Elections : Like millions of Americans I learned of the tragic events in Arizona on Saturday, and my heart broke for the innocent Victims.
PHOTOS: Ronald Reagan in pictures
No words can fill the hole left by the death of an innocent, but we do mourn for the victims’ families as we express our sympathy.
VIDEOS: Ronald Reagan in videos
I agree with the sentiments shared yesterday at the beautiful Catholic mass held in honor of the Victims. The mass will hopefully help begin a healing process for the families touched by this tragedy and for our country. Our exceptional...
Capehart: Sarah Palin doesn't get it
Sarah Palin has emerged from the protective cloak of Twitter and e-mails to Glenn Beck to speak directly to the American People about the tragedy in Tucson. In a video, she expresses condolences for the Victims' families and concern for those recovering from Saturday's horrific events. But for nearly eight defensive minutes, the woman who has been at the center of a stormy national debate over our super-heated political discourse does her best to absolve herself of any role in that discourse. ...
Mark Levins Lawsuit Threat
For all the rage that Talk Radio broadcasts at the outside world, never forget how much its leading figures hate each other. Rush Limbaugh dismisses Bill O’Reilly as “Ted Baxter”: a pompous, ignorant blowhard. Sean Hannity resents and fears the upstart Glenn Back. Mark Levin seethes at his own under-appreciation. It bothers him that the so-called smart people don’t take seriously his Liberty and Tyranny. It vexes him that he does not receive appropriate credit for being...
Reject, Dont Participate in Big Lie About Arizona Shooting
“Never mind, they’ll swallow it,” said Stalin, the 20th Century’s first successful progenitor of the Big Lie. The suppression of the facts is by no means the most dangerous aspect of any Big Lie. After all, facts don’t go away even amid efforts to suppress them. All sorts of inconsistencies, impossibilities and clues remain behind, and sometimes in plain sight, for anyone who cares to look. The real threat the Big Lie poses to society comes when it is not stopped in...
Sarah Palin to Appear on Hannity Monday
Sarah Palin will appear on Sean Hannity's program on Fox News Monday, the New York Times reported Thursday night.
This interview will be Palin's first extended interview since the shooting rampage in Tucson that killed six people and wounded 12, including Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. Giffords was holding an event outside a Grocery Store to meet with her constituents.
Palin has been taking heat from both sides of the political spectrum since the shooting. In the days following the shooting before ...
In Times of National Trauma, the Nation Looks to the President
In Times of National Trauma, the Nation Looks to the President
Friday, 01/14/2011 - 9:50 am by David Woolner | Post a Comment
Roosevelt historian David Woolner shines a light on today’s issues with lessons from the past.
President Obama’s stirring address at the memorial service for the Victims of the Arizona tragedy reminds us that the president of the United States is much more than merely the head of government. He is also our head of state — the national figure we look to fo...
Mark Levin Threatens to Sue Matthews, Olbermann, Schultz and Anyone Tying Him to Tucscon Shootings
For going on six days, dishonest media members have blamed prominent Conservatives for inciting last Saturday's tragedy in Tucson. Mark Levin: Now I’m going to tell you something. Maybe I shouldn’t, but I will. I’m waiting for an allegation that is very specific against me because I’m going to sue. I don’t care if they’re Bloggers, I don’t care if they’re television hosts, I don’t care if they’re radio hosts. I’m going to drag...
Success. The left retreats
Sometimes you have to punch a bully in the nose to stop his Bullying.
I know - violent Rhetoric. That’s a bad thing. Some Democrat sheriff will now blame me for the next schoolyard scuffle.
I, and other Conservatives, have sat idly by for years, turning the other cheek, after hearing the most vile attacks on George W. Bush, Sarah Palin and others. You’ve heard them. Calling Bob McDonnell “Taliban Bob” - I don’t have enough time to go into everything the...
Sarah Palin compares criticisms of her to a belief that led to the Holocaust
In the wake of the shooting by Jared Loughner in Tucson last week, there was criticism directed against the harsh Rhetoric of those on the right-wing. Jared Loughner did not shoot Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and Murder a number of other individuals because Talk Radio or Sarah Palin told him to do so. A few individuals though have committed violence or attempted to do so because of their hatred of the left. Byron Williams, a man who was going to commit violence a...
