Roger Ailes: Snippets of Revelation by digby Anderson Cooper interviewed Bill Maher tonight, playing Devil's Advocate to Maher's strong denunciation of Right Wing violence.
PHOTOS: Roger Ailes in pictures
It's worth watching on the rerun if you care to.
VIDEOS: Roger Ailes in videos
This was a highlight: Cooper: I'm reading biographies of Lincoln and Jefferson and Lincoln had horrible things said about him when he was president, really vicious, vicious stuff. Maher: Sure, and look what happened to him. Cooper: well... Maher: yeah, and we saw how that ended. I guess ...
Liberals take a page from the Westboro Baptist songbook
Fred Phelps, the crazy leader of the Westboro Baptist Church cult, has become infamous for blaming any bad event on the evils of Homosexuality. Earthquake in Haiti? Blame the gays. Combat troop deaths in Iraq? Ditto. Phelps' Logic Works thusly: God literally hates people who engage in Homosexual conduct and unless societies take the steps to ban and punish such action, God is going to destroy them. Any Natural Disaster or mass Murder is, accordingly, the will of God being carried out on the "sin...
The Rhetoric Of The Right
I was looking at our finalists in last year's Malkin Award category. The Dish collects examples of extreme Rhetoric on both sides, and the simple fact of the matter is that there's far more on the right than left. More interesting is the theme on the right. Here are some finalists:
"If the [North Koreans] start anything, I say nuke ‘em. And not with just a few bombs," - Glenn Reynolds.
"I’m not filling out this [Census] form. I dare them to try and come throw me in j...
Joe Arpaio Defends Sarah Palin, Says Sheriff Dupnik Too Political (VIDEO)
Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, not exactly known for his Bipartisanship, thinks that fellow Arizona Sheriff Clarence Dupnik of Pima County is getting too political in his Rhetoric in the wake of the Mass Shooting over the weekend that killed six people and gravely injured Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ).
"Sheriffs are elected, like I am, thank God. I'm sure if he was a Police Chief he'd probably be fired tomorrow. I'm not trying to defend him, but he's the one that runs that sheriff's offi...
Huckabee attacks left over Tucson shooting, portrays Loughner as liberal
Mike Huckabee, lashing out at criticism of violent Rhetoric from the right:
Mike Huckabee: Loughner a 'whack job nut maggot'
Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee lashed out at “left-wing politicians” and the media for their handling of Saturday’s Mass Shooting in Arizona, saying the rush to blame right-wingers for a Shooting Spree committed by a “whack job nut maggot” was “reprehensible.”
Speaking on his Radio Show, “The Huckabee Report,” Mon...
Scarborough: Before Fox Glenn Beck Was A Nobody And I Will Say It Loud And Clear
In the continuing war of words between Joe Scarborough and Glenn Beck, Scarborough really didn’t hold back today on Morning Joe. Scarborough expressed concern because apparently he has many friends and family members who watch Beck and get frightened when they allegedly hear Beck say that President Obama is a Racist and a Marxist who is killing freedom in America.
Scarborough seemed most worried about his mother, apparently a loyal Beck viewer:
“My mom and a lot of other people like...
The Ailes Edict
Forgive me if I’m highly doubtful that Roger Ailes will change anything on Fox News Channel. But the interview with Russell Simmons sure is great PR and is getting a lot of attention. Former Pres. Clinton spoke to the BBC saying politics shouldn’t “degenerate into demonisation” and that the rhetoric “falls on the unhinged and the hinged alike.” He certainly knows this first hand. Less surprising was that Ailes used the platform to scoff at the notion that angr...
Ed Schultz: Either Foxs Roger Ailes Has No Control Or Hes Flat Out Lying
Today on MSNBC , Ed Schultz was fired up because he believed Fox’s heavy hitters Bill O’Reilly, Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity took to the airwaves last night and didn’t change their tone despite a warning from Fox News president Roger Ailes to “tone it down.” Schultz played fiery clips from all three Fox stars and commented “nice job of toning it down.”
Schultz seemed most angry with O’Reilly for his segment that directly criticized MSNBC, and conclu...
How low can Wikileaks go? Julian Assanges sick attempt to exploit the Arizona shootings
In a Press Release late last night, Wikileaks made a sick attempt to link in the public mind the shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords to widespread outrage in America over its recent leaking of hundreds of thousands of US government documents. Even for Julian Assange this is surely a low point IN Media manipulation, and here he is clearly mimicking the Far Left’s ludicrous attempts to blame the Right for the Arizona shootings.
