Death Threat: The end result of the movement for “Everybody to watch your tone because Sarah Palin put a bullseye and look what happened?”: An aide close to Sarah Palin says Death Threats and security threats have increased to an unprecedented level since the shooting in Arizona, and the former Alaska Governor’s team has been talking to security professionals.
PHOTOS: Sarah Palin in pictures
The irony is rich given the theme of the week from those attacking Palin has been that you need to be careful of your Rhetoric.
VIDEOS: Sarah Palin in videos
Sarah Palin and the "blood libel"
Posted by Paul at 8:30 PM
Sarah Palin is coming in for criticism for using the term "blood Libel" to describe accusations that she and other outspoken Conservatives somehow have blood on their hands in connection with the Tucson shootings. Palin's remarks on the shootings are also being compared unfavorably to President Obama's Speech at the University of Arizona. Obama's Speech was healing and uplifting, while Palin's, some say, was divisive and defensive.
I find both criticisms of Palin unfai...
Mayor Bloomberg says he doesn't blame Sarah Palin for Tuscon shooting
The tragic shooting of Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords has led to a lot of finger pointing, including from New York City Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, but one person who the mayor doesn’t blame is former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. On Tuesday Bloomberg, who serves as co-chair of the nearly 600 member Mayors Against Illegal Guns blamed government officials for selling a gun to a man who was rejected from the Military due to drug use and outlined five simple measures that could preve...
Sarah Palin compares criticisms of her to a belief that led to the Holocaust
In the wake of the shooting by Jared Loughner in Tucson last week, there was criticism directed against the harsh Rhetoric of those on the right-wing. Jared Loughner did not shoot Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and Murder a number of other individuals because Talk Radio or Sarah Palin told him to do so. A few individuals though have committed violence or attempted to do so because of their hatred of the left. Byron Williams, a man who was going to commit violence a...
Palin Cries On Hannitys Show
In the last video we reviewed there was a certain level of her smiling that indicated she was enjoying it all. Her beef was to complain about Joe Klein a Time Magazine columnist who called her “seditious” and we are sure she had to look it up in a dictionary. The video tape is dated April 2010 where she ran away from the liberal biased media and seemed to take joy in discrediting Time Magazine. She put down Time Magazine for “allowing the Rhetoric” as if they...
Friday Open Thread
Lawrence O’Donnell’s Last Word dedicated a segment to understanding Sarah Palin and her “blood Libel” claims in light of President Obama’s comments, and needless to say that O’Donnell and his panel- David Frum and Mother Jones’ David Corn- took a bit of an issue with it. But for Frum, her comments weren’t offensive- they were proof Palin was eroding- like a “big melting iceberg.” So much for abandoning the “...
Palin's 10 Red Herrings (Politico)
Sarah Palin has continued and intensified the rhetorical strategy introduced by her supporters and surrogates in the wake of the Tucson tragedy. She’s offering a series of red herrings — distracting with concepts that are truthful, but irrelevant, to deflect from other issues or vulnerabilities. (The term originates with the practice of using cured fish to put Hunting Dogs off the track. 1) Free Speech: “Congresswoman Giffords and her constituents were exercising their right to...
Sarah Palin To Be Interviewed on Fox News Monday
Sarah Palin will appear Monday on Fox News in her first interview since accusing critics of committing "blood Libel" for insinuating her Rhetoric may have been somehow connected to last week's shooting rampage in Arizona. A Fox executive told The New York Times that the former Alaska Governor would sit down with host Sean Hannity for an extended segment. Palin, the 2008 GOP vice Presidential Candidate, is on the Fox Payroll, often appearing as a commentator and contributor. On Wednesday, Palin ...
Bill OReilly While Discussing Sarah Palin: There Isnt Anybody More Vilified Than Beck
Fox’s Bill O’Reilly-who delivered what he describes as a “devastating” indictment of those who linked the shootings in Arizona to politicians like Sarah Palin-does not see the former Alaska Governor as the ultimate Victim of hypercharged political Rhetoric. It’s Glenn Beck.
In a discussion with Fox & Friends co-host Gretchen Carlson and Fox contributor Margaret Hoover , O’Reilly dismissed suggestions that there’s a gender bias in politi...
