Public Opinion: Ahead of a vote on Repeal in the GOP-led House this week, strong opposition to the law stands at 30 percent, close to the Lowest Level registered in AP-GfK surveys dating to September 2009.
PHOTOS: Gabrielle Giffords in pictures
The nation is divided over the law, but the strength and intensity of the opposition appear diminished.
VIDEOS: Gabrielle Giffords in videos
The law expands coverage to more than 30 million Uninsured, and would require, for the first time, that most people in the United States carry Health Insurance. The poll finds that 40 percent of those surve...
AP-GfK Poll: Opposition to health care law eases (AP)
WASHINGTON – As lawmakers shaken by the shooting of a colleague return to the Health Care debate, an Associated Press-GfK poll finds raw feelings over President Barack Obama's overhaul have subsided.
Ahead of a vote on Repeal in the GOP-led House this week, strong opposition to the law stands at 30 percent, close to the Lowest Level registered in AP-GfK surveys dating to September 2009.
The nation is divided over the law, but the strength and intensity of the opposition appear diminished...
Health care opponents' passion cools, poll finds
(01-17) 04:00 PST Washington - --
As lawmakers shaken by the shooting of a colleague return to the Health Care debate, an Associated Press-GfK poll finds raw feelings over President Obama's overhaul have subsided.
Ahead of a vote on Repeal in the GOP-led House this week, strong opposition to the law stands at 30 percent, close to the Lowest Level registered in AP-GfK surveys dating to September 2009.
The nation is divided over the law, but the strength and intensity of the opposition appear d...
Health care overhaul's foes ease back from opposition
Related: Question looms on WTC health act: Who is covered? WASHINGTON • As lawmakers shaken by the shooting of a colleague return to the Health Care debate, an Associated Press-GfK poll finds that raw feelings over President Barack Obama's overhaul have subsided. Ahead of a vote on Repeal in the GOP-led House this week, strong opposition to the law stands at 30 percent, close to the Lowest Level registered in AP-GfK surveys dating to September 2009. The nation is divided over the law, but...
Public opposition to health overhaul seen as easing
WASHINGTON — House Republicans plan this week to fulfill a Tea Party movement priority: trying to Repeal the Health Care law passed by Democrats last year. But the pace and Rhetoric of the drive have cooled in recent days, with lawmakers shaken by the attack on a colleague who backed the new law.
GOP leaders acknowledge that the Senate is certain to block a Repeal of the health overhaul championed by President Obama, but they vowed to make good on their resolution to challenge it in the R...
GOP seeks alternatives to Obama health care law
WASHINGTON -- Preparing to re-engage with President Barack Obama, House Republicans have set themselves a more ambitious goal than simply wiping out the sweeping Health Care overhaul signed into law last March. When they take up the much-anticipated Repeal resolution Tuesday and Wednesday, GOP lawmakers also will begin crafting an alternative with the goal of reducing Insurance Premiums, expanding coverage, preserving Medicare and holding down taxes. Although they will be mindful of the call f...
Healthcare Law a Jobs Killer?
TM NOTE: Texan4Hillary offers his perspective as a movement progressive Activist, weeknights 6 pm EST. Sorry Mr. Speaker, no. The healthcare law is very flawed. The mandate making Americans buy from a cartel is abhorrent. But it does have some redeeming qualities bundled in it and the Right Wing lies on the law must be debunked. The Right’s effort to Repeal the entire thing is outlandish, especially since the mandate is based on the GOP’s own plan for healthcare coverage back in the...
Does new debate give Dems a second chance to sell health care reform?
WASHINGTON--Rep. Joe Courtney recently found himself testifying before a House committee about a family physician from Hebron who, thanks to small-business Tax Credits included in the Health Care reform law, will be getting a $4,000 break this year.
Rep. Rosa DeLauro was at the Milford Senior Center last week highlighting the health overhaul's benefits for seniors, including free access to preventive care and a $250 rebate for prescription drug coverage.
It is the Republicans who have pushed h...
Health law: Experts cast doubt on 'job-killing' label
WASHINGTON — Despite what Republicans say, the health-care law isn't necessarily a job killer, experts say.