Here’s what the release, entitled “WikiLeak
Hasselbeck Tells OReilly: Sheriff Dupnik Is Creating A More Dangerous Country
One of The View co-hosts, Elizabeth Hasselbeck , stopped by The Factor and told Bill O’Reilly she wasn’t happy about Sheriff Dupnik continuing to blame right-wing Rhetoric for the Arizona shooting. She also revealed despite being the only conservative voice on The View, she doesn’t feel like she’s ganged up on.
Hasselbeck agreed with the Arizona sheriff that words do matter, but just disagreed as to which words are the problem. She believed Dupnik’s continued talk ...
Tea Party & Bernie Sanders Using Tucson Tragedy For Fundraising
I bet you never thought you’d see those two in the same headline. I’m a bit surprised myself. Bernie should know better.
From The Weekly Standard comes the text of the email from Sanders…
Given the recent tragedy in Arizona, as well as the start of the new Congress, I wanted to take this opportunity to share a few words with political friends in Vermont and throughout the country. I also want to thank the very many supporters who have begun contributing online to my 2012 reel...
Even now, ClimateDepots Marc Morano reiterates his call for a hostile reaction to climate scientists
I have previously written about The rise of anti-science cyber Bullying and the role played by Swift Boat smearer Marc Morano — who believes climate scientists should be publicly beaten:
I seriously believe we should kick them while they’re down. They deserve to be publicly flogged.
Morano has never repudiated those remarks and he’s been widely criticized, including by British Journalist Leo Hickman (see “UK Guardian slams Morano for cyber-bullying and for urging violence a...
Is Sarah Palin Retreating, or Reloading?
In the days following the massacre in Tucson, former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin has become a focal point in the media conversation about the shootings. The confluence of her March posting of an electoral map that featured crosshairs over Shooting Victim Gabrielle Giffords ‘ Congressional District, Giffords’ own denunciation of the image at the time, and Giffords’ current struggle to survive that shooting has linked Palin to the shooting, despite a lack of any evidence of a cau...
The psychophysics of policy positions
Tom Stafford writes:
I [Stafford] suggest applying the methods of experimental Psychology to a longstanding question in Political Science.
Many people feel that there is no "real difference" between political parties (for example, Labour vs Conservatives in the UK). Politians are all the same, right? At least superficially, mainsteam parties will all echo commitments to values such as "community" and "education" and positions such as "tough on crime" and "for a strong economy".
In perceptual ...
Fox News CEO Roger Ailes: Fox And 'The Other Side' Need To Tone Down Rhetoric
Fox News CEO Roger Ailes said that he has told his network to "tone it down" in the wake of the shooting in Arizona, and that he hopes the "other side" will do so as well.
Ailes' comments appeared in a conversation with Russell Simmons that was published on Simmons' website, Global Grind. He said that any attempts to connect FOX News or the Tea Party to the shooting were "bullshit," and that "both sides" were responsible for extreme Rhetoric.
But Ailes did say that he had issued a warning to F...
Who has been "inflaming tensions"
Another rampantly biased piece in the Tribune this morning by Kathleen Hennessey and others.
No mention of the Pima County Sheriff's inflammatory and unprofessional outburst. No mention of the contemptible bias of the NY Times and CNN, not to mention MSNBC--and even FoxNews. The LA Times/Tribune "reporters" conveniently cut off the quote from Roger Ailes:
Fox News Chairman Roger Ailes — while rejecting any suggestion that his Cable News net...
Ailes: Shooting blame 'bullshit', but Fox and left should 'tone it down'
Fox News President Roger Ailes denounced attempts to tie Gabrielle Giffords shooting to Fox News and the right, but said he had told "our guys [to] shut up, tone it down, make your argument intellectually" in an interview with the hip-hop mogul Russell Simmons for Simmons's
"He just was not attached to the Tea Party. It’s just a bullshit way to use the death of a little girl to get Fox News in an argument," Ailes said. "You know, they’re us...
Fox News CEO Roger Ailes: Fox And 'The Other Side' Need To Tone Down Rhetoric
Source: Huffington Post
Fox News CEO Roger Ailes said that he has told his network to "tone it down" in the wake of the shooting in Arizona, and that he hopes the "other side" will do so as well.
Ailes' comments appeared in a conversation with Russell Simmons that was published on Simmons' website, Global Grind. He said that any attempts to connect FOX News or the Tea Party to the shooting were "bullshit," and that "both sides" were responsible for extreme Rhetoric.
