Jewish : When Sarah Palin shot back at critics who proposed that her severe -- and perhaps violence-suggesting -- Rhetoric and campaigning helped inspire Jared Lee Loughner's massacre in Tuscon, she accused those critics of blood Libel -- and started an entirely new firestorm in the process.
PHOTOS: Sarah Palin in pictures
Palin's invoking of Blood libel, which in its proper use refers to a centuries old lie that was used to justify mass Anti-Semitism and Jewish persecution, immediately drew angry responses from politicians and Jewis...
VIDEOS: Sarah Palin in videos
About Blood Libel
Although few in numbers, Jews have been my classmates and good friends since grade school and even though I knew very little about their religious beliefs, I respected those differences and went about my business, just as they did. I know for a fact that at least a few of my FaceBook friends are Jewish and, undoubtedly, a few Jews are reading this post at this very moment. That’s great, but I honestly don’t think you’re reading because your Jewish and I’m Cath...
They Broke Begin, but Wont Break Palin
Menachem Begin is today widely regarded as one of the most effective and far-sighted statesmen in Israeli history. At one end of the political spectrum, he is fondly remembered for surrendering the entire Sinai peninsula to Egypt and uprooting Israeli communities there. At the other end of the spectrum, he is hailed for taking strong action against PLO Terrorists and Saddam Hussein’s nuclear reactor.
But when he was first elected Prime Minister in 1977, Begin was the object of an unprecedent...
Palin doesnt threaten pogroms
Last night on Chris Matthews David Corn said that Sarah Palin’s blood Libel comment was the kind of thing that had brought forth Pogroms against Jews once. He offered a similar fearful idea at Mother Jones:
Yet for her to equate the criticism she's received with the genocidal persecution of an entire people demonstrates either ignorance or narcissism. Or both. "Blood libel" is a term that refers to Jews using the blood of Children (mainly Christians) for religious practices, and this false a...
After Tucson shootings, Sarah Palin isn't retreating, she's reloading
In many ways, Sarah Palin mirrors the ethos of the gun-rights movement she promotes: never back down. Criticized for her Rhetoric in the aftermath of the Tucson shootings, she's since posted a combative defense on Facebook and signed up to speak at a hunting and gun convention. This image taken from on Wednesday shows Sarah Palin's page. A nearly eight-minute video was posted on her page early Wednesday, accusing Journalists and pundits of inciting hatred and violence in the wake o...
Remembering Our Fallen Week: The Tragedy In Wasilla
Your Wonkbot kept us safe from terror, before becoming another Victim in the tragedy in Tuscan, Arizona, like fellow cylon Sarah Palin. Starved for attention (her TLC show ended this week), Sister Sarah made a Controversial hate movie (Crash 2), shot on location in her Wasilla meth factory. Jared Lee Loughner should have just gone into gun sales, as he has a clear talent for moving them off the shelves. “Houdini of the Senate,” Joe Manchin, says he would never shoot a man, unless he ...
The Tucson Shootings, Blood Libels, and Those Who Perpetrate Them
[ By Barry Rubin , crossposted from The Rubin Report.]
The main street of Dolhinov, then in Poland, in 1931 on Polish national day. The 1886 Pogrom took place in the area pictured and against Jewish shops on the left behind the onlookers.
Without taking any partisan position, but purely on the issue's historical merits, nothing could have been more appropriate than Sarah Palin's use of the term "blood Libel" to describe what happened to her after the Tucson killings. I know because my direct a...
So Appalled
Winner gets a free Nextbook Press book that is thematically appropriate to his or her comment (provided he or she emails me with his or her mailing address). This week’s winner is a the presumably sarcastic commenter “Fuming,” who wrote, on the subject of ever-controversial Mideast columnist Lee Smith’s offering: “I am so ENRAGED at this article I can barely think! It’s Racist, offensive, bigoted, Racist, and Zionist! My God, Tablet magazine infuriates me with...
The true basis for a lasting peace in The Middle East
It has been argued, by scholars of International Law, that the agreements of the international Paris Peace Conference of 1919, and their formal assignment to Britain as the Mandatory by the League of Nations, continue to be legally binding on all parties under international law. In addition to Jewish legal claims based on the 1922 law a case can be made that it is also morally binding and that England is guilty of bad faith and for having engaged in deliberate sabotage of that ag...
