Fox News: Like all topical comedy outlets this week, "Saturday Night Live" was faced with the difficult task of commenting on the tragic events in Tucson.
PHOTOS: Greta Van Susteren in pictures
In last night's cold opening, "SNL" addressed it by mocking Fox News for their attempt at a toned-down Rhetoric, finding humor in what has not been a humorous week.
VIDEOS: Greta Van Susteren in videos
In the sketch, Kristen Wiig plays Fox News host Greta Van Susteren and is joined by Sean Hannity (Bobby Moynihan), Michelle Malkin (Nasim Pedrad) and of course Glenn Beck (Jason Sudeikis) ...
Fox News 'Embraces Civility' on SNL
Saturday Night Live's cold opening this week took aim at Fox News President Roger Ailes' widely publicized admonition to "shut up, tone it down, make your argument intellectually" in the wake of the Tucson shooting. Fox News all-stars like a paralyzed Greta Van Susteren and a foaming-at-the-mouth Sean Hannity inevitably struggle with the new policy. But it's not just the right whose Rhetoric takes a beating—Rachel Maddow gets 'intellectual' with Glenn Beck's chalkboard.
It's a little bit...
SNL spoof 'Fox News Embracing Civility' - Sean Hannity foams at mouth
Saturday Night Live opened this week's show with a spoof on Fox News attempting to embrace a new civility after last weeks tragic shooting in Tucson, Arizona. The skit spoofed Fox News on air personalities Greta van Susteren, Sean Hannity, Michelle Malkin and Glenn Beck. The skit did not directly address the tragic shooting of Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and others, but instead focused on recent pleas for civility in political discourse, and the m...
Michelle Malkin parodied on SNL
Fox News Embraces Civility:
SNL parodied the attempt at introducing civility to politics. Starring “Sean Hannity”, “Glenn Beck”, “Michelle Malkin”, “Greta Van Susteren” on the right and “James Carville” and “Rachel Maddow” on the left. Watch as Carville just can’t pull off this civil thing…
see here
(Oh, btw, it sucks.)
SNL: FOX News Gives Embracing Civility A Try, Is Defeated By James Carville
On Saturday Night Live’s version of Fox News they decided to turn over a new leaf and give civil, polite political discourse a try. Kristen Wiig’s Greta van Susteren spearheaded the initiative, and was joined by Sean Hannity , Michelle Malkin and an already-struggling-to-be-civil Glenn Beck .
Things went quite well initially, but Malkin, Hannity and Beck were unable to go on after hearing James Carville brag about his meal at a vegan restaurant, watching Rachel Maddow hijack BeckR...
SNL: Greta With Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, Michelle Malkin and Guest James Carville (Video)
SNL: Fox News special 'embracing civility'
Jewish Funds For Justices Racist Collective Guilt Teachings Behind its Glenn Beck Attacks
Thursday an organization called the Jewish Funds For Justice (JFJ) delivered to Fox News a petition with 10,000 signatures requesting that Glenn Beck be fired from his daily 5pm slot on their network. The group called Beck an anti-Semite and suggested their petition was a message from the Jewish community.
FOX News Host Glenn Beck recently evoked anti-Semitic stereotypes to attack prominent Jewish philanthropist and Holocaust survivor George Soros. In his three-day “Puppet Master
Weekend Roundup: The Best Political Quotes and Clips
Miss all those great political tidbits over the weekend? Here’s our roundup of some of the best ones.
1. Saturday Night Live confronted the question of civility on Fox News by assembling a fake panel that included Greta Van Sustern , Glenn Beck , Michelle Malkin and Sean Hannity — all confronted by James Carville , trying to taunt them into being uncivil. At one point, the Carville character Recounts his lunch “with Arianna Huffington and Michael Moore and my friend Lucian —...
The Orwellian Doublespeak of Media Matters David Brock
Doublespeak: The art of persuasively articulating nothing.
Winston sank his arms to his sides and slowly refilled his lungs with air. His mind slid away into the labyrinthine world of doublethink. To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them…
George Orwell thus laid the groundwork for the coinage of doublespeak,...