As Obama urged unity, Palin brought division
President Obama did not miss the moment. From the generally positive overnight reaction, Obama's Speech in Tucson on Wednesday night struck just the right notes. Amid grief over a senseless tragedy and against a raging debate that threatened to further divide the country, the president urged healing and Reconciliation.
This Story
The Take: As Obama urged unity, Palin brought division
Police recover black bag, ammunition believed to belong to Tucson suspect
Wasserman-Schultz, Gillibrand discus...
Why Sarah Palin Used the Term Blood Libel
Many people were shocked and appalled yesterday when Sarah Palin used the term "blood Libel" to defend herself in her Fox "News" tee vee studio in Wasilla. From reading many comment threads all over the Blogosphere, it would appear that the comments could be placed in one of two categories: 1). "America's Professional Victim" didn't really know how deeply offensive the term is. Let's call them the "Sarah is dumb" crowd; 2). The "Sarah is too smart for her own good" group seems to think she knew...
The GOP Needs Solidarity
From True North
GOP Men and Selling out Sarah
by Sheila Kihne
What makes the elephant charge his tusk in the misty mist, or the dusky dusk? What makes the muskrat guard his musk? Courage!
I was just talking the other day about Conservatives who are foolish enough to let the media use them and lo and behold, one of my favorites, NJ Governor Chris Christie did just that this morning on Good Morning America and in the New York Times when he sold out Sarah Palin. He wants to give her speaking ad...
People Falsely Accused of Wishing for Sarah Palins Death
In that video of disgusting death threats against Sarah Palin (Aaron posted Screenshots of them here), there were a couple that I think were included by mistake. To me, this is clearly a repudiation of those who blamed Palin. If there were any doubt, the author of the message explains: Anybody who knows me, has read my books, has read my blog, has read my Tweets, has breathed the same Internet air I breathe knows I’m a Reagan-conservative-moving-swiftly-to-libertarian Mormon with a side of...
White House: 'No comment' on Palin 'blood libel' debate
The White House wants no part of the debate over former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin's use of the term "blood Libel."
In a press briefing on Thursday morning, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs acknowledged he watched Palin's statement on the Tucson shootings, but he wouldn't say if President Obama has. Gibbs refused give any White House perspective on Palin's remarks.
"I'm happy to speak to what the president said and how he came about saying it, but I'll let others opine on t...
A cordon of reason
(Raf is a great Veteran of the Colorado blogosphere. Well written and thus promoted. - promoted by redstateblues) It's Thursday, and the shockwaves from Saturday's attempted Assassination of Rep. Gabby Giffords, and the brutal Murder of six people at the "Congress in your Corner" event she was hosting, still reverberate. "Even in the old West, cowboys hung up their guns when they entered a saloon." Cliff and the Congressman are right, and I don't have to travel far in my memory to see the util...
Where will Obama go from Tucson?
President Obama is receiving uniform praise for his memorial remarks in Tucson, Ariz. Even Conservatives are saying he hit the right notes, substantively and tonally. I agree, with a few qualifiers and gentle cautions.
Obama was eloquent in his tribute to the Victims and appropriately acknowledged that "none of us can know exactly what triggered this vicious attack ... or what thoughts lurked in the inner recesses of a violent man's mind."
More importantly, he said: "But what we cannot do is...
What Sarah Palin and Global Warming share
You'd think that outside of a "Drill, baby, Drill!" reference Sarah Palin and anthropogenic Global Warming would be otherwise unrelated topics. But one thing they do have in common is the ability to be interjected into tragedies even as experts admit neither was involved in any way.
Stockholm (AP) -- Though you can't make a direct link between Australia's killer floods and Climate Change, they do hold a warning for the future: Scientists predict such Extreme Weather events will increase both i...
Sarah Palin's Jewish Problem
When Sarah Palin shot back at critics who proposed that her severe -- and perhaps violence-suggesting -- Rhetoric and campaigning helped inspire Jared Lee Loughner's massacre in Tuscon, she accused those critics of blood Libel -- and started an entirely new firestorm in the process.
Palin's invoking of Blood libel, which in its proper use refers to a centuries old lie that was used to justify mass Anti-Semitism and Jewish persecution, immediately drew angry responses from politicians and Jewis...
Here is a video of Sarah Palin breathing and making that one face
Here, this is a weird video of Sarah Palin's "blood Libel" Speech from yesterday, edited to include only the instances of her breathing. No words. Just breathing. Weird, creepy breathing.