A House Divided, and Other Presidential Speeches About the Jews
In the video statement she issued this week, former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin accused the media of Manufacturing a “blood Libel.” Her choice of words quickly became the story—”blood libel” refers to the cruel and absurd medieval belief that Jews used the blood of Christian Children to bake matzo. Many wonder how the gaffe will affect Palin’s future, with USA Today asking, “Will Sarah Palin’s use of the term ‘blood libel’ hurt her chan...
A Study: Who Has the Jewish Problem: Huffington Post or Sarah Palin
By Barry Rubin
An examination of the Huffington Post, a leading news site, and Sarah Palin for evidence of antisemitic associations. The results?
Two people who belong to a group to which Palin also belongs (but have no direct connection with her) make antisemitic statements.
Scores of people who write articles on the Huffington Post--which is never criticized or examined by the mass media on this issue--do so. None of them have been barred from writing because of these statements nor have the...
The True Meaning of Blood Libel
Amid the fierce and often partisan debate sparked by Sarah Palin’s use of the words “blood Libel,” one thing is clear: The phrase has become increasingly detached from its historical context. For centuries, the phrase “the blood libel” — with the definite article — has been used to signify a unique false accusation against a specific group: the spurious and heinous charge that Jews kill Christian Children to use their blood to make matzo for Passover. But now, as
Palin Likely Didt Know Blood Libel Meaning
Sarah Palin talks about the Tucscon tragedy. The Obama Administration has no comment on Sarah Palin’s invocation of the phrase “blood Libel” to describe those who would link strident right-wing Rhetoric to the tragic Tucson shooting. Fortunately, absolutely no one else has been so reticent. I’ll briefly say that I’ve been persuaded that Palin may well have been unaware of the phrase’s origins—I have been surprised to hear how many people, Jews included, ...
Israel widens access to Jerusalem Muslim Quarter
Israel has widened access to a revered Jewish site in the heart of the Jerusalem Old City’s Muslim quarter, a move that threatens to inflame tensions at one of the world’s most contested religious sites. Municipal officials recently ordered the removal of scaffolding -- which propped up an arch underneath Palestinian homes -- to enlarge the courtyard in front of a small section of the ancient wall, a remnant of the Second Temple destroyed in 70 AD, Israel’s Haaretz newspaper r...
Israel clears out disputed site in Muslim quarter
Israel has widened access to a revered Jewish site in the heart of the Jerusalem Old City’s Muslim quarter, a move that threatens to inflame tensions at one of the world’s most contested religious sites. Municipal officials recently ordered the removal of scaffolding -- which propped up an arch underneath Palestinian homes -- to enlarge the courtyard in front of a small section of the ancient wall, a remnant of the Second Temple destroyed in 70 AD, Israel’s Haaretz newspaper r...
Tensions grow between ultra-Orthodox, secular in Israel
Getting married? Take the quiz first What to make of Kiprusoff's decline? Where is the green revolution? The growth of Israel's ultra-Orthodox, who don't join the Military or receive higher education, has many in that country concerned. The ad, aired on Israel’s Channel Two Television Network, featured a group of ultra-Orthodox yeshiva Students in traditional garb, when the wind blew a man’s hat off. He chases it down the street and finds himself at the feet of a provocatively dresse...
Sundown: 1.5 Billion Jews Is a Scary Thought
The former Massachusetts Governor and the current Israeli Prime Minister. • Comparing her people to the Chinese, Diane von Furstenberg suggests, “Try to think of governing a billion and a half Jews.” No thanks! [NYMag] • Romney and Bibi sittin’ in a tree? [Ben Smith] • Texas House Speaker Joe Straus, profiled by Michelle Goldberg, won re-election. [Arutz Sheva] • If the current New Yorker caption contest cartoon doesn’t deserve a Jewish punchline, ...
You think youre so clever, dont you?
