Health Care: A survey by Gallup found that on Jan. 7, one day before the shootings, Americans supported Repeal by a margin of 46 to 40 percent.
PHOTOS: Barack Obama in pictures
But the nation remains deeply divided over the law.
VIDEOS: Barack Obama in videos
Overall, 40 percent in the AP-GfK poll said they support it, while 41 percent were less than pleased, some of whom thought it doesn't go far enough. The shift in Public Opinion doesn't appear likely to sway the outcome of a Repeal vote slated for this week. The GOP bill, titled "Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care...
Independent analysis debunks false GOP claims about health reform
The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, a group with a reputation for producing materials that are balanced, authoritative, and accessible to non-specialists, has released a study of the claims central to the debate on repealing health reform that will reopen in the House this week. The short answer is that the CBO analysis is deemed accurate while Republican claims to the contrary are deemed inaccurate. At issue is the pending bill to Repeal "job killing" Health Care reform, a bill who's ve...
Don't Forget 'Replace'
I am one of roughly 200 Economists and other experts to sign an Open Letter expressing concern over the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) and arguing that the economic and budgetary outlook would be improved by Repeal. Proponents of the PPACA are stridently making the case that repeal means that Children and others with preexisting conditions will never get Insurance policies, that seniors will pay too much for their drugs, and that Insurance Companies will run roughshod over th...
Boehner: 'Job Killing' Health Care Bill Now 'Job Crushing,' 'Job Destroying'
WASHINGTON -- Republicans pushing to Repeal President Barack Obama's Health Care overhaul warn that 650,000 jobs will be lost if the law is allowed to stand.
But the widely cited estimate by House GOP leaders is shaky. It's the latest creative use of statistics in the Health Care debate, which has seen plenty of examples from both sides.
Republicans originally called their thumbs-down Legislation the "Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act." Postponed after the Mass Shootings in Tucson,...
Republicans under attack for attempting to repeal health care
Washington (CNN) - The liberal Advocacy Group Americans United for Change released a new ad on Tuesday calling out those members of Congress who are attempting to Repeal the Health Care bill. Watch the full video HERE. This commercial arrives in the wake of a symbolic effort by some Republicans to Repeal Health Care Legislation. Publicly recording their dissent of the Affordable Care Act would satisfy a campaign promise made by many in the GOP, since Republicans do not have the votes needed in t...
White House Steps Up Defense Of Health Care Reform
With the GOP-controlled House of Representatives set to vote to Repeal Health Care reform this week, the Obama Administration is intensifying a public campaign to reframe the fight over the law: making it one in which Republicans are villains, trying to rescind benefits the Affordable Care Act provides people. One of those benefits is a ban on Discrimination against people with pre-existing health conditions.
A report from the Department of Health and Human Services, published today, concludes...
Wonkbook: Health-care debate, round two
Health-care reform isn't getting repealed this week. It's getting re-debated. The GOP's control of the House -- and thus of at least some of the agenda -- gives them a second opportunity to make their case against the bill. It also, however, puts the Republicans in a position Democrats will recognize immediately: They're behind a specific piece of health-care Legislation with sweeping implications, some of which are popular, and many of which are not. In the coming days, Americans will hear a lo...
Have Republicans read the health care bill they are about to repeal?
During the Health Care reform debate of 2009-2010 opponents of the Health Care Reform Bill frequently asked "Have you read the bill?" The question was aimed at attacking the complexity of the Health Care reform bill, which ended up being over 2,300 pages long. Lost in the debate was the fact that legislators nearly always rely on their aides to inform them of the provisions of every bill. In addition, the bill was so long in large part because it quoted old laws that it was cha...
On the Radar: Health care debate, Giffords' condition, Chinese leader's visit
House to debate Health Care Repeal - Floor debate over whether to quash health care reform kicks off Tuesday in the House of Representatives. Lawmakers are expected to vote this week. The measure likely will pass the Republican-led House but is believed to have little chance of clearing the Democratic-controlled Senate or surviving a presidential Veto. Republicans acknowledge it's an uphill battle to achieve an outright repeal, but they suggest they'll attempt to defund...
