Birth Control: The Guttmacher Institute has updated its report on the need for contraceptive services at both the national and state levels in 2008.
PHOTOS: John Boehner in pictures
While the number of women of childbearing age has remained steady, the number of women seeking contraceptive services has risen 6 percent since 2000.
VIDEOS: John Boehner in videos
That's mirrored in the rise in the number of women who need publicly-funded reproductive services. A lot of it is driven by a rise in the need among women of color. Publicly-funded clinics helped avoid more than 400,...
Do 41% of all New York City pregnancies end in abortions?
Drudge has this headlined, and Twitter is buzzing over the appalling statistic reported by ABC and CBS stations in New York City over the Abortion rate in 2009, as determined by the Big Apple’s Health Department. For the year, New York City reported 214,454 Pregnancy outcomes, of which 126.774 were live births and just 407 were spontaneous terminations — miscarriages. However, 87,273 Pregnancy outcomes were abortions (induced terminations), which constituted 41% of all pregnanc...
Shocking: 41% Of Pregnancies In New York End In Abortion
Appalling, though not exactly a new development. This figure is actually down from 46% in 1998. New and eye-opening statistics about the rate of Abortions in New York City have been released by the Health Department. It raises questions about the effectiveness of current Birth Control education. 41% of all New York City pregnancies end in abortion. There may be some reason to believe that these numbers are a little inflated. Abortion clinics tend to be centered in major urban areas, and these st...
Clergy Slam NYC's 40% Abortion Rate
Archbishop Timothy Dolan at a Chiaroscuro Foundation Press Conference
Yesterday, a group of clergy members gathered to denounce the 40% Abortion rate in New York City. The Health Department had previously revealed that of 87,273 pregnancies were "induced terminations," compared to nearly 127,000 live births (there were also over 11,000 miscarriages), which means NYC's Abortion rate is about double the national rate. Archbishop Timothy Dolan said, "I’m frankly embarrassed to be a member ...
Babies in Trash Cans
Posted by JM Ashby
Joining us tonight in the WTF File is -again- Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) who seems to have some sort of fanatical fetish for the subject of unwanted pregnancies and Abortion. The man just can't stop himself from blurting out the most ridiculous things that come to mind in his efforts to fearmonger over abortion, unwanted pregnancies, and non-traditional families.
Here was Steve King just this past week on the subject of abortion:
I often go into a High School auditorium or mee...
House Takes First Step in Repealing Abortion-Funding ObamaCare
The House of Representatives took its first step today in repealing the Abortion-funding ObamaCare bill that pro-life groups strongly oppose. On a 236-181 vote, Republicans approved the rules for debate for the Legislation they will vote on next week to Repeal the government takeover of Health Care. Four Democrats joined Republicans in supporting the rule while two Republicans voted present and 15 lawmakers ofboth parties did not vote. Responding to the vote, House Speaker John Boehner said Repu...
The Unbearable Hypocrisy of Health Care Reform Repealers
In what can only be described as a fairly stunning display of hypocrisy, Freshman Rep. Richard Nugent (R-FL) says he will pay $9,000 to keep his Health Insurance through his "employer", not through the FEHBP plan for members of Congress because he might have an accident and need treatment he couldn't otherwise afford. NUGENT: I will tell you this, what I will pay for Insurance to get through my employer, not through the House, will be almost — will costs me $9,000 more a year. But I wan to...
Americans split on health care repeal
In a survey with a Margin of Error of four percentage points, that's hardly a significant difference. Yet, among partisans the affiliation is clear. Nearly 80 percent of Republicans favor repealing the law, while about two-thirds of Democrats oppose the move . Among Independents Repeal wins out "but by a margin too small to be statistically significant," explains USA Today . One of the most dramatic divides, notes the paper, is by age. By a 50-30 percent margin, young adults under 30 suppor...
The great healthcare showdown: Round One
The debate over Healthcare Reform will be a fascinating one, and already its unexpected twists and turns illustrate that no one can tell exactly where this showdown is ultimately headed.
As Republicans prepare to vote next week (Jan. 12) on a full Repeal of the entire law enacted last March, Democrats are gearing up for a public-relations blitz, hoping to defend the program and reframe it in time for the next election. No matter that it was radioactive during the recent election just two mon...