But Ailes did say that he had...
Ed Schultz denies existence of extreme rhetoric from Democrats
Now this elected official from Idaho, I believe, that was on "Meet the Press" (GOP Rep. Raul Labrador) yesterday says it's both sides. I challenge any right-wing talker, correspondent, Talk Show host, cable dude, whatever! If you can find anybody in the Democratic Party that would match the sound bites of the last two sound bites that we just played for you, I sure would like to give commentary on it. But you see, they don't exist. You can't find a Democrat in the last two years that's talked li...
After the Arizona Murders, Politics As Usual
I thought the shootings in Arizona might cause a brief moment of unity. Twenty shot; six dead, including a little girl; an attempted political Assassination, an attack on Democracy itself. Was I naive to think that the instant reaction might be an uncomplicated desire to unite--in sympathy for the Victims and in deploring a crime against us all? Of course I was. It takes more than this to bridge the divide in American politics. One strand of commentary implicated the political right in the cri...
Figures George Soros Has A Hand In Anti-Fracking Movement
If it’s good for America, George Soros is against it.
In this case, it’s shale on our own land that’s rich with Natural Gas. Recently a friend of mine informed me she decided she’s against hydro-fracking (fracking) in the Marcellus shale after watching the film Gasland. She told me everything they said was true and she was very concerned about fracking in her area because her water source is a well. Although I had heard about the film, I hadn’t seen it but I encou...
Fox News Head Tells Hosts 'Shut Up, Tone It Down' After Giffords Shooting
Roger Ailes, the conservative who heads the Fox News Channel, has told his traditionally outspoken hosts to "shut up, tone it down, make your argument intellectually" in the wake of the massacre in Tuscon that is putting overheated right-wing Rhetoric under intense scrutiny. After the Arizona Massacre, Will Congress Ever Be the Same? "I told all of our guys, shut up, tone it down, make your argument intellectually," Ailes said in an interview with Russell Simmons, the global hip-hop impresario, ...
Fox News CEO Roger Ailes: Ive Told All Our Guys, Shut Up, Tone It Down
Fox News CEO Roger Ailes says he put the word out at Fox to “tone it down” and make arguments “intellectually” with less heated Rhetoric. “You don’t have to do it with bombast. I hope the other side does that.”
But Ailes draws the line at any suggestion the passion of Fox News hosts had anything to do with the Shooting Spree in Arizona that left six dead and Rep. Gabrielle Giffords critically wounded: “That is just bullsh-,” he told Ru...
Roger Ailes: Tone it down
Roger Ailes spoke to Russell Simmons about how the media was painting the shootings in Arizona, noting that both sides were guilty of violent Rhetoric, but agreeing that it was important for both sides to tone it down.
You know, they’re using this thing...apparently there was a map from one of Palin’s things that had her (Congresswoman Giffords) targeted district. So, we looked at the Internet and the first thing we found in 2007, the Democrat Party had a targeted map with targets ...
Joe Peyronnin: Free Speech
On the day when America collectively observed a moment of silence for Representative Gabrielle Giffords and the other Victims of Saturday's shootings in Tucson, a war of words broke out over the role "vitriol" played in the incident, even though there probably is no link. And the argument reflected the deep division that has roiled this country over the past few years.
Most interesting was the apparent admission by Fox News Chairman Roger Ailes, in an interview with founder Rus...
Ailes to Fox Anchors, 'Tone it Down'
Roger Ailes, the president of Fox News, on Monday embraced the idea of a more civil public discourse in the wake of the shootings in Arizona.
In an interview with Russell Simmons, which was posted on the Web site of the founder of Def Jam records, Mr. Ailes said that his network would try to cool the heated Rhetoric.
“I told all of our guys, shut up, tone it down, make your argument intellectually,” Mr. Ailes said. “You don’t have to do it with bombast. I hope the other ...
Dear Democrats: Pray The Tuesday Group Is Heard
Kensington Strangler Suspect Arrested In Philadelphia
Tunisia Revolt And Coup Has Lessons For West
Jared Lee Loughner Unlikely To Be Tried In Arizona
On MLK Birthday, Some Think Obama Helped Race Relations
Kinder Rhetoric Won't Stop GOP Healthcare Repeal
Women On Front Lines? Only A Matter Of Time
Wisconsin's Reince Priebus Already Shaking Up RNC
Suspect Who Outgunned N.J. Police Officer In Custody
U.S. Rep Giffords Can Move Both Sides Of Body
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