In contrast, by about a 2-1 margin in the NBC News/WSJ poll, voters think Obama will "strike the right balance" with the new Congress. By a smaller margin, they think that Congress will be "too inflexible" as it deals with him. Only 45 percent of …
Read more >>With the Democrats still in control of the Senate and Barack Obama in the White House, there is little that the new Republican majority in the House of Representatives can do before 2013 to enact Legislation. The Health Care overhaul will not be r…
Read more >>Here's yet another sign of just how unelectable Sarah Palin could be if she were to win the Republican nomination for president in 2012: A new survey from Public Policy Polling (D) finds her ahead of Obama by only one point in deep-red Texas. He…
Read more >>President Obama has been viewed in a very positive light by the American public on his handling of the Arizona shooting tragedy, according to a New York Times/CBS News poll conducted between January 15 and 19, 2011. In the survey, only 11% s…
Read more >>2012 could be the year Democrats are finally competitive for President in Texas...but only if the Republicans nominate Sarah Palin. There are vast differences in how the various different potential GOP contenders fare against Barack Obama in Texa…
Read more >>As President Obama starts his third year in office, pollsters — especially media pollsters — have an interest in taking the temperature of the nation on his job performance. We’ve seen bumps in polling from WaPo/ABC and N…
Read more >>A look at the poll numbers from the past two years show Palin has gone from being an unknown, to very well liked, to be disliked by a majority of Americans. The first poll was taken in late August of 2008, soon after Senator John McCain anno…
Read more >>PRINCETON, NJ -- Barack Obama averaged 46.7% Job Approval in his second full year in office, spanning Jan. 20, 2010-Jan. 19, 2011. That places Obama's approval on the low end compared with other presidents elected to office since World War II …