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Greta Van Susteren videos
Wisconsin Gov. Walker Reiterates That The National Guard W..
Santorum: I've watched every episode of Palin's reality sh..
Tom Price: Health Care Repeal Won't Pass, 'But That's Not ..
Senator-elect Marco Rubio meets Greta Van Susteren in DC
Rep. Pence Moves The Goal Posts On Tax Cuts, Suggests Comp..
Virginia AG: Court Ruling Eliminates Funding Mechanism For..
Palin Urges Americans to Remember Haiti
Dem Rep. Dan Boren Blames Speaker Pelosi For Holding Tax C..
Bachmanns Tax Double Standard: Cuts For Middle Class Cost ..
Obama Threatens To Veto Bush Tax Cuts If His Unemployment ..
Gingrich urges RNC shake-up
Forget Small Businesses: Sen. Thune Defends Tax Cuts For M..
Charlie Crist: Its True. I Spoke With Several White House ..
Obama: Dems Arent Running On Obamacare Because Americans A..
Sarah Hussein Palin will not be running for president
3M Says Up to 23,000 Seniors May Lose Coverage Thanks to O..
Grandstanding Lawyer Who Lights The Spotlight Proves To Be..
Mark Levin and Greta Van Susteren The Good Lawyers vs. Glo..
Greta Destroys Lib Hack Gloria Allred: "Gloria, This ..
Sarah Palin Drops The H-Bomb: 'Barack Hussein Obama' (VIDE..
Obama and Clinton Differ On the Tea Party " Too Littl..
Miller and McAdams on Murkowski write-in move
Jan Brewer: We Found Out that Obama Was Turning Us Over to..
Creepy Guy Is Touted As Leftist Hero
Todd Palin's aggressive encounter with a citizen at Valdez..
Sarah Palin, Todd Palin in Awkward Video Encounter
Lindsey Graham: Birthright Citizenship Is A Mistake (VIDEO..
Sen. Graham says birthright citizenship a mistake
Math Is Hard: John Thune's Plan To Eliminate Deficits In 1..
Math Is Hard: John Thune's Plan To Eliminate Deficits In 1..
Gingrich: Forget Ground Zero -- They Can Build A Mosque Ne..
Did Doug Hoffman’s Loss Explode Glenn Beck’s A..
'And when the country was falling apart/ Betsy Ross got it..
John Dougherty: Brewer's Beheading
Kopp's frozen custard manager Scott Borkin on Greta: "..;
Sunday Talking Heads: June 20, 2010
LIAR Obama Breaks Promise To Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer, Hill..
Obama Breaks Promise To Arizona Governor Jan Brewer
Carly Fiorina Sugarcoats Her Disastrous Tenure At HP
Carly Fiorina Open Mic Excuse: 'I Was Quoting A Friend' Mo..
Fiorina vs. Boxer: Results vs. Rhetoric
Fiorina vs. Boxer: Results vs. Rhetoric
Carly Fiorina Sugarcoats Her Disastrous Tenure At HP
Obama's Slick Waterloo: Incompetence, Failure, Destruction..
Excelsior! Upwards of Eight Thousand Protest 911 Mega Mosq..
Gov. Jan Brewer on Obama: "I Keep Questioning His Mis..
John A. Ward, Former Tucson High School Teacher, Supports ..
Arizona Corporation Commissioner Gary Pierce: LA Politicos..
Eric Cantor Announces "You Cut" Website... Now Y..
Baby Got Comeback
Reducing Barriers to Competitiveness
Cuccinelli: I'll File Lawsuit Against Health Care Bill Rig..
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1. Scott Walker
2. Barack Obama
3. Hosni Mubarak
4. Sarah Palin
5. Lara Logan
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7. Ronald Reagan
8. George W. Bush
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1. Scott Walker
2. Barack Obama
3. Hosni Mubarak
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5. Lara Logan
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