President Obama has appeased elements of his Liberal Base in recent months by repealing the Pentagon’s “Don’t ask, don’t tell” policy, reversing course on the Defense of Marriage Act and pursuing new gun-control mea…
Read more >>Two months after the shooting rampage in Tucson renewed a debate over gun violence, President Obama is still searching for a way to take on the issue without touching off a battle with the powerful gun-rights lobby. Gun Control advocates and some …
Read more >>House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) met Tuesday with New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg at the Capitol. Bloomberg entered the Speaker's suite just after 1 p.m. for a meeting with Boehner, a spokesman for Boehner confirmed. The Speaker's off…
Read more >>In the wake of President Obama's guest editorial in the Arizona Daily Star Sunday (discussed here yesterday), calling for a "new discussion" about "Gun Control," some forcible citizen disarmament advocates are incensed that Obama didn't go far eno…
Read more >>Again, I'm still utterly baffled that the White House wants to have a national conversation on Gun Laws. I can't forsee this issue doing him any good at all in next year's election. Unless of course, Obama's is giving up on blue-collar and rural D…
Read more >>WASHINGTON (AP) - Barack Obama once said it was a "Scandal" that then-President George W. Bush didn't force renewal of a federal assault weapons ban. Now it's Obama himself who's steering clear of that and other politically sensitive gun-control m…
Read more >>Gun Control: "it's not clear what exactly Obama will do now, or how hard he will push for more gun-control limits." [Perry Bacon Jr.] Gun Control: "The contours laid out in [Obama's] op-ed are similar to the plan currently being pushed by [Mayor…
Read more >>WASHINGTON – Barack Obama once said it was a "Scandal" that then-President George W. Bush didn't force renewal of a federal assault weapons ban. Now it's Obama himself who's steering clear of that and other politically sensitive gun-contro…