Posted by John at 10:30 AM The time has come to put any thoughts of Sarah Palin running for President to rest. I say that not because I dislike her; on the contrary, I'm a fan. I think she did an excellent job as a vice-presidential Candidate in …
Read more >>PRINCETON, NJ -- Americans see room for improvement in several aspects of President Barack Obama's leadership at the halfway mark of his term. Their broadest criticism is directed at the president's record of bringing about changes the cou…
Read more >>With his Trademark thumbs-up, Sen. Joe Lieberman took the stage at the Stamford Marriott this afternoon to announce his Retirement at his term’s end in 2013. Although Lieberman mostly stuck to his prepared remarks, he ad-libbed a joke at the…
Read more >>Despite the millions spent on advertising, countless town halls and a reinvigorated debate over the new health law, neither party has accomplished the key goal: swaying Public Opinion on health reform. “We could have substituted our Novem…
Read more >>Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's unfavorable rating reached an all-time low in a poll released Wednesday as President Obama's job Approval Rating is on the rise. Fifty-six percent said in a CNN/Opinion Research poll that they have a unfavo…
Read more >>A new NBC News - Wall Street Journal poll finds more Americans approving of his performance and more seeing him as a political moderate. In the survey, 53 percent said they approved of the job he's doing as president , up eight percentage points f…
Read more >>Of course he’s not sorry. As Ed noted this morning, not only has Cohen proved himself fully capable of vicious demagoguery before, but the last time he stooped this low he tossed in a little joke about McCain looking like a Vietcong POW ag…
Read more >>There has been no major shift in US Public Opinion about the role of guns in America after the shooting of a US member of Congress in Arizona, according to a poll out Wednesday. A Pew Research Center poll showed that 49 percent of people polled s…