I will say only that this video will probably not do anything to change the minds of people who have a visceral dislike of the former Alaska Governor. And the sound of lips smacking reproduced with such high fidelity is unsettling no matter whose lips they are.
Thanks, Internet!
Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Mecca): Palin Should Have Said Sorry For Overblown Rhetoric
You heard Farrakhan’s Jew-hating buddy, you’re all done, Sarah. (Huff Po) - Sarah Palin took a lot of heat on Wednesday for her seven-minute-long statement on the shootings in Arizona, in which she mourned the tragedy and accused her critics of “blood Libel.” And it appears that the president’s Speech last night — in which he adopted a far more civil, reconciliatory, and emotional tone — has made matters only worse. “I think that the presiden...
Sarah Palin Is No Longer Reloading: Die Zeit, Germany
It may be the greatest challenge in Sarah Palin’s Political Career: how to respond to accusations that her words contributed to the Tucson massacre? According to columnist Christoph von Marschall of Germany’s Die Zeit, while most agree she bears no direct responsibility for the attack on Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, Palin’s entire future hangs in the balance.
For Die Zeit, Christoph von Marschall writes in part:
Only a very small number of people still believe that Sarah...
More on Violence And Right Wing Rhetoric
Despite all the evidence to the contrary, Conservatives who fail to understand the arguments from liberals about Right Wing Hate Speech act as if Jared Loughner lived in a vacuum and acted with absolutely no external influences. This is despite multiple reports indicating Loughner’s interest in fringe politics. NewsOne reports on yet another connection, alleging that Loughner is a fan of right winger Alex Jones.
I find it curious that Conservatives have been attacking liberals this week ...
Please List All Grievances Against Sarah Palin Here
You know that we Progressives have thousands upon thousands of grievances against the Palin. So, I thought it might be a good idea for everyone to take out a pencil and paper and start their own lists. Once you get your list compiled, then please report back and list your own personal grievances on this post. This way we can keep a record of all those pesky little things that annoy you about her. Feel free to list even the smallest things. I hate her ankles, especially the backside. I hate the w...
Obama Rising
Barack Obama's soothing words after the Tucson shootings contrast sharply with Sarah Palin's harsh Rhetoric. That may be one reason Obama is on the rise in recent polling. The morning after President Barack Obama delivered a well-received eulogy for the Victims of the Tucson, Arizona, Mass Shooting, he got some good news from a Quinnipiac University poll. Obama’s Approval Rating increased to 48 percent, his highest number in more than a year. More importantly, Americans view Obama much mor...
Per GOP spinmeister Frank Luntz, saying your opponent wants to kill you is just as bad as saying you want to kill your opponent
by Ken
No, boys and girls, saying unkind things about someone is really and truly not "violent Rhetoric." Even saying that the Right is made up entirely of ignoramuses, lunatics, liars, criminals, and economic predators isn't "violent Rhetoric." It may be unkind, but then, what are you supposed to say when it's the honest-to-gosh truth? Just not say anything? Well, that seems pretty much what the Right has in mind: freedom to spread its psychotic lies without any answer at all.
Here are some t...
Sarah Palin doing interview on 'Hannity' Monday
After a week in which she was criticized by both liberals and Conservatives, Sarah Palin is planning to appear on Fox News' "Hannity" Monday night. It will be her first extended interview since the shootings in Tucson last Saturday. Palin does not sit down for interviews often; however, in recent months she has opened herself up more often to the Mainstream Media. She waited for days after the tragic event to respond, even as her name was raised repeatedly in connection to the shootings due to ...
Dear Democrats: Pray The Tuesday Group Is Heard
Kensington Strangler Suspect Arrested In Philadelphia
Tunisia Revolt And Coup Has Lessons For West
Jared Lee Loughner Unlikely To Be Tried In Arizona
On MLK Birthday, Some Think Obama Helped Race Relations
Kinder Rhetoric Won't Stop GOP Healthcare Repeal
Women On Front Lines? Only A Matter Of Time
Wisconsin's Reince Priebus Already Shaking Up RNC
Suspect Who Outgunned N.J. Police Officer In Custody
U.S. Rep Giffords Can Move Both Sides Of Body
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