Fox News CEO Roger Ailes: Ive Told All Our Guys, Shut Up, Tone It Down

Fox News: Fox News CEO Roger Ailes says he put the word out at Fox to “tone it down” and make arguments “intellectually” with less heated Rhetoric. “You don’t have to do it with bombast.

PHOTOS: Roger Ailes in pictures

I hope the other side does that.” But Ailes draws the line at any suggestion the passion of Fox News hosts had anything to do with the Shooting Spree in Arizona that left six dead and Rep. Gabrielle Giffords critically wounded: “That is just bullsh-,” he told Ru...

VIDEOS: Roger Ailes in videos

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Miktar posted 8 days ago (via twitter)

HAH! Fox News Channel CEO Roger Ailes : "I Told All Of Our Guys, Shut Up, Tone It Down, Make Your Argument Intellectually"

Scott M. Iseman posted 8 days ago (via twitter)

"I told all of our guys, shut up, tone it down, make your argument intellectually." Roger Ailes , President of Fox News . Via Politico

NoDeuces posted 8 days ago (via twitter)

Fox News CEO Roger Ailes said that he has told his network to "tone it down". Good for him.

Cameron posted 8 days ago (via twitter)

Fox News CEO Roger Ailes told the network and "the other side" to "tone down the rhetoric." Good for him, that's all I ask.

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