The Progressive: In the wake of the shooting by Jared Loughner in Tucson last week, there was criticism directed against the harsh Rhetoric of those on the right-wing. Jared Loughner did not shoot Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and Murder a number of other individuals because Talk Radio or Sarah Palin told him to do so. A few individuals though have committed violence or attempted to do so because of their hatred of the left.
PHOTOS: The Progressive in pictures
Byron Williams, a man who was going to commit violence a...
VIDEOS: The Progressive in videos
The Progressive Smear Machine Blames the Right Again
Check Michelle's post, "Blame Righty: A Condensed History":
On Monday, as The Progressive smear machine worked overtime to pin the horrific Tucson massacre on Conservatives and to squelch political opposition by targeting Tea Party/limited-government Rhetoric, I published “The progressive “climate of hate:” An illustrated primer, 2000-2010.”
Today’s column provides another primer for the Amnesia-wracked blamestream media on just how widespread the Blame Righty me...
It Wasnt Enough
Hate to get all depressing on a Friday night, but I’m afraid “The Editors” at Esquire correctly assess the chances of civility:
... [T]he most remarkable thing about what happened in Oklahoma City is how little it matters today. The president of the United States gave a fine Speech Wednesday night in Tucson at the memorial for the people Jared Loughner shot. The only mention of Oklahoma City in connection with the president’s Speech was to compare it with the Speech tha...
After Tucson shootings, Sarah Palin isn't retreating, she's reloading
In many ways, Sarah Palin mirrors the ethos of the gun-rights movement she promotes: never back down. Criticized for her Rhetoric in the aftermath of the Tucson shootings, she's since posted a combative defense on Facebook and signed up to speak at a hunting and gun convention. This image taken from on Wednesday shows Sarah Palin's page. A nearly eight-minute video was posted on her page early Wednesday, accusing Journalists and pundits of inciting hatred and violence in the wake o...
The Tucson Massacres The Hall Of Shame: Liberals Who Used Tragedy To Smear The Right
G.I. Wood Shop Inc. Mrs. Peel Oh…My Valve! V The K’s Caption This! An error has occurred; the feed is probably down. Try again later. The massacre in Tucson was a horrendous tragedy. Everyone in the country, of every ideological stripe, should have been allowed to mourn the Victims’ deaths and injuries without the imposition of having to defend people who had nothing at all to do with it. But where normal people saw tragedy, the Far Left saw opportunity. They jumped at th...
The Golden Goose and His Smooth-Talking Devils Hit A Speed Bump
This week the media's attention went from the "golden-voiced" celebrity building of Ted Williams to the heated blitzkrieg mission of "blood Libel" against Sarah Palin, the average American Citizen movement of the Tea Party, Talk Radio personalities, etc. (everyone except the authentic lunatic fringe of society who actually sprayed a gathering of innocent people with a full clip of bullets) ... So, I thought I'd bring you up to speed a bit on the Homeless man that grabbed everyone's attention one...
John Dingell (D-MI) blames Palin, GOP for rhetoric leading to AZ shooting. Flashback: linked tea party to KKK, called radio talk
By now, many have already seen this Dingell diatribe on the floor of the House via TPM:
Curiously, Dingell said:
"I saw the district of Gabrielle Giffords has a crosshairs put on it. As a lifetime rifleman and shooter, I know what crosshairs signify when you put them on somebody and I know what happened.Is he talking about Palin or Daily Kos? The liberal Daily Kos put a bullseye on Giffords in 2008 (via HillBuzz):
More from Henry Payne at The Michigan View: Dingell just accused Palin as an acce...
A Climate of Slander
Jan 24, 2011, Vol. 16, No. 18 • By THE SCRAPBOOK Get alerts when there is a new article that might interest you. Liberal pundits suffered a psychotic break last week, metaphorically speaking, of course. When a gunman opened fire on Representative -Gabrielle Giffords and a crowd that had gathered to hear her speak in Tucson, they were certain that Conservatives must, somehow, be to blame. So the liberal intelligentsia rushed to erect a gallows in the public square (metaphorically speaking, a...
The Weekly Wrap
Today on the Dish, we followed Tunisia as its President dissolved the government, and a State of Emergency was declared. Larison stressed the importance of Tunisians deposing an autocrat on their own, without US intervention and Andrew debated Evgeny Morozov on how instrumentalTwitter was. We rounded up reax and reports from the ground in Tunisia here, here, and here, and the role of Wikipedia in the coup here and here.
