Mark Levin: For all the rage that Talk Radio broadcasts at the outside world, never forget how much its leading figures hate each other. Rush Limbaugh dismisses Bill O’Reilly as “Ted Baxter”: a pompous, ignorant blowhard. Sean Hannity resents and fears the upstart Glenn Back. Mark Levin seethes at his own under-appreciation.
PHOTOS: Mark Levin in pictures
It bothers him that the so-called smart people don’t take seriously his Liberty and Tyranny.
VIDEOS: Mark Levin in videos
It vexes him that he does not receive appropriate credit for being...
Infidel Bloggers Alliance
Radio Host Mark Levin To MSNBC: ‘I’m Going To Drag Your Asses To Federal Court.
Radio host Mark Levin is fed up with claims that heated political Rhetoric of the sort found on Talk Radio shows like his are in some way to blame for the shooting in Arizona that left six dead and Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords injured.
And Levin is putting his money where his mouth is by threatening to take MSNBC hosts and contributors like Chris Matthews, Ed Shultz, Keith Olbermann, Rachel Maddow, Joe Sca...
Radio Host Mark Levin To MSNBC: Im Going To Drag Your Asses To Federal Court.
Radio host Mark Levin is fed up with claims that heated political rhetoric of the sort found on talk radio shows like his are in some way to blame for the shooting in Arizona that left six dead and Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords injured.
And Levin is putting his money where his mouth is by threatening to take MSNBC hosts and contributors like Chris Matthews , Ed Shutlz, Keith Olbermann , Rachel Maddow , Joe Scarborough and David Frumm (“you little weasel”) to federal court for accu...
Mark Levin To MSNBC Crew: Im Going To Drag Your Asses Into Federal Court if You Accuse Me of Inciting Mass Murder in Tucson
deez on Dem Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr: Giffords Shooting an “Act of Terror” Because Loughner is an “Anti-Government Activist”… deez on Dem Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr: Giffords Shooting an “Act of Terror” Because Loughner is an “Anti-Government Activist”… Word to the wise. Don’t mess with Mark Levin. (Mediaite)-Radio host Mark Levin is fed up with claims that heated political Rhetoric of the sort found on Talk Radio shows like his are ...
Mark Levin to Smear Merchants: 'I'm Gonna Drag Your Ass Into Federal Court'
Chris Matthews and Ed Schultz messed with the wrong guy.And Levin is putting his money where his mouth is by threatening to take MSNBC hosts and contributors like Chris Matthews, Ed Shutlz, Keith Olbermann, Rachel Maddow, Joe Scarborough and David Frumm (“you little weasel”) to Federal Court for accusations tying Levin to Loughner’s rampage. “I don’t care if they’re Bloggers,” Levin announced. “I don’t care if they’re television hosts, ...
Mark Levin Threatens to Sue Matthews, Olbermann, Schultz and Anyone Tying Him to Tucscon Shootings
For going on six days, dishonest media members have blamed prominent Conservatives for inciting last Saturday's tragedy in Tucson. Mark Levin: Now I’m going to tell you something. Maybe I shouldn’t, but I will. I’m waiting for an allegation that is very specific against me because I’m going to sue. I don’t care if they’re Bloggers, I don’t care if they’re television hosts, I don’t care if they’re radio hosts. I’m going to drag...
It Wasnt Enough
Hate to get all depressing on a Friday night, but I’m afraid “The Editors” at Esquire correctly assess the chances of civility:
... [T]he most remarkable thing about what happened in Oklahoma City is how little it matters today. The president of the United States gave a fine Speech Wednesday night in Tucson at the memorial for the people Jared Loughner shot. The only mention of Oklahoma City in connection with the president’s Speech was to compare it with the Speech tha...
Mark Levin to liberal media: Blame me for the shooting and get sued
Irresponsible media types began blaming Conservatives for the Tucson shooting almost moments after it happened. But one conservative talker is not going to sit still and take the abuse. Newsbusters' Noel Sheppard reports Friday that conservative Talk Show host and attorney Mark Levin issued a stern warning to liberal media personalities. Anyone who tries to tie him to the shooting will get sued. Now I’m going to tell you something. Maybe I shouldn’t, but I will....
Mark Levin Never Promoted Murder
Jeffrey Lord writes:
Conservative Radio Talk Show host Mark Levin has put out a stunning challenge to those left-wing media personalities accusing conservative Talk Radio stars and Sarah Palin of encouraging Murder. First, he offered $100,000 to Chris Matthews to find any example where Sarah Palin or Levin himself had "promoted the murder of anybody."
