SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 24 (UPI) -- Conservative radio host Michael Savage has filed suit in California against his syndicator claiming it is trying to force him into "indentured servitude." Savage's contract with Talk Radio Network expires at the end…
Read more >>Cable news Ratings, December 22, 2010: •On Fox News, rising star-and quiet ratings power player-Bret Baier had a strong night Wednesday, coming within 136,000 viewers of Fox’s top dog Bill O’Reilly, who had 1,924,000 …
Read more >>The United States Census Bureau released data on Tuesday of this week revealing how population shifts will impact the reapportionment of congressional representation. Texas, which gains four seats, was a big winner as was Florida which gains two s…
Read more >>Conor Friedersdorf When Internet Radio host D.R. Tucker alerted me to an interview he recorded with Jonah Goldberg a couple weeks back, I had no idea it would contain one of the more revealing accounts of what the National Review Editor-At-Large…
Read more >>In the spirit of holiday servicey-ness, I'm rounding up each night's guests on cable Primetime and network news. It's not a comprehensive list yet, but it can be with your help. Email me! Fox News “The O’Reilly Factor” :…
Read more >>Cable news Ratings, December 17, 2010: •HLN’s Joy Behar Show had a Friday to forget, attracting a mere 53,000 viewers 25-54 and managing to lose two-thirds of the viewers who had just watched Nancy Grace. The show’s total viewers…
Read more >>Love it or hate it, Fox News has shaken up the media establishment and achieved financial success by airing the views of strident conservative pundits. Yet while the network has never made any bones about the political slant of opinion shows host…
Read more >>Los Angeles (Hollywood Reporter) - Larry King went out with a (Ratings) bang. More than 2.2 million tuned in to watch King's final CNN show on Thursday night. That may not sound like a huge number, but it was up more than 100% compared to the pre…