Sen. Mike Lee Calls Child Labor Laws Unconstitutional

Mike Lee: Last week, Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) posted a lecture on his YouTube channel where he explains in great detail his views on the Constitution.

PHOTOS: Mike Lee in pictures

As part of the lecture, which is essentially a lengthy defense of his radical tenther interpretation of the Constitution, Lee claims that federal Child Labor laws are Unconstitutional: Congress decided it wanted to prohibit [child labor], so it passed a law—no more child labor.

VIDEOS: Mike Lee in videos

The Supreme Court heard a challenge to that and the Supreme Court decided a case...

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Christine Valada posted 4 days ago (via twitter)

Mike Lee needs better rounded education to call himself a Constitutional scholar if he doesn't know Congress can regulate child labor .

Shravan Kumar posted 4 days ago (via twitter)

Mike Lee : Federal Child Labor Laws Are Unconstitutional (VIDEO): Freshman Tea Party-backed Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah) recently offered...

Fuck Conservatives posted 4 days ago (via twitter)

Teabag senator Mike Lee hearts child labor

Taylor Barton posted 4 days ago (via twitter)

A tea partier, Mike Lee -Utah, has decided that child labor laws are unconstitutional. I... This... It's just... *sigh*

Jim Robertson posted 4 days ago (via twitter)

Tea party genius Mike Lee (R-Utah) says child labor laws are unconstitutional. Has he ever read Charles Dickens? Can Lee even read?

ComedySmack posted 3 days ago (via twitter)

Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) has declared anti- child labor laws unconstitutional. Finally, someone sticking up against the little guys.

chris.bearde posted 3 days ago (via twitter)

Just in:New Tea Party Utah Senator Mike Lee says child labor laws are unconstitutional. NJ. Gov.Christie hails the further demise of Unions!

Everybody Needs It posted 3 days ago (via twitter)

Mike Lee , Tea-Party backed Utah Senator says Child Labor Laws are unconstitutional, says he'll try and come up with a better example

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