Bad Polls Are No Reason to Retreat
As the House Republicans move to vote on repealing President Obama’s health-care law, they have received some bad news in the form of two polls showing a lack of interest in Repeal. According to an AP poll, only one in four Americans want full Repeal. And a USA Today/Gallup Poll found that 32 percent of Americans want to repeal the bill. Republicans are unlikely to let these recent figures change their plans to hold the vote on Repeal. Both of these numbers are down from earlier polls, and...
Connecting health care and jobs
CONNECTING Health Care AND JOBS.... In a great example of farcical Rhetoric, House Republicans have named their health care bill the "Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act," as part of a silly campaign to argue the law is responsible for Job Losses.
Just at the surface level, the charge is transparently false. Since the Affordable Care Act was signed into law, the Private Sector has added 1.1 million jobs. Roughly a fifth of that total -- more than 200,000 -- were jobs created in the h...
Obamacare Repeal Will Kill People, Shrieks House Dem
GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, HOST: Our next guest is a Democratic congressman who says repealing the Health Care law would lead to more Americans dying. Apparently, this is why the two parties have a hard time agreeing. Congressman John Garamendi joins us live. You and the other congressman are quite far apart on this. REP. JOHN GARAMENDI, D-CALIF.: Yes, we are. VAN SUSTEREN: Indeed, you are. All right, why do you say repealing it would cause more Americans to die? GARAMENDI: Well, we know that over the ...
Health care repeal vote just GOP's first step (Politico)
The highly anticipated vote Wednesday to Repeal the Health Care reform bill will make headlines and count as a promise kept by House Republicans.
But in the end, it’s really just for show.
The real work begins immediately afterward, with Republicans using every legislative and political tool at their disposal to wage a two-year campaign against the overhaul. And there won’t be anything subtle about this slow-drip strategy as Republicans aim to erode public confidence in the law a...
Repeal vs. reform
Today, the House of Representatives will begin debate on Legislation repealing the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. That makes for a bracingly clarifying choice. America will either have a package of reforms that we've studied quite thoroughly or a status quo we know all too well. So what would a world without the health-care bill look like? 1. In 2019, there will be 32 million Americans who don't have Health Insurance, but would have had it under reform: There are a lot of questions ...
Is repealing health care about health, or presidential election?
The House of Representatives begins debate this morning on H.R. 2 or as its named, "Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act." co-sponsored by Representative Steve King, a republican from Iowa and Representative Michele Bachmann, a republican from Minnesota. The bill's goal is to Repeal President Obama's health care reform Legislation of last year. But with President Obama still in office and sure to Veto any Legislation the bill seems largely a symbolic effort. Even amo...
The trouble for Boehner is...
... The American public has changed its mind about "Obamacare." Plenty of Bloggers picked up on this even before the midterms. Now it's official.
As House Republicans plan to Repeal the Healthcare Reform law this week, strong opposition to the law fell to the Lowest Levels in more than a year, according to a new poll. Thirty percent strongly oppose the reform law, the lowest percentage since September 2009, when Congress was still crafting the Legislation. ...The Hi...
HHS: 1/2 Have Preexisting Conditions
From a water-carrying Washington Post:
With House set to debate healthcare, government finds up to half of Americans under 65 have preexisting conditions
By Amy Goldstein
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
As many as 129 million Americans under age 65 have medical problems that are red flags for Health Insurers , according to an analysis that marks the government’s first attempt to quantify the number of people at risk of being rejected by Insurance Companies or paying more for coverage.
The sec...
Report: Half of Americans have preexisting conditions
The government's newfound civility is about to face its first big test. As Republicans prepare to start re-debating Health Care reform , a federal survey out today will give them something to talk about: the number of Americans excluded from private coverage because of preexisting conditions. According to the report, up to 129 million people --or half of Americans under 65-- are ineligible for Health Insurance because they suffer from illnesses that "major insurers consider a basis to charge cus...