From an editorial at the Washington Times:
Mrs. Palin is well within her rights to feel persecuted. Since the Saturday bloodbath, members of the liberal commentariat have spoken in a unified voice, charging her and other Conservatives with being indirectly or somehow directly responsible for the lunatic actions of accused gunman Jared Loughner. Typical of blood Libel, the attack against Mrs. Palin is a false charge intended to generate anger made by people with a political agenda. They have made...
The Progressive Smear Machine Blames the Right Again
Check Michelle's post, "Blame Righty: A Condensed History":
On Monday, as The Progressive smear machine worked overtime to pin the horrific Tucson massacre on Conservatives and to squelch political opposition by targeting Tea Party/limited-government Rhetoric, I published “The progressive “climate of hate:” An illustrated primer, 2000-2010.”
Today’s column provides another primer for the Amnesia-wracked blamestream media on just how widespread the Blame Righty me...
The Tucson Massacres The Hall Of Shame: Liberals Who Used Tragedy To Smear The Right
G.I. Wood Shop Inc. Mrs. Peel Oh…My Valve! V The K’s Caption This! An error has occurred; the feed is probably down. Try again later. The massacre in Tucson was a horrendous tragedy. Everyone in the country, of every ideological stripe, should have been allowed to mourn the Victims’ deaths and injuries without the imposition of having to defend people who had nothing at all to do with it. But where normal people saw tragedy, the Far Left saw opportunity. They jumped at th...
Why Sarah Palin Used the Term Blood Libel
Many people were shocked and appalled yesterday when Sarah Palin used the term "blood Libel" to defend herself in her Fox "News" tee vee studio in Wasilla. From reading many comment threads all over the Blogosphere, it would appear that the comments could be placed in one of two categories: 1). "America's Professional Victim" didn't really know how deeply offensive the term is. Let's call them the "Sarah is dumb" crowd; 2). The "Sarah is too smart for her own good" group seems to think she knew...
15 Seconds
[ By Adam Levick , crossposted from CiF Watch.]
15 seconds. As I noted in my post yesterday, that's the time Israelis who live within reach of Gaza rockets have to take shelter from the moment the civil defense sirens wail.
However, while touring Kibbutz Nahal Oz, the site of Saturday's mortar attack, we learned that such projectiles (as opposed to rocket fire) aren't detected by Israeli monitoring devices, leaving residents absolutely no warning before impact.
Dov Hartuv, a long time residen...
Brooklyn-Jenin: On concentrations camps and Yonatan Pollack
I am worried that the 2010 Rabbis’ letter is just the beginning for a much more severe Racism wave. An article published at a weekly religious Zionist publication, which mentioned death camps for “Amalek,” makes me fear even more.
Amalek, a biblical tribe hostile to the Israelites that had to be destroyed by Israel according to God (some religious Jews use this term in slang to describe Arabs/Muslims/Palestinians).
Further, to add to the “
Palin: Maximum Sarah Saturation Begets the Hillary of the Right
It is time for Sarah Palin to sit quietly for awhile, at least a few weeks, and let others defend her. It is time for her to let things “settle” in Tucson, because the shooting had nothing to do with her.This is not turning the other cheek that I speak of, it is to let the opposition find something else by not giving them anything more. Every single “slight” that is published against her does not require a response from Sarah Palin FacebookCentral...
Religious Right Dream of Privatized Public Education Gets Boost
Republican governors are making aggressive moves toward control of public education. You may find that it's helpful to know something about a subject before you start talking about it. Jewish social justice group delivers 10,000 letters to Rupert Murdoch calling for Beck’s ouster. And with more and more Evangelical chaplains a backslide isn't impossible. “Blood Libel” was not an effort to “align” herself with Jews....
Because They Control Everything, duh.
Creepy faux philo-semitism and Anti-Semitism tend to go hand in hand.
But liberals hate Jews and love Hitler. Especially Jewish liberals.
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Philly Abortion Doc Killed 7 In Barbaric Fashion
Obama Orders Rules' Review To Boost Job Creation
Mr. Obama: Whither Your Anti-Bush Foreign Policy
How An Ex-President Gets Into A Mayoral Election
Camden, N.J. Cuts Overworked Police Force In Two
Barack Obama And Hu Jintao Set For Talks On China
Joe Lieberman, Having Gone Indie, Now Going Home
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