Gas Prices Under President Obama in Pictures

Gas Prices: Fact: President Barack Obama’s Energy Secretary Steven Chu wants to “figure out how to boost the price of Gasoline to the levels in Europe.” At the time he made the statement, gas cost $7 - $8 a gallon in Europe.

PHOTOS: Barack Obama in pictures

Fact: Since taking office, President Obama’s entire energy agenda has made a gallon of gas more expensive: Immediately after taking office in 2009, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, canceled 77 leases for Oil and gas drilling in Utah.

VIDEOS: Barack Obama in videos

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Kevin Ekmark posted 6 days ago (via twitter)

Gas prices are supposed to hit a$5-6 a gallon by spring time if we don't start off shore drilling again. 20k jobs lost to the ban

The Lake posted 5 days ago (via twitter)

Obama's responsible for these absurd gas prices due to the drilling ban in Gulf and Alaska

Mike Zunino posted 2 days ago (via twitter)

Boy Blunder Barack. Thanks to his drilling ban , price of gas has been increasing. PLEASE tell dimwit oil prices are based upon oil FUTURES

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