On Tuesday, we reported that Dr. Stuart Jeanne Bramhall, an American expatriate now living in New Zealand, has started an online petition to indict Sarah Palin. Since that report, Dr. Bramhall has responded to questions put to her in an email…
Read more >>Tucson massacre + Red Queen politics = Hate Speech Inquisition. I noticed a new game the blamestream media is playing this week. It’s the same game they played with Sarah Palin last week: Blame the Victim. After a slew of Democrat leaders …
Read more >>The terrible violence in Arizona last weekend prompted much national discussion on many issues. All Americans are united in their sympathies for the Victims and their families. All wonder what could motivate such a horrible act. …
Read more >>The buzz in Washington and the rest of the country is the amount of Rhetoric that has taken place in the last few years. The shooting in Arizona has stirred a national call for calm reflection and more civility inside and outside the political dis…
Read more >>Conservative Talk Radio has been a big topic in the media this past week. Love it or hate it, conservative Talk Radio is here to stay. It gets Ratings and there is this little thing called the First Amendment. Here in Los Angeles we have our very …
Read more >>While certain politicians are mainly sworn at, a swearing in of Representative Cathy McMorris to the 112th Congress took place this week. Starting a new term, she says: "I am committed to listening to the Amer…
Read more >>Never one to publicly back down, America’s half-governor, Sarah Palin, quietly scrubbed her web presence of images of the now infamous “gun sight” ad. The ad featured sights over targeted Democratic House districts, including A…
Read more >>In a Press Release, Wikileaks has blamed Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, Sarah Palin, and other Conservatives for the Tucson shootings, and called for them to be prosecuted for “incitement.” It is not clear why Wikileaks thinks people…