Republicans have titled their effort to overturn the law the "Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act," and that's their favorite talking point against it. The House will start debate on Repeal Tuesday and probably vote Wednesday.
Saying the law is a job killer doesn't necessarily make it one, however, and independent experts say such a conclusion is at least premature, if no...
Appeal Blasts Unprecedented Expansion of Health Care Law
The latest legal salvo in the judicial fight over the Health Care reform law was fired Monday when lawyers from Liberty University filed their appeal blasting a Virginia judge's ruling upholding the law and filed just a couple of weeks before another Federal Judge from Virginia said President Obama's hallmark Legislation is Unconstitutional. Echoing the concerns expressed in a couple of dozen Lawsuits across the country, Liberty's challenge argues the Individual Mandate of the Patient Protection...
Is health care law really a 'job killer'? Experts doubt it
WASHINGTON — Despite what Republicans say, the 2010 Health Care law isn't necessarily a job killer.
Republicans have titled their effort to overturn the law the "Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act," and that's their favorite talking point against it. The House of Representatives will start debate on Repeal Tuesday and probably vote Wednesday.
Saying that the law is a job killer doesn't necessarily make it one, however, and independent experts say that suc...
Law professors to defend individual mandate
With a federal District Judge in Florida expected to rule this month on a challenge to a key provision in the Healthcare Reform law, more than 100 legal scholars are defending its constitutionality.
The legal scholars are joining with the left-leaning Center for American Progress and American Constitution Society on Tuesday to voice their belief that the reform law's requirement for individuals to purchase Health Insurance is constitutional.
Opponents of the reform law argue that Congress does...
Public support for health care repeal plummets: AP poll
A survey by Gallup found that on Jan. 7, one day before the shootings, Americans supported Repeal by a margin of 46 to 40 percent. But the nation remains deeply divided over the law. Overall, 40 percent in the AP-GfK poll said they support it, while 41 percent were less than pleased, some of whom thought it doesn't go far enough. The shift in Public Opinion doesn't appear likely to sway the outcome of a Repeal vote slated for this week. The GOP bill, titled "Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care...
Daschle, Frist join forces on reform
Former Senate Majority Leaders Tom Daschle and Bill Frist are hoping to achieve at the state level what federal lawmakers weren’t able to do: Bipartisan health reform.
“We realize that the bulk of the work has to be done at the state level,” Daschle told Politico. “We want to work in a constructive way to ensure all the tremendous challenges, including the creation of the exchanges and the availability of the new Insurance possibilities for millions of Americans, can be...
The GOP's lack of a healthcare plan
According to the Washington Post, the GOP lacks a plan for
The House's GOP leaders have made clear that they regard the Repeal vote, scheduled to begin Tuesday, as the prelude to a two-prong strategy that is likely to last throughout the year, or longer.
They intend to take apart some of the sprawling law, which Democrats pushed through Congress last year, piece by piece before major aspects of it go into effect. At the same time, Republicans say, they will come up with their own plan to revise...
House to Debate Spending Later This Week
Yahoo! Buzz Republicans begin the process of trying to slash federal spending this week, on the same day that they seek to roll back President Barack Obamas new health-care law. On Wednesday, as the House debates a Republican proposal to Repeal the new health-care law, the House’s rules committee is scheduled to take up a resolution directing Rep. Paul Ryan (R., Wisc.), chairman of the Budget committee, to set spending for the rest of the year. Democrats complain that spending ...
What to expect from this weeks vote to repeal the health care law
Chris Moody is a political reporter for the Daily Caller from San Diego, California. Before joining the Daily Caller, Moody was the Manager of New Media at a Think Tank in Washington DC, a freelance writer and a commercial Fisherman in Alaska. He is currently a graduate Student at Johns Hopkins University and lives in downtown Washington DC. A warning to C-SPAN junkies: With a House vote coming this week on Health Care reform Repeal, prepare to relive a year’s worth of Health Care speeches...
