Facing a midnight deadline to avoid a government shutdown, Congress passed a bill Tuesday that will fund the Federal Government through March 4. The bill, which also will freeze federal salaries for two years, narrowly passed the House, 193 to …
Read more >>More than 70 House members didn't bother showing up to vote Tuesday, even as the lower chamber wraps up its final priorities of the lame-duck session -- including a bill on funding the Federal Government through March and a measure on health benef…
Read more >>steve7.62 on Pelosi Finally Finds a Reason to be Patriotic, Leads Dems in Singing “God Bless America” to Celebrate Gays in the Military… DisturbedMary on U.S. Director of National Intelligence Asked About Recent London Terror Arr…
Read more >>The House passed a measure to overhaul the nation's food-safety laws by a vote of 215 to 144 Tuesday afternoon, and President Obama is expected to sign it into law as soon as Wednesday. This Story House passes Legislation overhauling food-safet…
Read more >>In two weeks, Rep. Patrick Mchenry of North Carolina will become the first chairman of the new House Oversight subcommittee on TARP, Financial Services, and Bailouts of Public and Private Programs. In the meantime, he is thinking about New Jersey …
Read more >>House lawmakers are expected to vote Wednesday on Legislation providing health coverage to Rescue Workers who responded to the Sept. 11 Terrorist Attacks in New York City. Lower-chamber lawmakers had hoped to adjourn Tuesday for the year, after…
Read more >>BILLINGS, Mont. — Environmentalists said Tuesday they intend to sue the Obama Administration to force it to restore gray wolves across the lower 48 states — even as Republicans in Congress sought unsuccessfully to strip the animals of …
Read more >>* The so-called Gephardt rule, which allows the House to automatically pass a Debt-limit increase upon adoption of a conference report on the Budget -- without a separate vote -- will be eliminated. * A bill reducing House operating costs will be…