Fox News “The O’Reilly Factor”: The best of Dennis Miller “Hannity”: Sarah Palin “On the Record with Greta Van Susteren”: Pre-empted MSNBC “Countdown with Keith Olbermann”: Th…
Read more >>Greta Van Susteren took to her blog to question whether Juan Williams could back up his claim that Sarah Palin is not on the same "intellectual stage" as President Obama. Williams made the comment when he was on a "Fox News Sunday" panel this pa…
Read more >>The number-crunchers at the Home Office have given us the list of the most-read posts at Hot Air over the past year, thanks to a little wizardry from the database geeks (of which I proudly count myself a member). Over the next five days, I…
Read more >>Cable news Ratings, December 22, 2010: •On Fox News, rising star-and quiet ratings power player-Bret Baier had a strong night Wednesday, coming within 136,000 viewers of Fox’s top dog Bill O’Reilly, who had 1,924,000 …
Read more >>Ever since 13 Senate Republicans joined Democrats in consenting to the terrible New START Treaty, Sen. Lindsey Graham has been on a tirade, telling any conservative who’ll listen that “Harry Reid ate our lunch,” meaning that Demo…
Read more >>On the Record host Greta Van Susteren devotes her entire show tonight to a special report on her trip to Haiti with Sarah Palin and Rev. Franklin Graham . Van Susteren didn’t go in heavy with field producers, camera crews and support staff…
Read more >>In yesterday’s Press Conference, President Obama had much legislative success to be pleased with, but also discussed his “biggest disappointment” - failing to pass the DREAM Act (Development, Relief and Education for Alien …
Read more >>In the spirit of holiday servicey-ness, I'm rounding up each night's guests on cable Primetime and network news. It's not a comprehensive list yet, but it can be with your help. Email me! Fox News “The O’Reilly Factor” :…