Mass Shooting news


CNN Poll: Blame game in Arizona shootings

CNN Political Ticker - 6hrs 55mins ago

Washington (CNN) - Americans feel sadness, anger and shock in the wake of the tragic events in Tucson, Arizona, according to a new National Poll. A CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Monday also indicates there's plenty of blame to g…


Giffords's border district symbolizes the heat of Arizona politics

Washington Post - 17hrs 46mins ago

DOUGLAS, ARIZ. - The congresswoman's grueling path to Reelection took her from her Tucson base across the barren high desert, through an empty expanse of tumbleweed and mesquite trees, to this dusty town at the Mexican border that has come to sy…


Tucson shootings form backdrop to King Day celebration

Breitbart - 4hrs 28mins ago

Atlanta (Reuters) - Speakers at Martin Luther King Day celebrations warned on Monday of the dangers of harsh political Rhetoric in the wake of a Mass Shooting in Arizona that killed six and left a congresswoman gravely wounded. The speakers inclu…


Arizona GOP Pushing For Guns On College Campuses

The Huffington Post - 7hrs 28mins ago

Phoenix — Arizona has become a national leader in the Gun Rights movement in recent years as the state enacted law after law to protect the people's right to Bear Arms nearly anywhere, at anytime. The shooting rampage that wounded Rep. Gab…


Raising gun control after Arizona | Amanda Marcotte - 8hrs 15mins ago

A man walks by the Glock Handgun billboard at a 2003 NRA meeting in Orlando, Florida. The shooter, Jared Lee Loughner, in the attempted Assassination of Gabrielle Giffords and the Murder of six others in Tucson used a Glock 9mm semi-automatic pi…


Senate Dems indicate willingness to 'break apart,' fix health reform

The Hill - 1day 7hrs ago

Rep. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) on Sunday said House Republicans remain determined to Repeal the Healthcare Reform law, but one Democratic lawmaker urged her colleagues to instead focus only on reforming flawed provisions. Republicans this week will m…


Giuliani defends Palin: Shooting had 'nothing to do' with 'a map'

The Hill - 1day 5hrs ago

Onetime Republican Presidential Candidate Rudy Giuliani on Sunday defended Sarah Palin’s response to critics who placed partial blame for the shooting that injured Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) on the former Alaska Governor.  But …


ABC tragedy: Tea party leader spoke of love but Fuller said 'You're dead' - 1day 6hrs ago

"My neighbor was one of those people," who was a Victim of the Tucson tragedy, explained Trent Humphries, co-founder of the Tucson Tea Party, when asked at an ABC televised Town Hall by co-host David Muir about whether the response to the Tuscon t…