AIG Reaches $450 Million Settlement Over Premium Reporting Practices
American International Group (AIG) plans to payout a $450 million settlement to seven Insurance Companies over allegations it under-reported workers' compensation policy premiums, according to a CNBC report. Hartford Financial Services Group (HIG) and Travelers (TRV) are among those in the settlement agreement, however the parties that brought the Lawsuit, Safeco Insurance of America and Ohio Casualty Insurance, are not.
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The Lawsuit, filed in 2009, alleged AIG engaged in under...
Regulators Vow to Prevent Massive Rate Hike
State and federal Regulators say they will prevent a massive hike in premiums for those insured with Blue Shield of California.
The company told nearly 200,000 policyholders that rates would climb 30 to 35 percent on average, in some cases even 59 percent, on March 1.
California Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones has asked Blue Shield for a 60-day delay so he can review the rate increase. A hike in premiums in March would be the third increase since October 1.
"Many Californians are unders...
Jivin Js Life Links 1-6-10
The Pipeline looks something like this: A projection of $14.5B in contraceptive revenue is made, companies push to produce, approve and market the next big drug, Bayer sends out a “Youth Truck” to assess the prospective customers and get Ugandan Children familiar with the idea of prescription Birth Control (while women in the west see more and more ads), and Planned Parenthood and Marie Stopes have their clinics, those philanthropic beacons of family planning, write the prescriptions...
Almost Half of NYC Pregnancies End in Abortion
NEW YORK (WABC) -- New and eye-opening statistics about the rate of Abortions in New York City have been released by the Health Department. It raises questions about the effectiveness of current Birth Control education. 41% of all New York City pregnancies end in abortion. You must login to comment. The Fox Nation is for those opposed to intolerance, excessive government control of our lives, and attempts to monopolize opinion or suppress freedom of thought, expression, and worship. Read more.....
The great lie: Obamacare
Last month, Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli successfully argued that the so-called “Individual Mandate” in ObamaCare was outside congressional competence. Advocates of individual choice cheered a significant victory, but this is not the final judicial word on Obamacare. U.S. District Court Judge Henry E. Hudson ruled that the interstate commerce clause has no power to compel individuals to buy policies from private Health Insurers. Unfortunately, he found that th...
UK pregnant women say contraceptive doesn't work
LONDON - Hundreds of women in Britain have complained to the medical regulator after becoming pregnant despite using a contraceptive implant that is supposed to work for years. But the implant's maker, Merck & Co., says the failure rate isn't exceptional, and that women should continue to use it. Implanon contains synthetic progesterone and is inserted underneath the skin in the upper arm, where it is supposed to stop pregnancies for up to three years. More than 1 million implants have...
UK pregnant women say contraceptive doesn't work (AP)
LONDON – Hundreds of women in Britain have complained to the medical regulator after becoming pregnant despite using a contraceptive implant that is supposed to work for years.
But the implant's maker, Merck & Co., says the failure rate isn't exceptional, and that women should continue to use it.
Implanon contains synthetic progesterone and is inserted underneath the skin in the upper arm, where it is supposed to stop pregnancies for up to three years. More than 1 million implants ha...
NYC's 41% Abortion Rate Riles Religious Leaders
Like this Story? Share it: (CBS/AP) In a noticeable departure from strict Catholic dogma decrying Abortion no matter what, New York's Archbishop Timothy Dolan called together Religious Leaders Thursday and asked everyone to work with each other to make Abortion "rare." Dolan's called for the gathering in light of a New York City Department of Health report (PDF) stating that induced terminations ended about 41 percent of the 214,454 reported pregnancies in the city last year. Nationally, the n...
41 Percent Of NYC Pregnancies Result In Abortion
Dolan gathered with other Religious Leaders on Thursday to draw attention to the city’s high Abortion rate. The city Health Department last month released statistics that showed 41 percent of pregnancies were terminated in 2009. While the numbers have declined in the last decade, the Religious Leaders said they are still too high. The Wall Street Journal reports that the Religious Leaders also criticized public schools Sex Education programs that include Condom distribution....
