NYC Schools Chancellor’s Solution to School Overcrowding? More Birth Control and “Sophie’s Choice” Can you imagine the howls of outrage that would have ensued if someone like, oh say, Sarah Palin or Glenn Beck would have sa…
Read more >>Wisconsin's Reince Priebus, winner of the RNC chair race. (Reuters). The Middle East has been remarkably tranquil during Obama's term. Herman Cain helped kill Health Care reform in 1994. Did Sarah Palin have the worst week in Washington? O'Reill…
Read more >>Yesterday morning, while John Boehner was leading the House of Representatives in what David Corn called the "weaponizing" of the Constitution, I stood in front of the Capitol with Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NJ), Sen. Robert Menendez (D-NJ), Rep. G…
Read more >>Not too much has been heard from Roseanne Barr lately. The reason, she says, is that she’s been hard at work on a new book - Roseannearchy: Dispatches From the Nut Farm. (The title works on multiple levels: Barr’s home is literal…
Read more >>Iowa Republican Congressman Steve King loves mixing it up with school kids on the Abortion issue. In an interview with last week, King (R-IA) said: “I often go into a High School auditorium, or meet with people at even the K-12 l…
Read more >>A favorable Enthusiasm Gap heading into the 2010 Midterm Elections signaled a marquee year for Republicans and conservative interest groups across the country. That gap came by way of liberals disappointed by congressional inaction and Conservativ…
Read more >>Most American women don't trust Mama Grizzly on Abortion, Birth Control and sex ed, a new poll obtained by Politico shows. The survey, conducted for Planned Parenthood by Democratic pollster Hart Research Associates, found that just 24 percent …
Read more >>Vatican City -- As part of his continually-expanding dialogue about prophylactics, Pope Benedict XVI today further modified his stance on Condoms by actually recommending they be used for contraception in certain extreme cases. "I think Condoms …