Sarah Palin Accuses Journalists Of 'Blood Libel,' Calls Loughner 'Apolitical' (VIDEO)

Sarah Palin: Four days after a gunman attempted to assassinate Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ), former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin responded to criticism over a map she posted before the election that featured gun sights over 20 targeted Democratic districts, including Giffords's. "Vigorous and spirited public debates during Elections are among our most cherished traditions," Palin wrote in an early morning post on her Facebook account on Wednesday. "But, especially within hours of a tragedy unfolding, journali...

PHOTOS: Sarah Palin in pictures

VIDEOS: Sarah Palin in videos

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Kevin Grussing posted 3 days ago (via twitter)

Sarah Palin may have pulled it down, but Media still has it on their computer systems. Vimeo videos are easily copied...

Marjorie Lominy posted 3 days ago (via twitter)

Sarah Palin put a "password required" on her video on Vimeo ..if her password is lke the fence Todd built for her, it should be easy..SMH!

Devin DiMattia posted 3 days ago (via twitter)

"Blood libel" aside, everyone's overlooking the fact that Sarah Palin 's apparently on Vimeo . She must've wanted to do some 7D camera tests.

Carl Panczak posted 3 days ago (via twitter)

I watched some of that Vimeo video of Sarah Palin this morning, she sounded deranged. Completely bizarre.

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