nigerian radical Muslim sect claims responsibility for bombs, church attacks that killed 38

The Daily Caller - 5 days ago

Click here to cancel reply. You must be logged in to post a comment. Farmers shouldn't own animals, but Michael Vick can? Mike Pence 2012? Farmers shouldn't own animals, but Michael Vick can?...…


Radical Nigerian Muslim group claims attacks

The Daily Caller - 5 days ago

JOS, Nigeria (AP) — A radical Muslim sect has claimed responsibility for the Christmas Eve attacks in Nigeria that left at least 38 people dead. The Islamic group, formerly known as Boko Haram, said in a Press Release published on its websit…


Several dead in New Orleans warehouse blaze

The Daily Caller - 5 days ago

Fire Chief Charles Parent tells WWL-TV that survivors say the fire started when people burned wood in a barrel to stay warm. He says they got out through a window. Parent says the bodies have been turned over to the coroner’s office. He says…


Pakistani intel officials say suspected US missile strike kills 6 militants near Afghan border

The Daily Caller - 5 days ago

Click here to cancel reply. You must be logged in to post a comment. Farmers shouldn't own animals, but Michael Vick can? Farmers shouldn't own animals, but Michael Vick can? Mike Pence 2012?...…