Here's an exchange Mark Levin had with a liberal caller to his Radio Show in May 2009:
Mark Levin: Answer me this, are you a married woman? Yes ...
Air Raid (REPOSTED): Why Conservative Talk Radio Succeeds More Than Liberal Talk
EDITOR’s NOTE: This post was mistakenly deleted so it is being reposted.
Air Raid
by Peter Funt
During a recent Radio Interview I was asked why it is that conservative broadcasters are so much more successful than their progressive, or liberal, counterparts.
The question was particularly intriguing considering its source: the host of a progressive Radio Show in Central California.
In terms of audience size, the canyon between right and left on radio’s political spectrum is huge. Top co...
Mark Levin to MSNBC Hosts: Im Gonna Drag Your Ass Into Court
"Somebody has to draw the line, Chris Matthews, Ed Schultz, Keith Olbermann, Rachel Maddow, Joe Scarborough. Test me."...
Is the Right Speechless Without Hate?
- Rush Limbaugh show, 1.13.11 (1:30 p.m. EST) It would be one thing if the quote above had simply come from Rush Limbaugh. It’s quite another for his listeners to confirm it, which is what happened yesterday on his show, with Limbaugh wholeheartedly agreeing, amidst a defensive onslaught of Talk Radio babble that had the right-wing leader hailing Sarah Palin, while pronouncing her a Victim. After Palin dropped “blood Libel” into the American dialogue on the Arizona Terrorism tr...
The Right Word: Rush to judgment | Sadhbh Walshe
Conservative radio hosts, still reeling from the criticism of their incendiary style, took a stab at a more conciliatory approach. "This is mellow Mike Savage, a whole new approach in light of the Arizona problem. We don't want to upset any of the ninnies in Congress, so we're going to do Mellow Mike on the Savage Nation. We don't want the Prozac congressmen to go get a double dose." [Listen to clip.] But his mellow mood could not long withstand news that Republican Congressman Peter King is pla...
Lessons from a witch hunt
I shouldn’t even feel the need to write this, but alas I must. Apart from the lessons from the tragedy in Tucson, there needs to be a retrospective of the reactions and the lessons that we can glean from it. A primary lesson is that of media reaction in and around Washington. CNN in particular is guilty on this one. They are emblematic of the wider problem. Within hours of the shooting, CNN reporters began inserting the fact that Rep. Giffords was one of Sarah Palin...
John Dingell (D-MI) blames Palin, GOP for rhetoric leading to AZ shooting. Flashback: Dingell links tea party to KKK, called rad
Curiously, Dingell said:"I saw the district of Gabrielle Giffords has a crosshairs put on it. As a lifetime rifleman and shooter, I know what crosshairs signify when you put them on somebody and I know what happened.Is he talking about Palin or Daily Kos? The liberal Daily Kos put a bullseye on Giffords in 2008 (via HillBuzz): More from Henry Payne at The Michigan View: Dingell just accused Palin as an accessory to Murder? Yawn.Dingell had previewed his comments Monday when he toured the Detroit...
The Golden Goose and His Smooth-Talking Devils Hit A Speed Bump
This week the media's attention went from the "golden-voiced" celebrity building of Ted Williams to the heated blitzkrieg mission of "blood Libel" against Sarah Palin, the average American Citizen movement of the Tea Party, Talk Radio personalities, etc. (everyone except the authentic lunatic fringe of society who actually sprayed a gathering of innocent people with a full clip of bullets) ... So, I thought I'd bring you up to speed a bit on the Homeless man that grabbed everyone's attention one...
THE PERSECUTION AND Assassination OF Sarah Palin AS PERFORMED BY THE INMATES AT THE Cato Institute UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE REVEREND SUN MYUNG MOON. Lawyers, Guns & Money informs me that the Washington Times has gone Sarah Palin's blood Libel malarkey one better, declaring that recent criticism of La Palin is "simply the latest round of an ongoing Pogrom against conservative thinkers." A pogrom, yet! Their persecution mania was already so far beyond parody that I hardly know what to call this ...
Trying to erase tear down this wall.
It is my first instinct to treat this report of Ronald Reagan Jr’s… commentary… by simply letting it pass by without a response. For those not wishing to click through, the boy (use of term deliberate) is indulging elderly liberal fetishists everywhere by making the claim that his father was suffering from Alzheimer’s as far back as the 1984 debates*, as well as ‘details’ regarding a supposed operation in 1989 that had even the US News & World Report d...
