Former Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-GA) is chiming in on the recent controversies involving a fellow potential Presidential Candidate, Sarah Palin, with some mild (but still quite clear) criticism -- that while he does respect her, she should watch …
Read more >>There’s a narrative about Sarah Palin that goes something like this: until the Arizona shootings she coulda been a contender. But then with her ill-judged reference to a “blood Libel” she lost it, whereas the mighty President …
Read more >>Speaking on ABC's Good Morning America Tuesday, Gingrich said a string of Palin's recent statements indicate she needs to "be more careful and think through what she's saying and how she's saying it." "There's no question that she has become more …
Read more >>Sarah Palin vowed Monday night "they're not going to shut me up" as she berated liberals and the media for portraying her as the catalyst for the Tucson Shooting Spree. Palin told Fox News' Sean Hannity that she and other Conservatives were…
Read more >>If Sarah Palin ever used her time on the air to turn the conversation away from her own defense to talk about an issue I think the world would stop on its axis to commemorate the moment. It’s always about her. On Sean Hannity’s Fox New…
Read more >>> Contributor Governor Sarah Palin. Governor, welcome back. > PALIN: Thanks, Sean. Thank you for the opportunity. > shooting occurred. Where were you and what were you thinking at the time? > would have to be to kill an innocent. And, then, as thi…
Read more >>WASHINGTON | Mon Jan 17, 2011 11:27pm EST WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Prominent U.S. Republican Sarah Palin on Monday defended her reference to "blood Libel" that aroused Controversy last week when she used the term to condemn criticism linking her …
Read more >>Sarah Palin called on all Americans to engage in more civil political debate in the wake of the Tucson shooting but, in an interview on Fox News on Monday, said she would not be silenced or deterred by criticism from her opponents. This Story P…