Unconstitutional news


GOP Senators vow to continue push for judicial impeachment

Iowa Independent - 9hrs 33mins ago

DES MOINES — A few Republican lawmakers were not impressed with Iowa Supreme Court Chief Justice Mark Cady’s State of the Judiciary address Wednesday, saying a push for Impeachment of the remaining four justices would continue. Cady re…


Tyranny, Congressman Peter King and the Tucson massacre Pt 3

Examiner.com - 2hrs 32mins ago

Casper, Wyoming citizens have learned that US Representative Peter King is not alone in his anti-constitutional desire to pass worthless bills that would instantly make law abiding American Citizens criminals without their even knowing it. King…


Analysis: Why we shouldnt ban bulls-eyes (Exclusive to Yahoo! News)

Yahoo! News - 10hrs 4mins ago

By Ken Paulson President, the First Amendment Center A Pennsylvania congressman is targeting bull's-eyes. In the wake of the attempted Assassination of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz., and the Murder of Federal Judge John Roll, Rep. Robert Brad…


Never give up on your constitutional rights

Examiner.com - 10hrs 26mins ago

With the Arizona shooting that killed six and wounded fourteen more, I find it egregious that the Democrats across this Nation along with the Democrats In Drag (Republicans acting like democrats) wish to silence their opposing forces.  As the…


Court: Judge can't rule on Texas death penalty

Washington Examiner - 12hrs 36mins ago

Texas' highest Criminal Court has ruled a Houston judge does not have the authority to conduct an unusual court hearing on the constitutionality of the death penalty in the state. The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals on Wednesday ordered state Dist…


Gingrich Group Calls For Elimination of Ninth Circuit Over Cross Ruling

Right Wing Watch - 13hrs 53mins ago

Yesterday, it was announced that Jim Garlow, chairman of Newt Gingrich's Renewing American Leadership, would be participating in a Protest against the Ninth Circuit's ruling that the Mt. Soledad Cross was Unconstitutional: Said Dr. Jim Garlow, Sen…


Fred Upton: We'll Repeal Individual Mandate If We Can't Get Whole Bill

The Huffington Post - 1day 7hrs ago

WASHINGTON -- Rep. Fred Upton (R-Mich.), the incoming chair of the Energy and Commerce Committee, whetted conservative appetites early in the year when he pledged not only to push for Repeal of the president's Health Care reform law, but also su…


Re: Thank you for not packing heat

National Review Online - 1day 10hrs ago

Cliff, I am a Pete King fan, but I have to part company with him on this one. I am not insensitive to his concerns — I was a “public servant” for over 20 years, and my family and I had to have a protective detail for a chunk of t…