Health Insurance: WASHINGTON — House Republicans plan this week to fulfill a Tea Party movement priority: trying to Repeal the Health Care law passed by Democrats last year.
PHOTOS: Gabrielle Giffords in pictures
But the pace and Rhetoric of the drive have cooled in recent days, with lawmakers shaken by the attack on a colleague who backed the new law.
VIDEOS: Gabrielle Giffords in videos
GOP leaders acknowledge that the Senate is certain to block a Repeal of the health overhaul championed by President Obama, but they vowed to make good on their resolution to challenge it in the R...
Health care overhaul's foes ease back from opposition
Related: Question looms on WTC health act: Who is covered? WASHINGTON • As lawmakers shaken by the shooting of a colleague return to the Health Care debate, an Associated Press-GfK poll finds that raw feelings over President Barack Obama's overhaul have subsided. Ahead of a vote on Repeal in the GOP-led House this week, strong opposition to the law stands at 30 percent, close to the Lowest Level registered in AP-GfK surveys dating to September 2009. The nation is divided over the law, but...
AP-GfK Poll: Opposition to health care law eases (AP)
WASHINGTON – As lawmakers shaken by the shooting of a colleague return to the Health Care debate, an Associated Press-GfK poll finds raw feelings over President Barack Obama's overhaul have subsided.
Ahead of a vote on Repeal in the GOP-led House this week, strong opposition to the law stands at 30 percent, close to the Lowest Level registered in AP-GfK surveys dating to September 2009.
The nation is divided over the law, but the strength and intensity of the opposition appear diminished...
Public opinion on health care law rises
Ahead of a vote on Repeal in the GOP-led House this week, strong opposition to the law stands at 30 percent, close to the Lowest Level registered in AP-GfK surveys dating to September 2009. The nation is divided over the law, but the strength and intensity of the opposition appear diminished. The law expands coverage to more than 30 million Uninsured, and would require, for the first time, that most people in the United States carry Health Insurance. The poll finds that 40 percent of those surve...
Health care opponents' passion cools, poll finds
(01-17) 04:00 PST Washington - --
As lawmakers shaken by the shooting of a colleague return to the Health Care debate, an Associated Press-GfK poll finds raw feelings over President Obama's overhaul have subsided.
Ahead of a vote on Repeal in the GOP-led House this week, strong opposition to the law stands at 30 percent, close to the Lowest Level registered in AP-GfK surveys dating to September 2009.
The nation is divided over the law, but the strength and intensity of the opposition appear d...
Healthcare Law a Jobs Killer?
TM NOTE: Texan4Hillary offers his perspective as a movement progressive Activist, weeknights 6 pm EST. Sorry Mr. Speaker, no. The healthcare law is very flawed. The mandate making Americans buy from a cartel is abhorrent. But it does have some redeeming qualities bundled in it and the Right Wing lies on the law must be debunked. The Right’s effort to Repeal the entire thing is outlandish, especially since the mandate is based on the GOP’s own plan for healthcare coverage back in the...
Poll shows raw feelings easing over health law
WASHINGTON — As lawmakers shaken by the shooting of a colleague return to the Health Care debate in Congress, an Associated Press-GfK poll finds raw feelings over President Barack Obama's overhaul have subsided. Ahead of a vote on Repeal in the Republican-controlled House of Representatives this week, strong opposition to the law stands at 30 percent, close to the Lowest Level registered in AP-GfK surveys dating to September 2009. Americans are divided over the law, but the strength ...
House to Debate Spending Later This Week
Yahoo! Buzz Republicans begin the process of trying to slash federal spending this week, on the same day that they seek to roll back President Barack Obamas new health-care law. On Wednesday, as the House debates a Republican proposal to Repeal the new health-care law, the House’s rules committee is scheduled to take up a resolution directing Rep. Paul Ryan (R., Wisc.), chairman of the Budget committee, to set spending for the rest of the year. Democrats complain that spending ...