Sarah Palin said sorry seven times (last year), Limbaugh sunk to new lows,...
'Blood libel': The two words that spelled trouble for Sarah Palin
Sarah Palin was straining to look presidential. With the Stars and Stripes at her side, the former Governor of Alaska read a scripted address in an effort to rebut persistent claims that she was guilty by association over the deaths of six people and the wounding of a further 13, including the Democratic Congresswoman, Gabrielle Giffords, at an Arizona Supermarket. The charges against her – which arose because the unashamedly gun-toting Palin had placed a rifle target over Arizona during t...
There's a New Sheriff in Politics
The Thread is an in-depth look at how major news and controversies are being debated across the online spectrum.
blogs, Internet, Media, tuscon shooting
In his Speech in Tucson Wednesday night, President Obama called on Americans to expand their “moral imaginations” and “remind ourselves of all the ways that our hopes and dreams are bound together.” Well, never hurts to aim high. For now, at least, the president seems to have put an end to the...
'Is there no other vocabulary available?'
'IS THERE NO OTHER VOCABULARY AVAILABLE?'.... I try not to be overly sensitive to suspect language, but this really hasn't been a great week for the right.
Obviously, Sarah Palin's use of the phrase "blood Libel" generated quite of talk on Wednesday, given the phrase's loaded historical background. Today, we get another example, with the far-right Washington Times editorial board defending Palin in an editorial:
This is simply the latest round of an ongoing Pogrom against conservative thinkers...
The Guardian goes full Orwell
I realize the UK’s Guardian is pretty far down toward the Left end of the scale, but does Commissar Simon Jenkins realize just how… dumb this headline and summary sounds?
Free Speech can’t exist unchained. US politics needs the tonic of order
If America is to speak in a way that heals, as Obama wishes, it needs the curbs and Regulations that make freedom of expression real
Didn’t guys named “Benito” and “Adolph” say much the same thing ...
The True Meaning of Blood Libel
Amid the fierce and often partisan debate sparked by Sarah Palin’s use of the words “blood Libel,” one thing is clear: The phrase has become increasingly detached from its historical context. For centuries, the phrase “the blood libel” — with the definite article — has been used to signify a unique false accusation against a specific group: the spurious and heinous charge that Jews kill Christian Children to use their blood to make matzo for Passover. But now, as
Eric Fuller's Blood Libel
You can be both the wounded survivor of a massacre and a vile,opportunistic, jerk:
A wounded survivor of the Tuscon shooting that critically injured Rep. Gabrielle Giffords is blaming Sarah Palin, House Speaker John Boehner, Fox TV host Glenn Beck, and former Nevada GOP Senate Candidate Sharron Angle for the tragedy.
"It looks like Palin, Beck, Sharron Angle and the rest got their first target," Eric Fuller said in an interview with Democracy NOW.
"Their wish for Second Amendment Activism has...
About Blood Libel
Although few in numbers, Jews have been my classmates and good friends since grade school and even though I knew very little about their religious beliefs, I respected those differences and went about my business, just as they did. I know for a fact that at least a few of my FaceBook friends are Jewish and, undoubtedly, a few Jews are reading this post at this very moment. That’s great, but I honestly don’t think you’re reading because your Jewish and I’m Cath...
Two Videos to Watch; Eric Fullers Edited Hyperbole and Pat Caddell Calls Krugman an Asshole
First, there is Eric Fuller and his comments to Democracy Now. Basically he said things like this: “It looks like Palin, Beck, Sharron Angle and the rest got their first target,” Eric Fuller, a former campaigner for Ariz. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, told Democracy Now. “Their wish for Second Amendment Activism has been fulfilled.” But I want you to watch the original video, and listen carefully. It’s risible in many ways, but notice what he doesn’t say....
Historical Persecution of the Jews Quickly Becoming Meaningless
Victims of an actual Pogrom in Zhytomyr, Ukraine, 1919. The minor uproar over Sarah Palin's use of the term "blood Libel" is "simply the latest round of an ongoing Pogrom against conservative thinkers," an intentionally provocative Washington Times editorial insists today. So, who will be the first person to compare criticism of Sarah Palin to the Holocaust? [USAT]...