SNL: Fox News Attempts New Civility
This cold-open is about what you'd expect, and we're not talking about its politics....
Fox News anchor advocates Internet ID system to 'tone down the viciousness'
The host of the Fox News Channel's "On The Record With Greta Van Susteren" suggested an identification system for Internet users seeking to post and comment at online venues, predicting it would lighten up the national dialogue. It was a response to a wide-ranging national debate on partisan rancor sparked by the tragic shootings last Saturday of twenty people in Tucson, Arizona, including Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ), who was critically wounded. Greta Van Susteren's solution was to "create a ...
failure to discriminate
In case anyone has forgotten, there are still people out of work
Tucson. I hope this is the last day we beat this dead horse.
In the past week, I have stayed away from TV and radio and most blog sites. At first it was because I was tied up with something else that needed my full attention. But as a the week wore on, I deliberately stayed away and only read an occasional piece in the NYTimes regarding the progress of Giffords’ recovery. And here is the result of my deliberate
On Fox News Sunday, Chris Christie repeats Palin criticism of being too scripted
In a lengthy 13-minute interview leading off Fox News Sunday yesterday, Christie was asked about the new calls for ultra-politically correct civility in the aftermath of the Tucson shootings, and this almost immediately segued into his Palin criticism. Christie’s original criticism of the former Governor originated during a lunchtime chat with the New York Times (of all “publications!”) that the “paper” reported about on its website. In his lunchtime comments, Chris...
Fox News Reports No Link Between Matches, Gasoline and Fire
NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report)—The Fox News Channel today attempted to bust what it called a “Mainstream Media myth” by reporting that there was no link between Matches, Gasoline and fire. “Gasoline and matches don’t start fires,” said Fox host Glenn Beck. “People start fires.” Mr. Beck went on to say that there was no link between “oxygen, hydrogen and water.” Elsewhere, Verizon trumpeted its new iPhone, announcing, “For the firs...
'SNL' Spoofs Fox News
You must login to comment. The Fox Nation is for those opposed to intolerance, excessive government control of our lives, and attempts to monopolize opinion or suppress freedom of thought, expression, and worship. Read more... We invite all Americans who share these values to join us here at Fox Nation. They are the sort of striking images that wouldn't look out of place in a scene from a sci-fi movie. However, one of these could soon be the face of modern aviation with the unveiling of a new .....
Guess whos issuing death threats in Arizona?
Via Doug Powers (blogging @ Michelle Malkin) comes this about “J. Eric Fuller, who was shot in the knee” last weekend in Tucson:
When Tucson Tea Party founder Trent Humphries rose to suggest that any conversation about Gun Control should be put off until after the funerals for all the Victims, witnesses say Fuller became agitated. Two told KGUN9 News that finally, Fuller took a picture of Humphries, and said, “You’re dead.”
Fuller, as Law Professor William A.
SNL on the Short Era of Civility
Does Sen. John McCain Owe Gay Servicemembers an Apology?...
Blinded to basic logic and reasoning
I've found one of those animated videos that use robotic sounding characters to humorously make poignant points, this one rebutting effectively the whole blame Sarah Palin for the Tucson shootings meme that's still being used by so many on the left... you'll get to see it here in a few minutes but first, let's set it up by reminding readers of what some have been saying. The day after the Tucson tragedy, I linked to the words of a leftist pastor who had this to say about the shooting:
Can some...
The Politics of Hateand Hate Speech
Just about anything that could be said about the Murders in Tucson have been said. We know that Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) was holding a “Congress on the Corner” meeting outside a Safeway Grocery Store. We know that a 22-year-old named Jared Lee Loughner is in FBI custody, and has been charged with one count of attempted Assassination of a member of Congress, two counts of killing an employee of the United States and two counts of intent to kill employees of the United States....
Peg Bundy as Sarah Palin? What Could Go Wrong?