The new Babylon: 41% Of NYC Pregnancies End In Abortion
35 They built high places for Baal in the Valley of Ben Hinnom to sacrifice their sons and daughters to Molek, though I never commanded—nor did it enter my mind—that they should do such a detestable thing and so make Judah sin. - Jeremiah 32 (NIV)
Moleck was an Old Testament Ammonite god to which many, including Israelites, sacrificed their first born Children in return for a promise of prosperity. Today, many have been convinced in this...
BREAKING: Archbishop will join black leaders to decry NYCs skyrocketing abortions and pregnancy care center harassment
The gathering of the Religious Leaders… was prompted by the release last month of city Health Department statistics showing a 41% rate of Abortion overall in 2009, including a rate close to 60% for black women. This means 41% of all pregnancies in the NYC area end in abortion, with 60% of all black babies aborted. Pro-lifers consider NYC the Abortion capital of the US. According to the statistics linked above (Tables 4.13, 4.17) the number of abortions in NYC and the 5 boroughs totaled an ...
NYC: 41% of All Pregnancies End in Abortion
Sadly, this isn’t shocking. NEW YORK (WABC) - New and eye-opening statistics about the rate of Abortions in New York City have been released by the Health Department. It raises questions about the effectiveness of current Birth Control education. 41% of all New York City pregnancies end in abortion. The rate for Minorities is even higher. Both sides say the high abortion percentage is a crisis. “If 41% of New York babies are aborted, with the percentage even higher in the...
Nebraska Bill Opts State Out of Abortion-Funding ObamaCare
Nebraska legislators will become the latest to debate a measure that would opt the state of the Abortion-funding components of the ObamaCare Health Care law. The state would follow others that have passed Legislation exercising their right under the national law to opt out of allowing Taxpayer funding of abortions under the state Health Insurance exchanges the Legislation creates. Sen. Beau Mccoy introduced the bill yesterday that would prevent state-regulated Health Care plans from covering abo...
Ethan Rome: Boehner's Fantasy Math on Health Care Repeal
Yesterday the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) announced that the Republican plan to Repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) would add $230 billion to the federal budget Deficit over 10 years and $1.2 Trillion in the decade after that. Since Speaker Boehner and company didn't like those numbers - even though they usually praise what CBO has to say - they manufactured their own. Ezra Klein of the Washington Post took apart the Republicans' fictional arithmetic in an excellent piece you can read h...
Miles Mogulescu: Health Care: The Best Defense is a Good Offense
Next week's vote in the Republican controlled House to Repeal Health Care Reform is, in the short-term, nothing more than symbolic--It won't pass the Senate and in the unlikely event it did, would be vetoed by President Obama. But just because it's symbolic doesn't mean that Democrats and liberals shouldn't take it seriously.
ObamaCare is a decidedly mixed bag of good and not so good reforms and the voting public is decidedly ambivalent about many of its provisions. In particular, the individu...
Bachmann for President? 'Im Going to Iowa Theres Your Answer'
ABC News’ Rick Klein reports: Rep. Michele Bachmann confirmed to ABC News today that she’s considering a run for president in 2012 -- albeit with a non-traditional sense of her own timeline for making a decision.
Asked on ABC’s “Top Line” today about whether -- as ABC’s John Parkinson first reported this week -- she’s thinking about running for president, Bachmann immediately pointed to her upcoming travel to Iowa, and said she wants to be ̶
Suspended Grant Has Strange Bedfellows
A state-administered grant to provide Abstinence education services to the S.C. Department of Social Services (DSS) has been awarded to a group that features an Internet Porn writer on its Advisory Board. That’s some pretty delicious irony, isn’t it? The six-month grant - totaling $546,942 - was awarded last month to S.C. Parents Involved in Education (SC PIE), a group that features former S.C. Board of Education Chairwoman Kristin Maguire as one of its Advisory Board mem...
Richard Holbrooke Remembered For China, Bosnia, Afghanistan
Top Priority For Republicans: Cutting Federal Spending
Sarah Palin Follows Own Advice In Media Dealings
Tracheotomy Lets Surgeons Remove Giffords' Feeding Tube
Reince Priebus Gets To Find $22 Million For RNC
Governor Pat Quinn Signs Off On Massive Tax Hike
Want A Republican President? How About Herman Cain
Kay Bailey Hutchison Promises To Call It Quits
Christina Green, Youngest Tucson Victim, Laid To Rest
Glenn Beck Supports Barack Obama. Seriously.