When your name is Palin, you have no right to defend yourself
**Posted by Phineas
I was going to go off on another rant‡ about Democratic politicians, mainstream Journalists, and leftist Activists (but I repeat myself) and their blood Libel against the Right and Sarah Palin, but then I watched this episode of PJTV’s Trifecta and realized that Greene, Ott, and Whittle said everything I could. And did it better. Just watch; I’ll wait here.
Take away line from Whittle: “I have to count to ten.”
Of the many odd, even outrageous, thing...
You think youre so clever, dont you?
From an editorial at the Washington Times:
Mrs. Palin is well within her rights to feel persecuted. Since the Saturday bloodbath, members of the liberal commentariat have spoken in a unified voice, charging her and other Conservatives with being indirectly or somehow directly responsible for the lunatic actions of accused gunman Jared Loughner. Typical of blood Libel, the attack against Mrs. Palin is a false charge intended to generate anger made by people with a political agenda. They have made...
this should be the new nra motto
words don't incite guns to kill people. words incite people to kill people: "how many other demented people are out there? It looks like palin, beck, Sharron Angle and the rest got their first target. their wish for Second Amendment Activism has been fulfilled—senseless hatred leading to Murder, lunatic fringe anarchism, subscribed to by John Boehner, mainstream rebels with vengeance for all, even nine-year-old girls." there was a little girl named christina green, nine years old, who is o...
Barrel-Fishing With Adam And Andrew
We are once again marveling at the utter brain-lock displayed when Andrew Sullivan and Adam Serwer team up to share their enlightement. From Serwer, who naturally is bashing Sarah Palin, comes his deeply considered ruling on the appropriate use of "blood Libel" as a metaphor:
Over at Greg 's place, I explain why Sarah Palin 's use of blood libel in the context of people accusing her of being responsible for the incident in Tucson is wrong, even if the accusations are u...
After Tucson shootings, Sarah Palin isn't retreating, she's reloading (The Christian Science Monitor)
Say one thing for Sarah Palin: She heeds her own advice.
Coming only days after Ms. Palin was drawn into the Arizona shooting drama, news that the former Alaska Governor and potential presidential aspirant will headline a gun-friendly hunting convention Jan. 29 fits her famous stump phrase: "Don't retreat, reload."
It is a philosophy that defines Palin as a political figure and also points to how closely her own public persona echoes that of the American gun culture she promotes....
The Tucson Shootings, Blood Libels, and Those Who Perpetrate Them
[ By Barry Rubin , crossposted from The Rubin Report.]
The main street of Dolhinov, then in Poland, in 1931 on Polish national day. The 1886 Pogrom took place in the area pictured and against Jewish shops on the left behind the onlookers.
Without taking any partisan position, but purely on the issue's historical merits, nothing could have been more appropriate than Sarah Palin's use of the term "blood Libel" to describe what happened to her after the Tucson killings. I know because my direct a...
Top 10 Most Ridiculous Attacks on Conservatives Following the AZ Shootings
This has been a hugely shameful week for sections of the American Left, who have exploited a horrific tragedy that claimed six lives, in order to advance political attacks upon some leading conservative politicians and media commentators, as well as an entire political movement in the form of the Tea Party. The vitriolic and hate-filled attacks have marked a low point for liberal media elites in America in the 21st century, even to the extent that President Obama himself, probably the most liber...
Blame Righty: A Condensed History
I agree with President Obama. When it comes to politicizing random violence, he and his supporters have been "far too eager to lay the blame for all that ails the world at the feet of those who think differently than" they do. Recognition is the first step toward Reconciliation. It's time to recognize the poisonous pervasiveness of the Blame Righty meme.
For the past two years, Democratic officials, liberal Activists and Journalists have jumped to libelous conclusions about individual shooting ...
Dear Democrats: Pray The Tuesday Group Is Heard
Kensington Strangler Suspect Arrested In Philadelphia
Tunisia Revolt And Coup Has Lessons For West
Jared Lee Loughner Unlikely To Be Tried In Arizona
On MLK Birthday, Some Think Obama Helped Race Relations
Kinder Rhetoric Won't Stop GOP Healthcare Repeal
Women On Front Lines? Only A Matter Of Time
Wisconsin's Reince Priebus Already Shaking Up RNC
Suspect Who Outgunned N.J. Police Officer In Custody
U.S. Rep Giffords Can Move Both Sides Of Body
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