Hate Speech news


Re: Civil Discourse

Nice Deb - 22hrs 10mins ago

G.I. Wood Shop Inc. Mrs. Peel Oh…My Valve! V The K’s Caption This! An error has occurred; the feed is probably down. Try again later. Byron York is rethinking Obama’s much lauded Tucson Speech. Even Conservatives were swooning be…


I do not want civil discourse

Don Surber - 1day 7hrs ago

For a decade, from the election of Bush 43 forward, the Left has lied and cheated as it tried to return to power. Al Gore made a mockery out of the American electoral system by being a spoilsport over Florida, which Bush indeed won by 537 votes.…


Tucson one week later: cooler heads identify the real hate-mongers

Examiner.com - 1day 10hrs ago

It's Tucson one week later.  A painful week has passed since a horrific massacre resulted in multiple fatalities and casualties. A very disturbed individual, not a 'conservative Extremist' who listened to Talk Radio, went on a rampage that de…


The right never admits to being wrong

Examiner.com - 2 days ago

Amid all the defensive whining from the past week of accusations stemming from the Tucson shooting, the Right Wing faction of America (you know, the RWFA), seems to think they are being treated unfairly. why? I guess they might be worried people t…


Dave Pell: Tucson Shooting: When Having an Opinion Precedes the News

The Huffington Post - 3 days ago

As a kid at my local county fair, I used to ride a roller coaster that rumbled around a circular track as songs like Foreigner's "Urgent" blasted through a set of giant speakers. Every few times around the track, the guy running the ride would p…


Palin aide: She's getting death threats at unprecedented levels

theblogprof - 3 days ago

Lost in all the feigned outrage over supposed hate-speech from Sarah Palin is the fact that Sarah Palin has from the getgo been the target of death threats. But since the Arizona shooting and the liberal media pointing their crooked finger at Pal…


Media misses their own mark on Tuscon

Examiner.com - 3 days ago

The massacre that took 6 American lives last week in Tuscon, Arizona seems to have left more questions than answers.  While media outlets, political pundits, and elected officials attempted to lay blame anywhere but on the shooter himself, th…


Liberals Preach Civility and Call for Sarah Palins Death

UNCOVERAGE.net - 3 days ago

As we pointed out earlier today, liberals/Democrats/whatEVER totally ignored THEIR president’s call for Civil Discourse with vicious Palin posters in San Francisco put up even before he finished his Speech in Tucson. Fox News reports it is g…