Sarah Palin's 'blood libel' comment overshadows a calibrated message
Sarah Palin's statement Wednesday in response to the Tucson shootings, in which she has found herself at the center of a debate over civility in political discourse, was crafted as both a defense of her own actions and a strike against her critics - but reaction to the statement was dominated by a fresh Controversy over her use of the phrase "blood Libel."
This Story
Sarah Palin's 'blood libel' comment overshadows a calibrated message
Gabrielle Giffords, congresswoman from Arizona, ...
Radio show host Hermain Cain says voters 'looking for something new' in 2012
Conservative Talk Radio host and businessman Hermain Cain predicted Thursday that voters are ready to embrace a new type of Presidential Candidate in 2012 — the "problem-solving" outsider, which he hopes to represent this primary season.
"The opening for us is in the changing political landscape," Cain, a conservative black Republican, told The Ballot Box. "We saw it in what happened on November 2. This sleeping giant called the American People has awakened and they're looking for something...
Palin to speak in Nevada (Politico)
Sarah Palin isn’t retreating on guns. Instead, she’s reloading. The former vice Presidential Candidate and possible 2012 presidential hopeful is headed to Safari Club International’s convention later this month in Reno, Nev. - one of the key early presidential primary states. Palin is scheduled to keynote the pro-hunting group’s huge annual meeting on Jan. 29 - 20,000 are expected from around the world - with a Speech on “her past hunting experiences and how politic...
Palin Sitting Down With Hannity For First Interview Since Arizona Shooting
Sarah Palin will sit down Monday with fellow Fox pundit and notorious softball lobber Sean Hannity, according to the New York Times, for her first interview since wading into the debate over the Tucson shooting.
Palin's decision to do her first post-Tucson interview on Fox News isn't too surprising given that she's a paid Fox contributor who's often expressed disdain for the so-called 'lamestream media.' But Hannity's show in particular should provide her with a very friendly setting to speak ...
Radio Host Mark Levin To MSNBC: Im Going To Drag Your Asses To Federal Court.
Radio host Mark Levin is fed up with claims that heated political rhetoric of the sort found on talk radio shows like his are in some way to blame for the shooting in Arizona that left six dead and Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords injured.
And Levin is putting his money where his mouth is by threatening to take MSNBC hosts and contributors like Chris Matthews , Ed Shutlz, Keith Olbermann , Rachel Maddow , Joe Scarborough and David Frumm (“you little weasel”) to federal court for accu...
Chafee Wants Ad Boycott Of Talk Radio
From Rhode Island’s Providence Journal
RI Gov. Chafee: Stop paying for vitriolic commentary
Felice Freyer
Thu, Jan 13, 2011
When Talk Radio hosts use harshly divisive language, "The advertisers should shut them down," Governor Lincoln Chafee said this morning.
Chafee said the solution to the vitriolic Rhetoric — which some have linked to the shooting of U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords over the weekend — is for people to stop paying for it, including not buying...
Rev. Franklin Graham Defends Palin: I Am Shocked at Reports Linking Sarah Palin to Tucson Shootings
The Rev. Franklin Graham defended Sarah Palin from the horrific attacks coming from the state-run media and Democrats after a leftwing pothead shot and killed 6 people in Tucson. Internationally respected Evangelist Franklin Graham, the son of the great preacher Billy Graham, jumped into the political fray Tuesday by denouncing “outrageous” attempts by the political left to blame Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin for the Tucson rampage that left six dead and 14 wounded. “This is a time f...
Sarah Palin Responds - "America's Enduring Strength"
Sarah Palin responds to both the tragedy in Arizona and the political exploitation of this event. She doesn’t name names or point the finger defensively at any one person, but rather turns this into a teaching moment for America, suggesting that this is when America’s core values need protecting the most. This is perhaps her most Presidential Speech:
Like millions of Americans I learned of the tragic events in Arizona on Saturday, and my heart broke for the innocent Victims. No words can f...
Sarah Palin: America's Enduring Strength
A few hours ago, Sarah Palin posted a Facebook Note and video in regards to the recent shootings that happened over the weekend in Tucson, Arizona. The sentiments expressed by Sarah are echoed by millions throughout our great, resilient country. Although the scars will remain, America WILL recover and come out of this horrific event stronger and even more committed to making our country the greatest it can be!