OVERNIGHT HEALTH: Opposition to reform law dips ahead of repeal vote
Welcome to The Hill's evening roundup of the day's health policy news and advance look at tomorrow's schedule.
On the agenda for Tuesday:
Repeal debate begins: The House on Tuesday will kick off seven hours of debate on a bill to repeal the Healthcare Reform law a day before the chamber is scheduled to vote on the measure. The debate and vote were delayed by a week in the wake of the Arizona shooting. Lawmakers have called for toned-down Rhetoric in ligh...
Repeal vote just the first step
The highly anticipated vote Wednesday to Repeal the Health Care Reform Bill will make headlines and count as a promise kept by House Republicans.
But in the end, it’s really just for show.
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The real work begins immediately afterward, with Republicans using every legislative and political tool at their disposal to wage a two-year campaign against the overhaul. And there won’t be anything subtle about this slow-drip strategy as Republi...
Show Me the Numbers; or, My Response to Tim
Introduction: I started to write an answer to a comment, then when it got a bit long I decided to turn it into a post. I am responding to a comment from Tim, which turns out to have been copied and pasted wholesale from Vox Populi. But here’s my response, addressing Tim:
Tim, there’s much here you don’t seem to understand. Let me see if I can explain it to you in plain English.
First, some background: Congressional Budget Office analysis of the badly named “Patient Prot...
GOP lawmaker targets key health reform provision
A powerful House Republican is setting in motion a congressional challenge to a key provision of the Healthcare Reform law.
Republican Conference Secretary John Carter (R-Texas) is trying to build momentum for a Congressional Review Act (CRA) challenge to a recent Regulation that requires insurers to spend at least 80 percent of their premium dollars (85 percent in the large group market) on healthcare services.
The House GOP majority is expected to approve Legislation Wednesday that would re...
Repeal And Replace Without The Replace
GOP leaders have been calling to "Repeal and replace ObamaCare" for nearly a year now, and over the weekend they revealed they still have absolutely nothing to replace the PPACA with. On Fox News Sunday today, conservative Weekly Standard Editor Bill Kristol could offer only the vaguest of promises about the replacement. When Fox News contributor Juan Williams challenged Kristol to explain “what are you going to replace it with?”, Kristol told Williams not to worry, because there wou...
The Rights You Will Have with Obamacare
With the debate over the Repeal of Obamacare coming up, President Obama and his supporters in Congress are trying to calm the millions of Americans who strongly oppose the law by focusing only on its early sweeteners — including the right of 26-year-old “Children” to stay on their parents’ Insurance, the right to “free” preventive care, and the right of Uninsured people with preexisting conditions to buy coverage. While these provisions are all desirable, they...
Ten benefits Americans will lose if health care reform is repealed
This week the Republicans in the House of Representatives are expected to vote on a bill that would Repeal all of the Health Care reform package passed last year by the Democrats. The Republicans have offered nothing to replace the Affordable Care Act, saying they will instead figure out new solutions in the coming months. While the prospects for Repeal grow much dimmer in the Senate, anything that passes out of the House at least has to be considered seriously. In addition, Re...
Only 1 In 4 Americans Want Health Care Repeal; 43% Want Stronger Reform
The poll finds that 40 percent of those surveyed said they support the law, while 41 percent oppose it. Just after the November congressional Elections, opposition stood at 47 percent and support was 38 percent. As for Repeal, only about one in four say they want to do away with the law completely. Among Republicans support for repeal has dropped sharply, from 61 percent after the elections to 49 percent now. Also, 43 percent say they want the law changed so it does more to re-engineer the healt...
AP poll: Opposition to health care law eases
WASHINGTON -- As lawmakers shaken by the shooting of a colleague return to the Health Care debate, an Associated Press-GfK poll finds raw feelings over President Barack Obama's overhaul have subsided. Ahead of a vote on Repeal in the GOP-led House this week, strong opposition to the law stands at 30 percent, close to the Lowest Level registered in AP-GfK surveys dating to September 2009. The nation is divided over the law, but the strength and intensity of the opposition appear diminished. The...