They just can't stop obsessing over Sarah Palin, even at a Hollywood awards show."Me, you really think so?" Golden Globe winner Katey Sagal said when I remarked the she was perfect for playing the boufant haired republican. "Why?" "Because you're really rockin' a Palin thing," I told the Sons of Anarchy genius, who fully knows her way around a killer wig. So is Katey up for a Sarah Palin poking? "Well, I guess I'd have to use a gun, wouldn't I?" replied the Globes winner, who slowly warmed to th...
What MLK Would See Today
"Obama-nomics: Monkey See, Monkey Spend!"
"Obama - What you Talkin' about Willis! Spend My Money?"
"Stand Idle While Some Kenyan Tries To Destroy America? Wap!! I Don't Think So!!! Homey Don't Play Dat!!!"
He would hear Glenn Beck of Fox News accuse President Obama of being a reverse Racist with "a deep-seated hatred for White People" - despite the inconvenient little detail that Obama's own beloved mother was white.
He would hear right-wing blowhard Rush Limbaugh say things like...
Fairness Doctrine fight goes on
When some liberals called for reining in harsh political Rhetoric after the Arizona shootings, Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-S.C.) took it one step further. He called for bringing back the Fairness Doctrine, in what was widely considered an attempt to clamp down on Talk Radio.
A week later, those calls have abated, and no one is seriously pursuing the idea of returning to the long-defunct policy, which required media on the public airwaves to present both sides of Controversial political issues. Not Cly...
O'Reilly: No gender bias against Palin, Bachmann
Bill O'Reilly got into it last night with conservative, Fox commentators, Margaret Hoover and Gretchen Carlson.
CARLSON: I believe there is some gender bias associated with Michele Bachmann and Sarah Palin.
O'REILLY: Gender bias?
CARLSON: Yes, and I think Margaret would agree with me on this that, as women, they would be more criticized than you might be and what you would say about this topic [the Arizona shootings].
O'REILLY: [interrupting]... I don't think so. I mean, look, I don't know gen...
Pawlenty's delicate dance on the '08 bailout
PAWLENTY'S DELICATE DANCE ON THE '08 Bailout.... Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty (R) really wants to impress the Republican Base in advance of his Presidential Campaign, and assumes that Candidates who supported the 2008 financial industry rescue will struggle to win the party's 2012 nomination.
To that end, Pawlenty bashes the bailout in his new book. "When the rain started to fall on America's picnic, Washington hung up a big old plastic TARP to protect us from the deluge," he wrote. "Eve...
Civility found while rhetoric abounds
The buzz in Washington and the rest of the country is the amount of Rhetoric that has taken place in the last few years. The shooting in Arizona has stirred a national call for calm reflection and more civility inside and outside the political discourse from the media to President Obama. After President Obama’s Speech at the Arizona Memorial for the Victims of the shooting in Tucson on January 12th, members of the Far Left and the Far Right began sparring over who had most to blame for the...
Ariz. Rep. Giffords Upgraded to Serious Condition
Doctors have upgraded Rep. Gabrielle Giffords', D-Ariz., condition from critical to serious as she continues to make an amazing recovery after being shot in the head on Jan. 8 in Tucson, Ariz., during a shooting rampage at a public event that also left six people dead.
Meanwhile, Giffords' colleagues returned to work on Monday and both sides have promised to change the tone of the political Rhetoric in Washington, D.C.
For the second weekend, Tucson was the most discussed topic on the Sunday ...
Arab World, Middle East on Knife Edge
Tea Party Rejects GOP Choice To Replace Lee
Wisconsin Labor Battle Heats Up; Protests in Idaho
Texas Bill Seeks To Allow Guns in Campus Buildings
Pennsylvania Judge Found Guilty in Kids for Cash Scandal
Clinton, Bush To Head Arizona Civility Center
Wisconsin Governor Refuses To Rollback Labor Bill
1995-Type Shut Down Looms as Budget Standoff Continues
Winter Storm Hits Midwest, 700 Flights Cancelled
U.S. Wants Libya To Show Restraint; Gaddafi Claims Army Backing
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