Please click here to view the video of this statement.
Like millions of Americans I...
Goodluck Jonathan wins vote to run in Nigeria's April election
President Goodluck Jonathan addresses the ruling party primary in Abuja, Nigeria. Photograph: Sunday Alamba/AP President Goodluck Jonathan, who became leader of Nigeria only after the death of its elected president, today won the Endorsement of the country's ruling party, making him the overwhelming favourite to win April's Presidential Election. Jonathan cast himself as the leader able to change Africa's most populous nation, which has vast Oil Reserves but has been beset by problems under ...
Obama, the orator, hits home
Provide feedback to the multimedia producers. Thank you. Your feedback was successfully sent. Video will begin in 5 seconds. What type of connection do you have? Your video format settings have been saved. Watch Barak Obama give his Speech in Tucson, Arizona following the killing of six people and the shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. Some commentators say it's turning point in his Presidency. WASHINGTON: Barack Obama returned to the White House welcomed by a chorus from America's po...
Tucson Tea Party Co-Founder Blames Giffords For Getting Shot; Says Tea Party Is Also Shooting Victim
Trent Humphries, co-founder of the Tucson Tea Party, says if Gabrielle had security concerns she should have protected herself and not appeared without better security at an open event. (via Raw Story) The Arizona congresswoman shouldn’t have attended an event “in full view of the public” if she had security concerns, according to Tucson Tea Party co-founder Trent Humphries. Humphries told The Guardian, “We’re Victims, too,” worried that the fall-out from the ...
"Right now, each side in that debate passionately believes that the other side is wrong."
"And it’s all right for them to say that. What’s not acceptable is the kind of violence and eliminationist Rhetoric encouraging violence that has become all too common these past two years."
Writes Paul Krugman, Manufacturing a phony problem.
It’s not enough to appeal to the better angels of our nature. We need to have leaders of both parties — or Mr. Obama alone if necessary — declare that both violence and any language hinting at the acceptability of violence ar...
Sarah Palin speaks out on Americas Enduring Strength and charges critics with blood libel
This morning Sarah Palin released a statement through Facebook slamming her critics charges that overheated political Rhetoric contributed to the weekend shooting rampage in Arizona that left a Gabriel Giffords fighting for her life. Sarah Palin charged her critics with “blood Libel”
Like millions of Americans I learned of the tragic events in Arizona on Saturday, and my heart broke for the innocent Victims. No words can fill the hole left by the death of an innocent, but we do mou...
Sarah Palin Response to Tucson: Americas Enduring Strength
Update: Alan Dershowitz, who is, BTW, a Jewish liberal, says Palin’s use of the term “blood Libel” is appropriate. Like millions of Americans I learned of the tragic events in Arizona on Saturday, and my heart broke for the innocent Victims. No words can fill the hole left by the death of an innocent, but we do mourn for the victims’ families as we express our sympathy. I agree with the sentiments shared yesterday at the beautiful Catholic mass held in hono...
Sarah Palin Refudiates Sarah Palin
Everyone's all aflush with talk of Sarah Palin's invocation of "blood Libel," so this section of her prepared statement probably isn't getting the attention it deserves:
President Reagan said, "We must reject the idea that every time a law's broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions." Acts of monstrous criminality stand on their own. They begin and end with the criminals who commit them, ...
Lest We Forget the Past Two Years
Samuel Adams, writing in a letter to James Warren in February of 1779, said, “If virtue and knowledge are diffused among the people, they will never be enslaved.” Our nation needs to heed these words and continue to remain informed and engaged. The tragedy of the Arizona shootings by a sick human being has provided Mr. Obama and his supporters a wall shielding the past two years of abusing power and ignoring the will of the people. A call for Civil Discourse is no more than code for R
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Chicago's Population Shrinks By 200K
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Rahm Emanuel Leads Chicago Mayoral Poll
Taliban Warns Against Release of Jailed US Prisoner
US Supports Massive Antigovernment Protests in Iran
Two Americans Charged With Plot To Sell Drugs to Taliban
Pentagon Seeks Largest Budget Ever
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