AP-GfK Poll: Opposition to health care law eases
Source: AP
WASHINGTON (AP) - As lawmakers shaken by the shooting of a colleague return to the Health Care debate, an Associated Press-GfK poll finds raw feelings over President Barack Obama's overhaul have subsided.
Ahead of a vote on Repeal in the GOP-led House this week, strong opposition to the law stands at 30 percent, close to the Lowest Level registered in AP-GfK surveys dating to September 2009.
The nation is divided over the law, but the st...
Opposition to health care law appears less vehement
WASHINGTON — As lawmakers return to the Health Care debate, an Associated Press-GfK poll finds that raw feelings over President Barack Obama's overhaul have subsided. Ahead of a vote on Repeal in the GOP-led House this week, strong opposition to the law stands at 30 percent, close to the lowest level registered in AP-GfK surveys dating to September 2009. The nation is divided over the law, but the strength and intensity of the opposition appear diminished. The law expands coverage to more ...
Emergency Services to Suffer Under ObamaCare
Every shrill wail of an ambulance siren signals the inefficiency of the federal mega-program namely the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA)—ObamaCare. The arrogance and officialdom embodied in the Act are making orphans of emergency medical services (EMS). With the enormous increase in patient coverage proposed in the supposedly all-encompassing act, not enough money is provided for the expected huge increased need for EMS, a Jan. 11 analysis by the National Center for Policy ...
Law professors to defend individual mandate
With a federal District Judge in Florida expected to rule this month on a challenge to a key provision in the Healthcare Reform law, more than 100 legal scholars are defending its constitutionality.
The legal scholars are joining with the left-leaning Center for American Progress and American Constitution Society on Tuesday to voice their belief that the reform law's requirement for individuals to purchase Health Insurance is constitutional.
Opponents of the reform law argue that Congress does...
More about those high risk pools
As a follow-up to an earlier post, my Kaiser Health News high-risk pools piece is now up. Yeah the Pre-existing Condition Insurance plans are problematic, embarrassingly under-funded stop-gap measures. Their inherent complexities create many administrative challenges and glitches. Yet this effort is taking more than its share of cheap shots, too. Conservative health policy expert John Goodman presents one of the toughest critiques. Noting the high-risk pools’ low initial enrollment, he con...
Paul Krugman, Logician
Fresh from falsely accusing Conservatives of inciting mass Murder with metaphors, Paul Krugman has now taken to accusing us of launching a war on logic. He has come to this conclusion, he notes in today’s column, because Conservatives insist that the health-care bill enacted last year will not reduce the Deficit, and that repealing it will. Krugman points to a House Republican analysis of the costs of the health-care bill and then insists that the first and foremost argument in that analys...
McCain's Lament
To be fair this is probably the most gracious op-ed McCain has ever written. Most people are quoting the positive remarks he made about President Obama being a real American with the best interests of the country at heart. But much of it still falls into whiny old codger territory. Like this bit:
Political leaders are not and cannot reasonably be expected to be indifferent to the cruelest calumnies aimed at their character. Imagine how it must feel to have watched one week ago the incomprehen...
Political truce ends as Republicans eye health fight
Ending a political truce decreed after a bloody attack on one of their own, lawmakers plunge back into the fray this week with Republicans taking on the White House on Health Care and spending. US President Barack Obama's foes have set the stage for a vote Wednesday to Repeal his signature Health Care overhaul and were to step up their efforts to tighten the government's belt even as they agree to raise the US Debt ceiling. Republican House Speaker John Boehner, speaking to his party's annual ...
GOP lacks clear health-care plan
With the House preparing to vote this week on whether to Repeal the health-care law, the chamber's new Republican majority is confronting a far more delicate task: forging its own path to expand medical coverage and curb costs.
This Story
GOP lacks clear health-care plan
Democrats mount second sales pitch on health-care law as Republicans seek repeal
House clears way for health-care Repeal vote
GOP outlines plan to Repeal Health Care overhaul
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