Poll shows raw feelings easing over health law
WASHINGTON — As lawmakers shaken by the shooting of a colleague return to the Health Care debate in Congress, an Associated Press-GfK poll finds raw feelings over President Barack Obama's overhaul have subsided. Ahead of a vote on Repeal in the Republican-controlled House of Representatives this week, strong opposition to the law stands at 30 percent, close to the Lowest Level registered in AP-GfK surveys dating to September 2009. Americans are divided over the law, but the strength ...
OVERNIGHT HEALTH: Opposition to reform law dips ahead of repeal vote
Welcome to The Hill's evening roundup of the day's health policy news and advance look at tomorrow's schedule.
On the agenda for Tuesday:
Repeal debate begins: The House on Tuesday will kick off seven hours of debate on a bill to repeal the Healthcare Reform law a day before the chamber is scheduled to vote on the measure. The debate and vote were delayed by a week in the wake of the Arizona shooting. Lawmakers have called for toned-down Rhetoric in ligh...
Column: Looking back at health-care reform from 2030
Good morning, class. Today's topic, as you know, is "The Evolution of the American Health-Care System" between 2010 and 2030. Before we begin, either turn off your iGlasses or make sure they're not set to holographically project whatever you're daydreaming. I did not like last week's glimpse into Alexa's subconscious. As you're aware, 2010 was a turning point for the American health-care system: The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was signed into law. It was a clunky piece of legislat...
House GOP Prepares to Override Wishes of 70%+ of Americans on Health Care
This week, House Republican'ts are planning to vote on repealing Health Care reform Legislation. Of course, the whole thing's a charade, for two reasons: 1) it has no chance of getting through the Senate or being signed into law by President Obama; 2) Republicans have no Health Care plan of their own (not counting the one they're about to vote on, which is largely modeled after the Republicans' 1993/94 alternative to what they called "Hillarycare"). But be that as it may, Republicans are moving...
The Rights You Will Have with Obamacare
With the debate over the Repeal of Obamacare coming up, President Obama and his supporters in Congress are trying to calm the millions of Americans who strongly oppose the law by focusing only on its early sweeteners — including the right of 26-year-old “Children” to stay on their parents’ Insurance, the right to “free” preventive care, and the right of Uninsured people with preexisting conditions to buy coverage. While these provisions are all desirable, they...
Preview of the New Civility
Out of respect for Tuscon Victims, House Republicans have downgraded their designation of Health Care reform from "job-killing" to "job-crushing" and "job-destroying."
But with this new verbal sensitivity, John Boehner is insisting, "No act of violence is going to keep us from doing our jobs and representing the will of our constituents. The American People have made it clear they want us to focus on cutting spending and removing barriers to job creation."
This would be impressive if it were no...
Obama health care reform: Is it really 'job killing'?
More than a year’s worth of GOP scare tactics about Health Care reform now appear to be unfounded, partisan politics. There were no Death Panels, as Sarah Palin claimed. It is not a ‘job killing’ bill, as House Speaker, John Boehner claims. In reality, Health Care reform will actually create jobs in the Health Care industry. Furthermore, Congressional Budget Office data finds that Obama care will reduce the federal Deficit. Politico reports health Insurance Industry insiders ar...
Opposition to health care law appears less vehement
WASHINGTON — As lawmakers return to the Health Care debate, an Associated Press-GfK poll finds that raw feelings over President Barack Obama's overhaul have subsided. Ahead of a vote on Repeal in the GOP-led House this week, strong opposition to the law stands at 30 percent, close to the lowest level registered in AP-GfK surveys dating to September 2009. The nation is divided over the law, but the strength and intensity of the opposition appear diminished. The law expands coverage to more ...
AP-GfK Poll: Opposition to health care law eases
Source: AP
WASHINGTON (AP) - As lawmakers shaken by the shooting of a colleague return to the Health Care debate, an Associated Press-GfK poll finds raw feelings over President Barack Obama's overhaul have subsided.
Ahead of a vote on Repeal in the GOP-led House this week, strong opposition to the law stands at 30 percent, close to the Lowest Level registered in AP-GfK surveys dating to September 2009.
The nation is divided over the law, but the st...
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