Republicans have eliminated a potential liability with Latino voters by refusing to make a congressman outspoken on Immigration issues the head of a House Immigration subcommittee. Rep. Steve King of Iowa was expected to be chosen to head the pane…
Read more >>U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius (seh-BEEL'-yuhs) is urging the country to forge ahead with President Barack Obama's landmark Health Care overhaul despite Republican calls to Repeal the law. Sebelius made the comments dur…
Read more >>Fact: President Barack Obama’s Energy Secretary Steven Chu wants to “figure out how to boost the price of Gasoline to the levels in Europe.” At the time he made the statement, gas cost $7 - $8 a gallon in Europe. Fact: Si…
Read more >>The Obama Administration has directed the EPA at the behest of corn growing states to allow 15 percent Ethanol in Gasoline. The EPA staff is disturbed by this but have no choice but to carry out Obama’s bad policy for the environment.&…
Read more >>Virginia State Police say a Marion man was driving with a woman in his lap when his pickup truck crashed into a vehicle driven by a Game Warden at Hungry Mother State Park. The officer, Daniel Craig Hall, suffered minor injuries in the New Year's …
Read more >>New Montgomery County Attorney Marc Hansen will take a nearly 9 percent Pay Cut from his predecessor. He'll bank a meager $190,000, said County Executive Ike Leggett in a memo to the County Council. Former County Attorney Leon Rodriguez made more …
Read more >>A couple of House members have been voting since yesterday without being sworn in. Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, moments ago administered the oath of office to Reps. Pete Sessions, R-Texas and Mike Fitzpatrick, R-Pa., who were apparently absent fr…
Read more >>The commander of Israel's Military says ultra-Orthodox Jews should be drafted into The Army. Tens of thousands of ultra-Orthodox Jews have exemptions to continue their religious studies. The exemptions have long been a sore point in Israeli societ…