The Progressive Smear Machine Blames the Right Again
Check Michelle's post, "Blame Righty: A Condensed History":
On Monday, as The Progressive smear machine worked overtime to pin the horrific Tucson massacre on Conservatives and to squelch political opposition by targeting Tea Party/limited-government Rhetoric, I published “The progressive “climate of hate:” An illustrated primer, 2000-2010.”
Today’s column provides another primer for the Amnesia-wracked blamestream media on just how widespread the Blame Righty me...
A Climate of Slander
Jan 24, 2011, Vol. 16, No. 18 • By THE SCRAPBOOK Get alerts when there is a new article that might interest you. Liberal pundits suffered a psychotic break last week, metaphorically speaking, of course. When a gunman opened fire on Representative -Gabrielle Giffords and a crowd that had gathered to hear her speak in Tucson, they were certain that Conservatives must, somehow, be to blame. So the liberal intelligentsia rushed to erect a gallows in the public square (metaphorically speaking, a...
Imus Rips 'Angry,' 'Vile,' 'Psycho,' 'Spittle-spewing' Chris Matthews
As NewsBusters previously reported, Chris Matthews on Tuesday blamed conservative Talk Radio hosts Mark Levin and Michael Savage for supposedly creating the climate of hate that led to Saturday's shootings in Tucson, Arizona. You must login to comment. The Fox Nation is for those opposed to intolerance, excessive government control of our lives, and attempts to monopolize opinion or suppress freedom of thought, expression, and worship. Read more... We invite all Americans who share these values ...
Mark Levin Threatens to Sue Matthews, Olbermann, Schultz and Anyone Tying Him to Tucson Shootings
Via NewsBustersAccording to the American Spectator, Levin moments before this issued a challenge to Matthews:"I challenge Chris Matthews, I'll put $100,000 on the table, to find any example where Sarah Palin has promoted the Murder of anybody," said Levin -- specifically excluding Terrorists and the Taliban.
Levin went on: "A hundred thousand on the table if Chris Matthews can find anywhere Mark Levin has urged the Murder of people who have different political viewpoints. That's the Murder of ...
Imus Rips 'Angry,' 'Vile,' 'Psycho,' 'Spittle-spewing' Chris Matthews for Attacking Mark Levin
As NewsBusters previously reported, Chris Matthews on Tuesday blamed conservative Talk Radio hosts Mark Levin and Michael Savage for supposedly creating the climate of hate that led to Saturday's shootings in Tucson, Arizona....
Radio Host Mark Levin Challenges Chris Matthews, Threatens To Sue Any MSNBC Host
Conservative radio host Mark Levin is tired of baseless accusations being hurled at himself and at Sarah Palin, and is now putting some money up in a challenge specifically to MSNBC host Chris Matthews.
Levin said on his Radio Show, “I challenge Chris Matthews, I’ll put $100,000 on the table, to find any example where Sarah Palin has promoted the Murder of anybody.” And the same offer exists if Matthews can find an example where Levin himself advocated for the Murder of a poli...
Mark Levin Challenges Chris Matthews, Threatens To Sue (Audio)
Levin: “I challenge Chris Matthews, I’ll put $100,000 on the table, to find any example where Sarah Palin has promoted the Murder of anybody.” And the same offer exists if Matthews can find an example where Levin himself advocated for the Murder of a politician or of anyone who disagrees with him politically.
"Anybody who accuses me of inciting mass Murder in Tucson Arizona is gonna be sued, period"..."You think I'm kidding, try me"
Video of Dem Congressman Brad Sherman: If Violent Rhetoric Didnt Cause This Shooting, It Will Cause Next One
Let's just refresh Sherman's memory:
“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” Obama in July 2008
“We’re gonna punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us.” Obama to Latinos, October 2010
"I think it's tempting not to negotiate with hostage takers, unless the hostage gets harmed. In this case the hostage is the...
Fancy Washington DC Dinners Aren't Masking China Issues
Governor Robert Bentley Apologizes For Inauguration Talk
House GOP Passes Healthcare Reform Repeal, Urges Debate
Philly Abortion Doc Killed 7 In Barbaric Fashion
Obama Orders Rules' Review To Boost Job Creation
Mr. Obama: Whither Your Anti-Bush Foreign Policy
How An Ex-President Gets Into A Mayoral Election
Camden, N.J. Cuts Overworked Police Force In Two
Barack Obama And Hu Jintao Set For Talks On China
Joe Lieberman, Having Gone Indie, Now Going Home
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