Jon Stewart takes on the empty health care reform rhetoric (Video)
This week the Republicans plan to pass a bill repealing Health Care reform with their majority in the House of Representatives. Rather than call the bill the “Repealing Health Care Reform Act” or even the “Repealing ObamaCare Act” the GOP went further in calling the bill the “Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act.” The practice of naming a bill persuasively is nearly as old as Legislation itself. The Democrats named their Health Care ...
Adventures in Idiocy: Worst Letters to the Editor from the Holiday Weekend (Pt. 3 of 4)
So…uh…Sunday’s paper? There weren’t actually any terrible letters to the editor. Seriously, I’m as shocked as you are. In place of a Sunday letter, I’ll just link to the November 11, 2010, Adventures in Idiocy that I wrote. You must be logged in to post a comment. Yesterday, the Congressional Budget Office released its estimates on the costs that would accompany a full Repeal of Healthcare Reform. The New... 2012: Huck’s National Ad Campaign ...
GOP advancing health care repeal without its friends
GOP ADVANCING Health Care Repeal WITHOUT ITS FRIENDS.... After a week-long break, House Republicans will get back to work today, renewing their admittedly-pointless effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act. The vote, which will likely come tomorrow, isn't hard to predict -- the House will easily approve the repeal measure -- but even supporters know the bill will promptly fade into oblivion soon after.
What's more interesting is how little Republicans' ostensible allies are doing to give them ...
Democrats see opportunity in repeal debate
As the floor debate over healthcare Repeal gets underway in the House Tuesday, many Democrats see it as an opportunity to re-pitch the law's more popular components.
Ahead of another campaign cycle where "yes" votes on healthcare are likely to still haunt the campaigns of some Democrats in the House and Senate, expect Democrats to try and use the coming debate as a chance to correct the messaging that fell flat on its face two years ago.
"Our biggest failure was that we passed a fairly mo...
New Ad: GOP Wants To Repeal Health Benefits That Mirror Their Own
A new cable TV ad, running nationwide on CNN and in D.C. on all news channels, highlights the fact that Republicans want to Repeal a law that provides regular people the same health benefits they receive as members of Congress.
"The Affordable Care Act gave your family the same health protections members of Congress get," the ad says. "But Republicans want to take that protection away from your family."
Complete with sad-looking baby in the background!
The segment was produced by the advocacy ...
Repealing Health Care Law Would Be Anti-Veteran
On Wednesday, the Majority Leadership in the House will make good on their promise to bring up for a vote a bill that Repeals the Health Care reform law that passed last year. Let me be clear - a vote for repeal will be a vote to deny many Veterans access to affordable Health Insurance. That's why my first act as the Interim Chairman of was to launch this petition calling on the House to defeat the repeal.
As an attorney, I'm lucky to have the ability to get Insurance. As a veter...
Public Health Care Reform Opposition Withers
Opposition to the law remains strongest among Republicans: 71% say they are against it, compared with 35% of Independents and 19% of Democrats. Republicans won control of the House partly on their promise to Repeal what they call "ObamaCare." But as the House prepares to vote on Repeal this week, public support for that has flagged. Only about 1 in 4 respondents said they wanted to do away with the law completely. Even among Republicans, Repeal draws markedly less support than it did a few week...
Liberal group ad calls for Republicans to vote against healthcare repeal
The same day that the House of Representatives is set to begin the floor debate on repealing the Obama Administration's Healthcare Reform law, a liberal interest group is airing an ad calling for Americans to rally against Repeal.
The ad, created by Americans United for Change, argues that Americans have the same healthcare benefits as members of Congress under the Affordable Care Act, which repeal of the act would take away.
"The Affordable Care Act gave your family the same coverage that me...
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I like gays. Ask my gay servant. He lives in my shed because I deny him health care as I consider gayness to be a pre-existing condition .